Hello everyone, well tomorrow makes 1 year!!!! my how the time flys. I am proud of my accomplishments thus far, I have had a few setbacks mainly going blind in my right eye in Jan and having to be on high doses of steroids for 4 months, but I maintained, my vision is back to normal thank God and I am seeing the scale moving again, I have decided to start strength training, I never wanted to before, but it is past time, I feel great, I was hoping for my 100 but there is no rush I will get there, I have went from a 26 to a 14, I feel like as long as I have weight to lose I will keep losing didnt stress the 6 month timeline and I am not going to stress the 18 month timeline, this is a journey for the rest of my life, I tried to paste a picture here but could not, but I have updated 1 in my profile will do others later, If you are just starting out or thinking about VSG do it!!!!! 3 people at my job now have started the process, everyone wanted to see my results. Thank you OH for your support!!!!