2 days post op- please say it gets better
I had a lot of nausea and burping also. Plus the pain in the shoulders was much worse than the belly pain the first week. I am only a few weeks out but it gets better it really does.
If your nausea is really bad, talk to your surgeon. I was Rx. a liquid anti nausea med along with a liquid pain med. The liquid nausea med definitely wasn't good for the taste, but it did help the nausea out a lot. My nausea got a LOT better about 4 days out. By the end of the first week I "felt normal" except I pushed a little hard trying to shop on the 7th day. Thought I was doing well until some pain started up. BUt it DOES get better.
I think everyone wonders, "What did I do to myself?", "Am I crazy?" throughout this process from time to time. I am only starting my 4th week and I can say I have had a couple of those moments, and I can guess that even some at 3 mos, 6 mos, and longer still have that fleeting thought. The point is to remember that you did this for the "end result" ...a healthier you! The in between obstacles and fleeting thoughts of defeat are to be just that "fleeting". WHen you have those imagine the healthier you doing something that you have always wanted, shopping for that smaller size, whatever it takes to remind yourself that this is ok to feel poopy but that you are on a mission and nothing will stop you.