x-post, need advice and input, is this a crazy idea?

Linda B.
on 4/5/13 5:36 am - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

OK, so I never thought I would ever be considering such a thing, but here goes, I need input. Most of you know that I have taken up ice skating again and am really enjoying it. I can't do half of what I did when I was younger, but that is alright, I am re-learning. The rink I use is part of the ISI which is an organization for recreational skaters. There is a world competition coming up in late July, all ages, all levels. This competition happens in the US once every 7 years. This time it will be in Anaheim in late July. I was asked by one of the coaches last night after class if I would interested in representing our rink at the competition. I would compete against ladies my age and skill level only. Am I crazy for even considering this? It won't be inexpensive either, the entry fee is reasonable, less than running entry fees. But, I will need a dress, tights, hotel, etc. I did talk to Mike (DH) and I think he is OK with it? My boss said I could take a couple of days off if I need to (had to ask early, fees are nonrefundable).

Now I should let all of you know that my skating level is not high, I have lost (determined to get it back) the ability to spin, jump, and even backward glide on one foot. I know I have done these things before, but I'm having trouble getting my brain to let my body do this stuff. Anybody have any pearls of wisdom here?

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 4/5/13 5:44 am - Granada Hills, CA

Now, Linda....did you really think anyone was going to tell you NOT to do this?  I will put in a vote for DO IT. You deserve this and its a good opportunity to push yourself. It might be one of those times where you would regret not doing it.

Mike - make her sign up!

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Linda B.
on 4/5/13 3:18 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Thanks Alison, I am texting the coach tomorrow to start making the arrangements. With all of this encouragement, win or lose there, I am a winner for just giving it a shot.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 4/5/13 5:52 am

Oh, Linda! I am sooooo excited for you!

The key here is that you will be competing with women of your age and ability level. (But really, you are competing against yourself, and your no-longer-healthy, obese ways of thinking and doing things...and you are welcoming in the Linda that takes risks, has fun, and lives fully!) It seems to me that the victory that you seek is triumph over limiting ways of thinking...

For me, it is a "sign from the Universe" that your world -- your husband, your boss -- are in support of this.

...and I am in support!

Linda, it would be useful for you to talk a bit about what is stopping you from proceeding, if you are comfortable to share. What are the thoughts you are having? Feelings? What are the pros and cons?

Will the competition require  you to do a routine that includes the spinning, jumping, and backwards one-foot glide? Or will you be able to create a program that only includes stuff that you can do?

Please, tell us more! Oh, this is sooo exciting!


==Swizzlequeen :)




Linda B.
on 4/5/13 6:00 am - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Thanks for the advice, I would have a routine that would include my current skills. I have had a few painful falls, but I just ordered crash pads so that might help boost my confidence a bit. I guess I was just surprised to be asked. I have not had it in my mind for a very long time that competing would even be a possibility for me. I also don't have much time to decide, the coaches need to know by Monday. The thought of doing this both thrills and scares me. Win or lose, if i did it it would be a victory for me to just do it. The biggest cons I see are the budget issue (but I could probably work that out since there is some time) and the fear of totally bombing the routine in front of family, friends, and an international audience.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/13 6:02 am - CO

Linda....wow! Grab Mike by the hand and skate on over and sign up! What an excellent opportunity. I fear you will regret it if you don't take this chance. Keep us all posted on your fun. I am rooting for you. Just by taking the chance and doing your best you are one hell of a winner.angry  I am in awe... 

Linda B.
on 4/5/13 3:19 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

I am going to do it, thanks for the encouragement.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 4/5/13 6:12 am - Parsippany, NJ
VSG on 03/05/13

Obviously the coach saw something in you that he/she felt was competition worthy.....do it baby, just do it!!!  you'll regret it if you don't.  And if you fall, hey, you'll have had a great time, your family and friends love you now and will still love you later.

best of luck!!


Linda B.
on 4/5/13 3:22 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Thanks, you are right, and I'm going to do it.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 4/5/13 6:26 am

Let me also comment as an ice skater, one that didn't start until her very very late 40's. The idea of skating was intriguing, looked like lots of fun, but actually stepping onto the ice was ...terrifying.

Plus, I was obese...

I am always the oldest person on the ice, I think.

For a very long time, all I could do was go around and around the rink, frequently clinging to the side of the rink. I had to stop a lot, because my feet hurt. Eventually, I developed some skill -- but a LOW level of skill. I can sorta go forward, but thus far I have not been able to get the hang of a one-foot glide. I can barely do a snowplow stop. The one thing that I can do with confidence is a swizzle, even a backwards swizzle (hence, the name Swizzlequeen)! For a long time, it was a huge challenge for me to get up after a fall, and I thought for a time that I would not be able to really ice skate at all because of that. (Do you suppose that obesity may have, just maybe, contributed to the problem...?)

Despite my lack of skill or grace, I became aware over time that I had a following ... people were watching me slowly struggle, would look for me on the ice, would comment to me. (all kind comments). One of the most interesting comments was a woman who was younger than me -- her 10-year old daughter had been begging her to learn how to skate, so that they could share the fun together.

"So, why don't you?" I asked.

"Because I'm scared!"  she replied.

I responded without thinking about whether I was being polite. "So? So you're scared. So am I. But being scared is not a reason to do stuff...come join me on the ice. Come be scared with me. We'll have fun!"

Smiling, she shook her head "no".

Linda, you and I love ice skating. Neither you or I are going to the Olympics, and we will never be Michelle Kwan. But it is a wonderful thing to encourage others to try new things. By doing what we are doing -- taking risks, including the risk of looking foolish, we have the opportunity to encourage others, and to make our beloved ice skating grow as an activity that people might want to try.

...so what if you mess up the routine, or maybe fall? We don't die of embarrassment -- but we do die of stagnation.

I suspect that your coaches have asked you to represent the rink not necessarily because they expect that you would do things perfectly -- rather, I suspect that they extended the invitation because they know that you would do things with dedication, sincerity, and - joy. I bet that THAT is what they are looking for.

Does that make sense?

I hug you!




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