Phobia of throwing up... Opinions if VSG is for me?

on 11/9/13 3:48 am
VSG on 05/06/14
I have extreme anxiety about vomiting. If someone in my family gets the stomach flu, I get very anxious and obsessively clean.

I'm wondering if the fear of vomiting would make me a successful candidate for this surgery or not. Maybe the fear of vomiting would keep me strict on my food plan, or if I have difficulties with vomiting, I could become an anxious mess. Opinions? How often are you/were you sick?

Sandy M.
on 11/9/13 3:50 am - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

I'm 6 months out and have never even come close to vomiting.  

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



Sandy M.
on 11/9/13 4:29 am - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

Okay, so let me take that back - I did have the dry heaves in the hospital from the narcotics; but never from eating!

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



on 11/11/13 7:53 am

I had dry heaves in the hospital, scared me more than anything but not painful or anything.  I have had two episodes of vomiting.  I will be frank here, so forgive me.  Prior to surgery I was a pro at vomiting.  Now, I dread it and work very hard to avoid putting myself in a situation that may cause vomiting.  I have pretty much given up eating hamburger because in both instances that was the culprit. 

But, my advice.  Get counseling and do not let it be a barrier.  The improvement in my health and happiness is staggering.  You will adjust if you make it a personal goal.

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 11/9/13 4:03 am

I had very little trouble with nausea.   I am 6 months post surgery, and I only vomited once.  I've felt "unsettled" and there were weeks when the thought of eating made me "queasy" but it didn't cause vomiting.

The recovery process isn't fun, but its not terrible.  I'm not sure how much it would bother you.


Good luck with your decision and best wishes,



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


on 11/9/13 4:20 am, edited 11/9/13 4:24 am - OK
VSG on 07/05/13

I only threw up when I ate too many carrots too quickly.  It was my own fault, and I've never done that again.   But even that wasn't bad.  I've never thrown up that easily in my life.


 Starting weight: 320       Goal weight: 145      Surgery Weight: 298      Current weight: 215         Check out my blog at

Weight loss month 1-22  2-13  3-12  4-16  5-4  6-0  7-7  8-6



on 11/9/13 4:41 am
VSG on 04/21/12
Carrots and roast have gotten me. I am 18 months out. I either ate too much or too fast. The thing about it is that it isnt like real puke. This is pretty gory but it comes up the same way it went down. No yucky smell and not digested. It is like you just spit it out of your mouth. Hope this helps!
on 11/9/13 5:03 am - St Petersburg, FL
The thing is with any surgery you get you will most likely throw up at least once. I think we all have that one time where we're still learning and we eat just a Lil too much. With any restrictive surgery if you overeat your stomach is not equipped to deal with it so the food has to go somewhere. Hope this is helpful, just being honest. In my two years I've probably thrown up twice and it was all my fault. But keep in mind if you're thinking about gastric bypass you have to deal with dumping syndrome in that case. Which honestly it's strange they say we don't get it because if i overeat, especially simple carbs/sugar I will get a dumping syndrome feel though probably not as bad as they do. Idk. Anyway, best of luck on your decision.
on 11/9/13 6:27 am

Had sleeve on july 30, 2013, I  had nausea post op, controlled by Zophran, Had an infection 1 month post op, had horribe nausea, again controlled by Zophran...I only "spit up"  clear, thick fluid, never food.   Doctor should prescribe anti nausea meds.  I feel nausea if I eat too much or too fast, nausea is rare now. Good luck

on 11/9/13 7:03 am - TN
VSG on 06/19/13

I am almost five months out and have not been nauseated or thrown up even once. I follow my doctor's very strict eating plan religiously and that probably helps a lot.

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