What is the MOST important thing you own?? YOUR THOUGHTS

on 12/21/12 6:25 pm - Independence, KY
VSG on 11/16/12

YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to discount an emotional outburst... But one thing that cures all...Take a minute to reconcile. Seriously. Take stock, Thats all. Count what you have. NOT what you lack. Be thankful for what you have...DO NOT think of what you do not have.

Your thoughts are the most powerful things in the world. 


Think about it.  EVERYTHING that exists in this world started with one single IDEA.  The most beautiful song you ever heard, all started with an idea.  The most beautiful architecture you have ever seen...an idea.  The Mona Lisa...an idea.  Your favorite song...someone's idea.  The bridge you cross every day, an idea.  The favorite food you eat...an idea.  What you think....it can bulid someone up, or tear someone down.  It all started as an idea. 


People can think of the rape, murder, ugliness, betrayal, lies, etc that happens every single day.  But you can also wake up every day and CHOOSE to see the opposite.  Beauty, love, compassion, kindness, goodness, trust, and goodwill toward others. 


Point being...both exist.  What do YOU choose to see?  What do you CHOOSE to live by?


I have my own brain, my own thoughts. What do your thoughts mean?? Well...they are the most important things you own. You can wake up every morning thinking of what you lack. Or what you have. It is YOUR choice. Some people may wake up chosing to think of what they lack. I Choose to think of what I have!!


Lori RN, MS     Band 2/9/07 265lbs    Removed 4/13/12@ 185lbs (slip&erosion) Sleeve 11/16/12@ 225lbs  If I could get as excited about exercise as I am about a Big Mac...Now in ONEderland!!  197.4


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 12/21/12 6:41 pm
VSG on 10/09/12
You are my soul mate girl!!!!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 12/21/12 6:46 pm - Independence, KY
VSG on 11/16/12

Right on Julia!!  U be my *****!!

Lori RN, MS     Band 2/9/07 265lbs    Removed 4/13/12@ 185lbs (slip&erosion) Sleeve 11/16/12@ 225lbs  If I could get as excited about exercise as I am about a Big Mac...Now in ONEderland!!  197.4


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 12/21/12 7:02 pm
VSG on 10/09/12
Affectionately, you can be mine too!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 12/21/12 7:53 pm

You just made me reflect at a time when all I see is grayness and cloud! Thank you, I too want to be in your circle:-)

 These are the first days of the rest of my life. I feel like i have gone through a rebirth, with a second chance for a new life to live and a new me to treasure! I will remain on the losers bench for the rest of my  healthier life!         
on 12/21/12 11:57 pm
VSG on 01/21/13

Well Said !! 


I chose to look at positive side, to look for the good and to not be judgmental.  Where there is darkness there is light . 






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