Proud member of the Century Club

Hope Y.
on 7/5/12 3:12 pm, edited 7/5/12 3:22 pm - Harrison, MI
VSG on 01/23/12
Yay, yay, yay is all I have to say!!!

After 4 weeks of not moving at all, the scale was down 3 pounds today which takes me to -102 very excited to be a member of the Century Club!  Also very proud that I kept to the plan during the horrendous stall!

Now, if only my ticker would update to reflect this loss, it would be a perfect day ;)

Edited:  Since the old one wouldn't update, made a new ticker :)

Sleeved - 1/23/12       Starting weight - 331                  Current weight - 195  

ashley J.
on 7/5/12 3:14 pm - CA
VSG on 06/25/12

 HW:315 SurgeryW:297 CurrentW:212.4 GoalW:165**M1:-25  M2:-18 M3: -13.2 M4: -13.8 M5: -4.4  M6: -7.2  M7:-3   M8: -0   M9:   M10:   M11:    1 Year Out: 

  Weekly weigh-in numbers located in OH Profile area

(deactivated member)
on 7/5/12 3:20 pm
Congratulation!!! It's a great accomplishment.
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/12 3:43 pm
Wow! Congratulations. That is an amazing accomplishment!
on 7/5/12 8:23 pm - PA
VSG on 07/09/12
Wow, great success!
on 7/5/12 8:58 pm

You have done an amazing thing and deserve to be quite proud of yourself!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 7/5/12 9:34 pm - GA
VSG on 07/19/12
   ROMANS 12:1 
   I beseech you therefore brethern, by the mercies of God,that you present your bodies a  living sacrifice,holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.
on 7/5/12 10:26 pm

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 7/5/12 10:34 pm - IL
VSG on 06/28/12
So happy for you!!!  
Kevin H.
on 7/5/12 10:41 pm - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
WONDERFUL!  Great job!


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