Reevaluting my goal weight :/

Hope Y.
on 11/7/12 3:10 pm - Harrison, MI
VSG on 01/23/12

Originally, I had set a goal weight of 175-180 pounds.  I adjusted that because of the sizes I was getting into at different weights.  I had settled at about 190 pounds, mainly because (sounds silly to say!), it puts me in an "overweight" BMI category instead of "severe morbid obesity". 

But as I'm losing, I don't know that I want to be that low.  I'm at 206 now and am very happy with where I'm at.  Of course, I want plastics to correct a lot of the "jiggle" that I'm not used to but as far as size/looks/activity/the way I feel, I'm pretty da** happy where I'm at!  I started at a size 26 and am currently in 14 jeans, size L or XL shirt/dress; I'm confident that after plastics, I will easily be in a 12 or 10.  My problem is, I'm the kind of person that once I set a goal, I have to reach it!  So how do I mentally do this?  Do I go ahead, try to lose the last 15 or so pounds, then see where I'm at?  Or do I say, "Hey, you're good with yourself right now, it's ok to adjust your goal!"?  Could use a little advice!!

Sleeved - 1/23/12       Starting weight - 331                  Current weight - 195  

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 11/7/12 4:08 pm
VSG on 10/09/12
Of course it is OK to adjust your goal! I have set mine deliberately a bit low for my comfort zone because I know there is likely to be bounce back and I want to still be within the normal range if and when this bounce bac****urs. I'd lose to where you are comfortable and healthy and then reevaluate with your medical team.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 11/7/12 7:53 pm

Sizes and weight doesn't drop that much with plastic surgery.  Another thing to consider is - if you have your plastics and then lose more weight your result will suffer.  IF you are happy at 206, stay there and have some plastic consults. You may find yourself very happy at that weight.  Then you're goal will be to maintain and not gain or lose more. 

I am tall - 5-10, so at 208, I was wearing a size 12 dress pant and medium Victoria Secret panties.  I had some plastics done for mobility issues, but I really want to lose more - and I realize I will have to have revisions to my plastics.  I have no problem with that! I love my Plastic Surgeon!

Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months!  My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12!  I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve!  Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!

on 11/7/12 9:55 pm - Austin, TX

You can adjust, absolutely. I wouldn't do anything for a month though... see how you feel in a few weeks. I remember hitting 200 and thinking I was done. Now I'm slowly moving to 175 and I know I won't be done. (I'm 5'6" though).

It's about you and where YOU feel best though. I would just see how you feel. There's no set # you have to reach and no reason you have to decide today.

Me? I'd keep going. You'll have some bounce back and if you are still losing, I'd keep going and see where your body stops at. Mine is at a very very slow crawl this month. I'm strangely okay with that.

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 11/7/12 10:35 pm

OK, I'm going to start by telling you what Frisco told me.  Don't over-think this.

Second, this is what I'd tell you.  If I were you, I would just keep doing what I was doing, and see what happens.  In my experience, I don't get any smaller than I want to, anyway.

I am afraid of consistently adding food (calories) *just to* weigh a certain weight.  I have an addictive relationship with food, and it is better to eat as cleanly as I can manage than manipulate my food for any external reason. 

I have been a size 26, and I am now a size 10.  I am 14 months out and I am still losing slowly, and would be okay getting a little smaller.  When I say slowly, I mean, maybe 2 pounds a month.  I'm glad I didn't wake up at month 6 as small as I am now.  I wasn't ready psychologically.  If it takes me another 3 or 4 months to see 160, I'm okay with that.

I think the idea of a goal weight has its value, but realistically, I have a goal way of eating.  I want to be okay with what I weigh when I eat in a certain way.  I *think* this will maintain me at 160 to 165 for the long-term, but I'm not entirely sure.

Remember, this is a good problem to have.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 11/7/12 11:13 pm - Granada Hills, CA

My advice - what I would do - keep losing weight. You might be happy now, but you might be happier at say a size 10-12. If not, you can always go back up. Im getting ready for plastics and while Id really hope that Im going to come out 2-3 sizes smaller, I know it's not likely. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 11/8/12 1:40 am


You said: "I want to be okay with what I weigh when I eat in a certain way".

That is a very interesting and probably very helpful way to approach things.

I have to think about this.

Your plan is to be lead by your increasingly healthy relationship with food -- that will have a certain impact on your body weight, You may not know exactly what that impact will be -- what BMI range, how fashionable a body that will create for you, etc etc.

I have often said that what I really wanted was some dignity when it came to my relationship with food. I reasoned that everything else would fall into place if that dignity would ever come to be.  

It is interesting indeed what you said about paying close attention to information that comes from inside of you rather than from outside. 

This is very nourishing food for thought. Thank you. I will dine and digest...

Hope Y gives us a very important topic for us to explore here.

My dietician says that the best goal weight is the one at which I feel good, allows me to do the things I dream of, and that gives me labs, etc that make my doctor happy! For me, I may have to accept that that may not be a weight that places me in the "fashionable body" range! (I do struggle with that a bit...)




on 11/8/12 9:26 am - MN
I am down 76# and weigh 156 now... My goal is 140- I just randomly picked this number because well I have never weighed this as an adult. My lowest weight was 147 after starving myself or months and I hit that weight for 1 day and then started gaining. I just too pictures this week and was really surprised and how thin I look. Not sure how much more I will lose - I am not even 6 months out. Ian just gonna keep eating the same way and see where my body goes.
CW 232 SW 219    m1-17 m2-14 m3-13 m4-6 m5-9  
Hope Y.
on 11/8/12 12:34 pm - Harrison, MI
VSG on 01/23/12

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses.  I do understand that I can change my goal if I want to, just not sure about things. 

The only thing I'm confused about are the comments that I won't go down a size or 2 with plastics - very confused about this!  I have looked at tons of before and after pictures and have a hard time believing that if I am able to have the work done that I want, I won't go down some.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if I'm ever lucky enough to get the plastics I want, I'll be sure to post pics ;)

Sleeved - 1/23/12       Starting weight - 331                  Current weight - 195  

(deactivated member)
on 11/8/12 4:33 pm - Greater Austin Area
VSG on 02/03/12

Hi there!

I have heard some people DO go down two sizes if there is significant excess skin! Some people say they only go down 1 size. You could potentially go down 2 sizes so who knows? I had lipo a long time ago and went down about two sizes. I had it done on my hips and abs and inner/outer thighs. I personally think the results of a tummy tuck or a body lift are much more significant though. If I were you, I'd check out realself dot com and type in tummy tuck or body lift on their search bar. You can read the reviews and see photos of results, including some people who had these surgeries after significant weight loss. I have read tons of reviews on there and some people went down 1 size, or stayed the same, or went down 2 sizes or more. It just varies.

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