1 year @ goal - ridiculously long, but with pics!
I always thought your posts were excellent and inspiring even when the only pic I saw of you was a dog. LOL but, now I need to lift my jow off the floor. You look terrific! I think if your BMI is saying you are unhealthy it is totally BOGUS!
Your pics want me to work ten times harder.
Thanks for some motivation!
5 days post op, this is the kind of posts I need to read everyday. I actually catch myself looking for your name to see what you are saying to other people. I have gained some insight to myself and can definitely relate to the things you have written about.
I am inspired!!!!
Plus you are rocking those white jeans!!!!!!
Wow, you look great! If that's the result of a bump in the road or two, I'm looking for that road...
Congrats on a year of success AND learning!
Heaviest: 313/VSG Pre: 295/Surgery: 260/Maintenance target:190 - Recent: 195 (08/15/19)
1st 2015&2016 12-Hour Time Trial UMCA 50-59 Age Group
1st 2017 Race Across the West 4-Person 50-59 Age Group
4th 2019 Race Across America 8 Person Team
There are a few things that must be said....
1) Even though I am not your target audience, I am not blind and you would make most women (can't speak for men) do a double take. You know that look when you are first just looking around you and then see someone who just catches your eye and makes you take a deep breath as you hope they didn't catch you staring..... that's you.
2) Now that we have #1 out of the way, I want you to know that you are one of the most caring, thoughtful and insightful people I have met on this journey. Your intelligence and kindness makes you the whole package.
3) You are right, the small regain can/will be a blessing to you as you continue to learn the lessons that need to be learned. I am not worried about your maintenance at all. I think this whole journey is actually taking you to places that are only tangentially connected to weight loss. These places needed to be visited and aired out, this just provided you with a great vehicle and brought things to a head. That is a very good thing.
4) Being your friend will always be one of the best parts of being in this community for me, you are gem and I am blessed to have met you.