My weight loss and general sleeve rules

(deactivated member)
on 10/3/12 3:34 am
Yesterday, on another post, I was asked to state what my weight loss rules are/were and what I believe about general sleeve rules.  I told the poster that I would need a whole new post to reply to her question. 

Here are my weight loss rules, most of these you will already know if you have read my posts over the last few years.

1) The basic diet: 600-800 calories, a minimum of 60 grams of protein but I shoot for more, 80-100 grams if possible.  I kept carbs under 40, under 20 if possible and I didn't really stress the fat as the other numbers took care of it.  It took me many months to work up to 600 calories, and this was OK with me and my doctor as long as I hit my protein goal.

2) Don't drink 30 min. before or 45 min. after eating.

3) Eat three, home-cooked, lean protein meals a day, at about 2-3 ounces and if/when you have room, some green low carb veggies.  If you need more, eat two snacks.  This is a great time to incorporate veggies into your diet.

4) Drink like a fish.  I loved vanilla lite chai tea with Splenda.  I drank that all the time, but you can find your drink of choice as long as it's really low calories and carbs.  Mine was under 30 calories for a HUGE mug. and it had 3 grams of protein in it and less than 2 carbs.

5) Don't graze, ever.  Eat your three meals and if needed two snacks and that's it.  If you are still hungry, go drink something (non caloric) or do something else.  You will not starve.

6) If/when you make a poor choice, don't beat yourself up, it's not productive.  Choose to view the episode as an opportunity to learn something.  Really examine what happened, and understand you motivation, thought process, belief system, environment, etc.  that made the poor choice possible.  Make a plan as to how to avoid the same situation next time. Follow your plan and celebrate your successes.

7) Get to know how your pyloric valve works and work it.  This along with a low carb diet should lower your hunger and increase your feelings of well being. 

8) Actively look for and associate with people that have been successful at this, and follow their example.  Avoid the "poor me" mentality and see this journey as a chosen quest.  Always watch your attitude and allow your highest dreams to pull you to your goal.  Don't settle for less than what you need to feel complete. 

9) Finally, allow yourself to generalize the lessons you are going to learn along this journey to the rest of your life.  Live every day to it's fullest.  You can do this.  It's doable and others have walked this walk before you.  The goal is really as beautiful as your wildest dreams.  I have a seat saved on this side just for you.
on 10/3/12 3:40 am - TX
VSG on 07/23/12
Like, Love, Like, Love!

HW- 310, SW 287.6, M1-31.4, M2 -11.2, M3 -15.8

on 10/3/12 3:45 am - NJ
VSG on 10/18/12
I'm getting sleeved on 10/18, and that was the perfect thing to read    Thank you for that post.  I can't wait to try your soup, it looks delish!!  

(deactivated member)
on 10/3/12 3:50 am
It's crazy what a little soup can do, but for me, it saved my butt all through the fall and winter when I lost my weight.  It allowed me to never feel hunger while following my program and keeping my calories super low.  It is still my go to food when I need to drop a few pounds.  But honestly, these days I need a food that would help me put a few pounds on more than drop a few.  Who ever thought I would write that last sentence?  Life is surreal sometimes.
on 10/3/12 4:38 am
Your thoughts are great.  Would you mind posting your soup recipe again.  I know that it would work for me (I love soup).  THanks, JRThinner
(deactivated member)
on 10/3/12 4:53 am
Just go to my profile and it's there under archives along with other soup recipe's and other low carb recipes.  The one you are looking for is called Green Chicken Soup.  Let me know if you can't find it and I will add a link.
on 10/3/12 3:59 am - Kingston, NS, Canada
Great post Elina, even for those of us that are a ways out of surgery. A great way to remember to get back to the basics.



on 10/3/12 4:18 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Thanks, Elina,
It helps to know that someone else took a long tome to work up to 600-800 calories. I still can't get there without higher calorie/carbs but since I don't want to keep losing weight that is the way it goes. I actually look forward to the day when I can return to a sensible eating plan and get rid of the things that normally would trigger bad eating.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 10/3/12 4:19 am - mississauga, Canada
VSG on 06/11/12
 2) Don't drink 30 min. before or 45 min. after eating.

thought this was for RNY,  not VSG...    we have a  
pyloric valve to control stomach emptying ?
on 10/3/12 4:40 am - TX
Liquid hitting the pyloric valve makes it open and pass food through quicker, so you feel hungry sooner.  The longer you hold off drinking after a meal, the longer the food stays in your stomach, the longer you feel satisfied.  You drink, it whooshes the food through.