Spinal surgery update - kind of a nightmare
I am so sad and the fact that a person has to fight to get whats needed breaks my heart and most Nurses hearts, this is WRONG on every level, insurances do not care! The fact that you put your foot down is EXACTLY what needed to happen go home uncontrolled NO WAY! You were correct in every thing you did! So we are sick recovering and we are fighting for right treatmant makes no sense, most people give there power over and then dowhat they are told but you have to do the right thing and you did so sorry our system is broke GET WELL!
OOOH Candy
Prayers being said in hopes that you start feeling better in a matter of hours. I feel so bad for all that you have gone thru and continue to go through, hopefully this is the end of back surgeries and life can begin to heal and feel better.
Rest, don't worry about the weight you know what to do and have done all along. That is the least of your concerns right now. If there is anything I can do for you to make it a little bit easier please email me and I will help if I can.
Take care friend