6 days post op and I had to have peanut butter
Other posters already covered the dangers of going off plan so early out, so enough said. I too had a hard time initially, and I was fortunate that my family kicked into high gear for me. We cleared the house of every last shred of foods that I would be drawn to that would harm me. To this day we do not keep junk food in the house, as the entire family agreed that we were all better for it. My husband also decided to put him self on a diet to make it easier for me to stay on plan, my daughters helped encourage my husband to prepare healthier foods (he cooks the most), etc. I get that it is too hot out. Would throwing out the trigger foods help? It was a strategy suggested by others here, and that made a huge difference for me. Kick in your support system too. You can do this!

Surgeon: Chengelis Surgery on 12/19/2011 A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!
1Mo: -21 2Mo: -16 3Mo: -12 4MO - 13 5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6 Goal in 8 months 4 days!! 6' 2'' EWL 103% Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5 150+ pounds lost
Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!
I just want to say one thing, this is the most crucial time to get your bearings about your new way of eating...I know that the I had the mst head hunger early out the first month or two it bothered me but now since I did what I was supposed to do early on I have absolutly NO problem doing exactly what I am supposed to do! Best of Luck
There are three issues here:
1) Safety - The rules are there for several reasons - not the least of which is your physical safety so early post-op. I've yet to see a plan where nuts or nut-butters are allowable so early out -- even in a puree from day 3 program like mine for a reason. Breaking down nuts takes a good bit of stomach acid. That's not so good for a healing staple line.
2) Habits - While safety always should come first, compliance with the rules ia a way of building good habits early on. Those habits, by my observation, are the key to success with this surgery. One of the worst habits of the Morbidly Obese, generally, is eating high calorie, processed convenience foods rather than taking the time to prepare food and eat thoughfully. You have an opportunity to re-learn your eating habits. It's going to be easier now than at any other time to retrain your body and your head regarding how you eat.
3) Weightloss -- Many of the long-standing eating programs do not clear you for peanut butter until maintenance for several reasons. Even organic, natural PB's are calorically dense. They can take up a lot of real estate in your daily calorie budget displacing higher protein foods. PB is also a 'binge' or 'trigger' food for a lot of people. There's a reason for that -- commercial PBs tend to have lots of sugar in them. I eat PB sparingly even in maintenance. When I do eat or cook with it, I tend to shy away from the more 'commercial' brands.
It's your body. You have to live in it. You may even get decent results for a while because the sleeve is pretty forgiving early on. It's far less likely, however, that you will achieve the kind of results you see with successful vets (i.e., 100% EWL & maintaining it) unless you make some course corrections right now. I
1) Safety - The rules are there for several reasons - not the least of which is your physical safety so early post-op. I've yet to see a plan where nuts or nut-butters are allowable so early out -- even in a puree from day 3 program like mine for a reason. Breaking down nuts takes a good bit of stomach acid. That's not so good for a healing staple line.
2) Habits - While safety always should come first, compliance with the rules ia a way of building good habits early on. Those habits, by my observation, are the key to success with this surgery. One of the worst habits of the Morbidly Obese, generally, is eating high calorie, processed convenience foods rather than taking the time to prepare food and eat thoughfully. You have an opportunity to re-learn your eating habits. It's going to be easier now than at any other time to retrain your body and your head regarding how you eat.
3) Weightloss -- Many of the long-standing eating programs do not clear you for peanut butter until maintenance for several reasons. Even organic, natural PB's are calorically dense. They can take up a lot of real estate in your daily calorie budget displacing higher protein foods. PB is also a 'binge' or 'trigger' food for a lot of people. There's a reason for that -- commercial PBs tend to have lots of sugar in them. I eat PB sparingly even in maintenance. When I do eat or cook with it, I tend to shy away from the more 'commercial' brands.
