First 10K
I am 8 months out and have taken up running as my main type of cardio. I have done 4 5K's and one was a mud one. I ran 6.21 two times to prepare in the weeks before hand. The first was in 1:12:30. The second was in 1:07:50. I was pretty stoked to drop almost 5 minutes off my time for the practice. This 10K was the Wounded Warrior Dash. I am a disabled vet so it meant a lot to me. Plus I have lost 121 pounds so I was very excited! Race day was raining with lightening. We got delayed an hour. But I did awesome!!! My goal was to finish in under 1:05. I finished in exactly 1 hour!! No seconds. How crazy is that. I have never ran a mile in less than 9:43 so to run all 6 less than that is crazy. Overall I finished 24th out of 124 females in my age group 30-34 and overall I finished 142nd out of all 714 females. What??? Who is this person? Not bad for my first 10K, huh? I think a half marathon doesn't sound so bad now......