X-Post Fell off the wagon today, bad

Linda B.
on 10/30/13 2:12 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Well, I have been living mostly sugar free for almost two years (I started when DH got his sleeve 12/11), but today, I gave into temptation big time. I saw someone with a fabulous looking gourmet cupcake from a shop near the skating rink, and...well I ate one. Not a mini one, but a regular sized, loaded with sugar, decadent cupcake. Oh boy, was it delicious, but, I felt like crap about 10 minutes later. I knew it would make me feel like crap, but I ate it anyway.

I know that when you eat healthy and your body gets used to being fed with high quality food, and then you feed it garbage, it will not be happy. Lesson learned. Now, if Quest could just come up with a red velvet bar....

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

(deactivated member)
on 10/30/13 2:24 pm

OK, so now what?  You are not allowed to beat yourself up over it.  You just start right now, this very second, eating healthy again.  If you have the energy, you might also take a look at what you were telling yourself about why it was OK to eat the cupcake now.  See if those thoughts are valid.  Is this something you want to do again, or is it change worthy behavior?  Only you know the answer to this question.  The cupcake can be just a cupcake or the door to hell.  You decide now and with  your very next meal which it is going to be for you.  Just remember, you might also crave carbs for the next 48 hours or so.  How do you want to handle it? 

Linda B.
on 10/30/13 3:03 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Already decided, I am not letting a one time slip turn into a slippery slope. When looking at what was going through my mind, I was telling myself, I am in maintenance, one cupcake won't hurt. Well, maybe not the calories in the grand scheme of things, but my body sure didn't like it. In hindsight, I am glad I didn't feel well after I ate it, that is good incentive to not do it again.

I actually consider myself fortunate that the crappy feeling I get when I eat garbage food has not gone away. There are many who come to the forum who don't get sick when they eat sugar or other junk food. Now that I know that this will still happen, it will help me not give in the next time.

As for the cravings, oh yea, they are there. I have some Greek yogurt in the fridge, and some homemade zucchini chips (made in my dehydrator) in the cabinet. Time to carb detox, learn from my mistake, and move forward.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

(deactivated member)
on 10/30/13 3:17 pm

Excellent.  You might consider increasing your fat intake for the next two days to get past the cravings.  It really works well for me and I don't have to white knuckle it when I do it.  Not much is needed, but just enough to add flavor to the food. 

Linda B.
on 10/30/13 3:23 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Thanks for the tip, I didn't know that a little extra fat could help with that. Fortunately, that cupcake shop is an hour away. While it is close to the skating rink, I am not going to be back down there until next week. I should be back to "normal" by then.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 10/30/13 3:10 pm - CA

Hi Linda- It sounds like you are already back on the wagon!  You and Mike are just a great example for all of us and for each other.  I don't think you will be walking into that cupcake shop again.  Good for you for being so aware of the way that pile of sugar made you feel!  It will help you next time you are tempted!

putting one foot in front of the other...        
Linda B.
on 10/30/13 3:25 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Thank Kim. You are right. Alcoholics need to avoid bars, and I need to avoid bakeries. 

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 10/30/13 3:52 pm
VSG on 12/05/13

Pick yourself up and keep on moving as long as it does not become a habit you should be fine. Congrats on reaching your goal weight.

on 10/31/13 2:50 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Congrats on turning this around. It has take me 8 Months,of eating sugar and feeling crappy,heart racing,loose stool and stinky gas to finally get a grip on my sugar addiction. I am finally getting it.

When the sugar addiction had the upper hand,I could tell myself you are going to feel terrible,your heart is gonna race big time,etc etc etc,the whole time I was biting into said addictive substance.

I have finally gotten to the point that recalling the terrible feeling and lying or sitting with my heart racing,and have been able to avoid the temptation. Will it last forever? Probably not. But every day that I am successful is another day of power to be successful the next day.

I would go miles out of my way,if I was you,to not to have to even drive by the bakery. I go all over the Costco trying to avoid their free offerings. I go down aisles wherei don't even need things just to avoid temptation.

You got this one and aim proud of you and rooting for. You every day.




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