It's your body. You have to live in it. You may even get decent results for a while because the sleeve is pretty forgiving early on. It's far less likely, however, that you will achieve the kind of results you see with successful vets (i.e., 100% EWL & maintaining it) unless you make some course corrections right now. I
VSG on 06/28/12
I know.. it was a stupid move.. I not going to do it again. I felt like I have lost all control and I think the best thing for me to do it to go see my psychologist because I really am ready for a change.
PB2 is something that I have mixed into my protein shakes before surgerys to make them more tolerable but I am guessing that is what made it so hard to take in yesterday. I will be trying to find other ways to make my protein shakes to work for me without adding extra calories that don't need to be added.
I do sincerely apologize if I have angered anyone and thanks for kicking my ass back into reality. This is truly the hardest thing I have done in my entire life and I will make this work. Thanks to everyone for their advice, opinions, and support. I am glad to have this site.
PB2 is something that I have mixed into my protein shakes before surgerys to make them more tolerable but I am guessing that is what made it so hard to take in yesterday. I will be trying to find other ways to make my protein shakes to work for me without adding extra calories that don't need to be added.
I do sincerely apologize if I have angered anyone and thanks for kicking my ass back into reality. This is truly the hardest thing I have done in my entire life and I will make this work. Thanks to everyone for their advice, opinions, and support. I am glad to have this site.
I think the best thing for me to do it to go see my psychologist
PANTHER PISS!! I read the first few replies here...I AM APOLOGIZING to you Amber for ALL THE Caiphus' on this forum, way too many anymore..it truly sickens me. "vets" even..feels like Im in church...all the F-N hypocrites...that need to clean their OWN HOUSES. There is NO REASON whatsoever to beat someone down so badly.
ITS TIME Amber... lowerin ya down..as gently as I, n a few others

There is nothing PSYCHOLOGICALLY WRONG with eating PB at 6 days out.
There is NO PHYSICAL HARM to you, your health, to your staple line with eating PB at 6 days out.
YOUR MISTAKES DO NOT DEFINE YOU your success or level of comittment
This is a LONG PROCESS ...getting this right even 50%. No doubt the sooner the better, especially with your training wheels on. There are many many bumps and detours...we're expected to be foodaholics one month then experts on weight loss diets the next. Quality & quantity of foods you ingest ..are of utmost importance...TO SUSTAIN YOU through life.
If everyone here "followed doctors orders" , got diet/nutrition down pat...they wouldn't of ever needed WLS in the first place, and
...would be SOL moreso "following doctors orders"...."VSG specific diets" post op as well.
ALL VSG specific diets are BASED on RNY!!...malabsorption. ..thats calories, carbs, protein, foods to avoid foods to eat drinking with meals rules ...ALL RNY
Yes including this PUBLIC forums "sponsor" "LAPSF/Dr. Cirangle's VSG DIET" based on RNY...malabsorption!! His just has many more RESTRICTIONS and EXERCISE requirements and demands for HIS pts. compliance than the rest of ours do .......is all. His pts MUST PAY for that extra added umph!
ALL WLS Diets, RNY, VSG, DS have a certain protocol they want us to follow....the "progression of texture dietary phases" only so ordered to promote HEALING. That's it. Would you cause a leak, screw up this WHOLE PROCESS, be a "failure", need a shrink, think there is sumthin WRONG WITH You"...because you ate sumthin ya weren't supposed to so soon out..... DOUBLE HELL NO!! let it go...and tell the Caiphus' on this board to TAKE A HIKE or BLOCK EM!!
So, what can ya do to get around this ...at this stage of the game.
I highly recc...SPIT DON'T SWALLOW!! Even Dr. Oz advocates it for reg folks...hilarious!! Ive posted links to his advocating it before.
With SPIT DON'T SWALLOW...ya can chew to your hearts content, sumthin with TEXTURE, flavor, will get ya past a craving, not many calories absorbed.. minimal juices LIQUID, no harm to staple line healing whatsoever. So VERY SIMILAR to SF CHEWING GUM. you spit don't swallow that right?
