E is for emotions

Cathy W.
on 10/7/12 8:45 am
Hi Elina,

This is one of the best things I've read in a long time. I'm saving it for those times I need a reminder.

Thank you very much for your post!!



Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 10/7/12 11:33 am

Grasshopper says "Thank you," Sensei.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/7/12 1:07 pm - SC
VSG on 08/07/12
 SO SO true, Elina...I especially relate to the part about choosing which emotions to "feed". I have definitely found in this journey called life that it is really 10% cir****tances and 90% PERSPECTIVE. I can choose to b*tch about my job..or be greatful I have one. Household chores are a nuisance...brought about by the blessing of having a home. It goes on and on. Basically, as you said...we cannot always control our emotions but we can choose whether we dwell on them or not and whether we choose to see the glass as half empty or half full. This realization has made me SUCH a happier person. Thanks for being such a wonderful mentor to so many, Elina. I am following your advice and the lard is MELTING off!! Woot!

  Highest Weight: 270   Pre-Op Weight 267    Day of Surgery: 254.5   Current: 154             Month 1: -20lbs , Month 2 -16lbs, Month 3 -15lbs Month 4 - 10lbs, Month 5 - 11lbs;  month 6 - 9lbs; month 7 - 6lbs; month 8 - 4lbs; month 9 - 5lbs; month 10 - 1lb


on 10/7/12 2:04 pm - CA
 Thanks Elina , as always though provoking and timely. Just what I needed today. 
Those pictures really capture your sparkle, and Jen was radiant too. Thanks for hanging around to coach and inspire. You are much needed and appreciated.
Love and hugs.
on 10/7/12 2:19 pm - LA
Elina, I enjoy reading your post, I can tell you put your heart and soul into them. Your words of wisdom are so inspiring and motivating. I also think you should write a book. Thanks for taking the time to post. I grately appreciate it.

on 10/11/12 8:57 am
 Elina,  THANK YOU AGAIN!!!! For the wise words and inspiration!!!!  I've needed this for some time now... I believe if I read this every day I will begin to heal body mind & soul!!!!

I'm 5'5"~HW 299(day I delivered my son 12/05) preop wt 269...11lbs lost preop diet...CW 193.8**ONEDERLAND - BABY!!** GW 150(I think???) 
I'm BACK!!! Been through HELL!! Getting Back to Onederland CW 210 UUGGH!!!