OT: Major life celebration this weekend (long and sappy)
First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You and my hubby share the same birthday. ;) I LOOOOOOVE San Antonio. I miss being out there. I also miss Six Flags. I haven't been since there was one in Houston. (Wow, it's been a long time!)
Second, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Your story brought tears to my eyes. I see so much of our story in yours. We were married on my 18th birthday. He was 22. I met him when I was 17 and he was 21. We were one of those chat room relationships. I was ashamed because I was living in a trailer, a highschool dropout, a miscarriage under my belt, and so much emotional baggage, it wasn't funny. He still drove from Houston to see me. Sometimes in the middle of the night just to kiss me and tell me goodnight. My parents decided to move from the Galveston area to North Carolina. He said that he just couldn't lose me, so he followed. Eight months later, we were married. Hubby ended up reenlisting in the Army when we had been married for 3 years. (He was prior service.)
You are so strong! I admire you! Thank you for sharing your story. I thought I was the only one in this type of situation. *HUGS* Now go enjoy yourselves!!!
on 2/28/13 10:06 pm - Oshawa, ON, Canada

It is no wonder given all that you have been through that you are such a success story. It takes tremendous tenacity to rise above the types of abuse that you had to endure and God or the universe or whatever you want to call it sure did right by you for putting Tom in your life but you did the hard work to make all your dreams a reality!
Enjoy your weekend..you have more then earned it!