When Ive done it...I always roll it around, chewing to liquidy evilness...think about it, relish the flavors, think about some more..while Im enjoyin the taste...I always RETHINK n ask myself...IS IT WORTH IT?...my answer is ALWAYS NO...I discretely spit it into a napkin or in the trash...better in the trash than in my healing stomach. At your stage this may help you...get past these texture phases.
My post op diet...I HAD to put hot sauce and lots of it...in FF cream of chicken soup, broths, bean soups...so flavor up allowed protein based soups with spices if ya need to.
Did I walk on water post op........OH HELL NO!! no one does! IMPOSSIBLE!!... I was always short on daily water, always short on daily protein, always short on daily vits, mins ...intakes ORDERED by my surgeon..."drs dietary ORDERS" my first month. Didn't follow those either!!..Impossible my FIRST MONTH! I did do "better" than even I imagined I could! Labs were great!, I didn't wind up in the hospital w/ dehydration either! nuthin!
ITS IMPOSSIBLE!! no one can follow docs orders post op either.....If they can't admit it publicly, but instead point fingers.....I'd be the first in line to CALL EM A BOLD FACED LIAR!!
I already called one "vet" a POSER, and a LIAR last year **cough** Elina...saying she followed her surgeons orders to a T ...double pshaw!!. .........I was here when she started out!! She blocked me after I called her out...then LIED about WHY she blocked me to her groupies!! LMAO!! Still posing to you new post ops.. as "ONE WHO WALKED ON WATER"
Amber ..be prepared ahead of time, have a plan.. spit don't swallow is a STRATEGY to help get ya thru those impulsive mindless cravings durin this dietary stage. Use it - don't-don't matter...but find strategies that WORK for YOU! to get ya thru this.
....I hope ya stick with us. This board offers so dang much VALUABLE information.
Ya took a beating....but ya don't have to stay down. GET UP and on with YOUR JOURNEY...
There is NOTHIN WRONG with ya darlin. Find what works for you!!.... ...there are many roads that all lead to the SAME finish line..find yours. Embrace the changes, learn from mistakes, ...ignore masturbators that take pleasure in tearing others apart for making insignificant mistakes, that THEY more than likely made themselves in one way or another..but gotta front on this board
but whatever happens on your journey Amber...please....ENJOY this ride. Im tellin ya its...f-n incredible!! SO WORTH that vow of commitment ya took a week ago!! Ya may not see it so much now...cuz yer still a baby, lots of stumblin before ya can walk......but Im gonna love watchin ya ...and provin these pious ******** here wrong!

VSG on 06/28/12
Honestly don't know what else to say to you besides THANK YOU. I thought I may have been losing my mind really early on in this journey but you have showed me that I am not. People can be very hurtful and I was in a really bad place yesterday all day because of them. Thanks to those of you who are realistic about being a person and going through this challenging journey.
As a note, my plan allowed for PB in that early stage, so it doesn't seem that safety is such an issue with it as it may be on the RNY derived plans. A little PB on a saltine (also on plan - very good at absorbing excess stomach acid) provided some variety that's useful at that time, though as you note, it's not something that should be a staple due to its high caloric density.
Compliance with the surgeon's directions is paramount, but questioning questionable instructions should also be high on the list- this is one of the ways that the surgeons learn (why are we still pureeing cottage cheese when others are having steak?) Some here have noted that their surgeons were loosening up their programs when seeing that their patients were cheating on it and not suffering. While no one wants to encourage cheating, it seems that some docs encourage it themselves by not coordinating better with their colleagues, particularly those more experienced with a particular procedure.
Compliance with the surgeon's directions is paramount, but questioning questionable instructions should also be high on the list- this is one of the ways that the surgeons learn (why are we still pureeing cottage cheese when others are having steak?) Some here have noted that their surgeons were loosening up their programs when seeing that their patients were cheating on it and not suffering. While no one wants to encourage cheating, it seems that some docs encourage it themselves by not coordinating better with their colleagues, particularly those more experienced with a particular procedure.
1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)
Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin