I'M SLEEVED!! Feeling amazingly well!!
VSG on 06/04/13
Yay!! Welcome to the other side :) I agree and I know you already know it, but walking was the best thing for me. I did crash for several hours after each walk, but it was fantastic for the gas (and nausea). My first day I used the pump because the gas pain was horrid, but I didnt know it was gas pain. Everyone says walk, I walked like no other that first day and no help for my stomach/back pain. Not even the morphine helped! I had visitors that night (my aunt. cousin. and my 18 month old son). While visiting, I got real nauseated, my nurse made me go back to my room and on the way. I had little burps and nausea AND pain gone! From there, I was walking non stop! No pain pills after that :)