6 weeks today

Linda B.
on 10/25/12 2:50 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Today marks week 6 and I'm loving my sleeve. Today I advanced to all foods. Not that I'm going to eat all foods, staying on plan. Today was my second day back at work. I'm really tired by the end of the day, but I think it is because I have a stressful job. Both days I wore stuff I tried on last week, it is already too big. I'm thinking this is a nice problem.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 10/25/12 3:12 pm
VSG on 09/12/12

Hi....this is also my 6 week !! i too have lost 48 pounds, i hacve a question ,  are you getting hunger pains?  i am and i hate it and want to not have these...glad your doing well.  i waent back to work after 2 weeks and i wish that i had waited!!


Linda B.
on 10/25/12 3:19 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Yes, I also feel hungry. It is my understanding that not everyone loses their hunger for a while. But I took a lesson from Frisco's pyloric valve post. I eat my dense protein first, this keeps your stomach full longer. It is also why there is the no drinking with meals rule. because I didn't lose hunger like DH did, I log everything to help me stay on plan.

I stayed out of work so long because I did a second surgery 3 weeks out. That one had a 2 week recovery time, so I combined the time off for multiple reasons. It was much harder on my body to do it this way, but I'm glad I did it so that I don't have to worry about LOA paperwork a second time.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 10/25/12 3:35 pm
VSG on 09/12/12

Thank you....i was logging what i ate and stopped about a week ago, i need to get back on track with that.  i don't drink with my meals for 15 min before and 30 to 45 after meals ...what do you mean by dense protein? thank you for your help ..much appreciated, susan

on 10/25/12 3:36 pm
VSG on 09/12/12

what is the Frisco's pyloric valve post>? thank you again, susan

Linda B.
on 10/25/12 4:20 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Use the search feature to find it. He re-posts it every now and then.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 10/25/12 4:24 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Dense protein is primarily meat. Chicken, pork, and beef, and fish. Examples of protein that is not dense would be yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. You will also hear the term "slider food" which are foods that slide right through your pyloric valve. I hope that helps.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 10/25/12 3:54 pm

This scares me. to not have lost that hungry feeling seems difficult. what is to stop you from eatting more. Im having the sleeve in a few weeks and this makes me nervous. its hard because with out the physical restrictions you would get from RNY, I fell it would be very hard to manage if you are still hungy.

Good luck and I hope things get easier, keep me posted.

on 10/25/12 4:11 pm
VSG on 09/12/12

Don't be scared, i would do this all over again, i think i am just having to learn how to eat new  and that is scary, but we can do it...good luck and let me know how you are doing also..thank you, susan

Linda B.
on 10/25/12 4:18 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

There is restriction, a couple of times I had one bite to many. Oh the pain. Once you experience that, you are not likely to repeat it. I do feel satisfied with my measured portion. I just feel hunger when it's close to meal time. Because of this, I eat smaller amounts more often. This will not work for everyone, but it helps me. I am careful to track so I don't go over. I also don't graze, I eat at planned times. It is not hard to manage if you stay on plan. When I get really hungry in between, that seems to be my clue that I need more fluids. So I will sip at least 8 oz of water and then wait before I eat.

Please keep in mind that everyone is different. Read through old posts on the forum, the vets are very wise. Their posts helped me figure out things to try ahead of time so that I didn't have to scramble for possible solutions at the last momen.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

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