How to fight food cravings when you are feeling weak

on 9/16/12 5:40 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
So far I've only hit a couple of those moments, and did the "redirect" thing to focus my attention and energy elsewhere. Luckily I have a two-year-old, so it's pretty easy to find distractions! 😉


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on 9/16/12 11:02 am, edited 9/16/12 11:03 am
I wish I could sleep whenever I wanted because even though I love food, I love sleep too!
I have been trying to wait a whooping 30 minutes before I think about induldging in a bad craving. Luckily, most of the time I forget about it or I make an iced coffee instead. Thanks for your advice because I am gonna try those strategies too!




on 9/16/12 8:07 pm - CA
VSG on 08/21/12
I have been attending an Emotional Eating group since July, and one of the best techniques I learned there for fighting cravings involves distraction.

Since surgery I haven't had many cravings (thank you protein) but once or twice I have found myself wanting to ingest something that isn't necessarily on plan because I craved it.

In my group we are learning to 1) recognize the emotion that triggers the craving 2) allow ourselves to simply feel the emotion, rather than try to medicate it away with food and 3) practice changing our thoughts to divert our attention away from the food we crave.

I started knitting as a distraction tool. So far it seems to be working as far as helping to take my mind off of food-- it sends me into a kind of meditative state that is both physically relaxing and mentally stimulating.

Different things work for different people-- some are simply able to think about other things, or like to do activities-- making art, or doing exercise...

Like Elina, I believe that time tends to take care of cravings. It is what you do in the meantime that is so important.

Height: 5'5"  2 wks pre-op: -15  M1: -20  M2: -18  M3: -12  M4: -13  M5: -8 M6: -10 M7: -2 M8: -10 M9: -4 M10: 0 M11: -3 M12: -3 M13: -14 Start Wt:290 SurgWt:275 (BMI 46) Current Wt:145 (BMI 24) Goal:140 (BMI 23.3)



on 9/17/12 8:36 am - Kent, WA
VSG on 07/20/12
I haven't been sick since surgery (knock on wood) so I don't know how I will react when I have an illness to deal with although in the past I didn't want to eat I just wanted to sleep forever til I was well again.

But I do have cravings like a few weeks ago when I wanted fried chicken.  Whenever I feel like eating off plan for something stupid, I call my sister. She lives 3000 miles away but I can call her and some how that holds me accountable. I don't have to tell her "I'm craving fried chicken stop me!" But just the act of being on the phone means that I can't go get that fried chicken anyway because I'm talking to her. And she would hear me order fried chicken if I did go get some and then she would be on my ass. And then we talk and by the time we've finished our conversation about whatever, I'm already diverted from the fried chicken crisis and back to eating on my plan. Either sister works, or my dad. Usually I can get at least one on the phone.

My other diversion is taking the dog for a walk. "Need chicken!" Take dog for walk first. By the time I get back, no craving.  I cant' say the same for cheese. ;-)  But cheese is on my plan so I'm covered.

08/20/12: -40  09/20/12: -21 10/20/12: -13 11/20/12: -5  12/20/12: -13 01/20/13: -10  02/20/13:-8 03/20/13: ?


on 9/17/12 9:10 am
So far, it's been the sit with it and feel it method.. usually followed by me searching out my husband for a hug. I think he thinks I'm insane. I'll be sitting there looking worried or bothered.. kinda work through that then hug him for no reason.. I'm giving him a complex. 

The thing is, the stuff I crave I don't keep around.. and I'm just lazy enough, and logical enough to not want to bother hopping into the car and driving 20mins or so to go fetch it, because on the way I'd have talked myself out of it.. so that works in my favor.. but I do have a stash of allowed treats in the house that I keep around that won't break the bank. Those are ones that I can fit into my plan, or if not- it wouldn't do very much damage. They may not be exactly what I really wanted, but they make a healthier substitution if I decide I'm going to have something.

I need to set up a torch in the basement for bead-making.. it's like what was posted about knitting- mentally stimulating but meditative.. and I can knock out a nice bead in 15-30 mins.. just enough to distract me, and have something at the end of it to boot! 

(deactivated member)
on 9/17/12 9:14 am
Oooh beach making!  I love that idea.  I also think you bring up a great point about just not having the foods we crave in the house.  I do that too.  My kids still wonder why the heck fresh bread is not allowed in the house, but it's not allowed, because I would eat it all up and they wouldn't get to have any anyway.  :)

As far as hugging your husband, I bet he loves it.  I should try that one, maybe step it up a notch from hugging.....  has some real possibilities. 
on 9/17/12 4:45 pm
Great topic - thank you!!
I learned early on I was less likely to indulge if I entered whatever it was into MyFitnessPal before I ate it.  Staring the nutritional facts in the face tends to make me rethink some foods.
Sometimes I can put off a craving by telling myself I'll make a healthy substitute version of it later - this evening, or on the weekend.  Sometimes I do make the substitute, sometimes by then I've moved on.
When it's really bad, I'll chew gum (just discovered a sf apple pie gum - YUM!), make a hot beverage (comforting), or set a timer to "delay".  Often by the time the timer goes off, the worst has passed.

Feel better soon!!

5'8"    Highest Weight: 245   Goal Weight (Surgeon): 154   Stretch Goal: 140
