What eating and walking have in common...

on 6/21/12 11:16 pm

A few years ago I wore a pedometer every day.  Okay, maybe 10 years ago.  I wasn't always great, but I hit 10,000 steps enough that it was an achievable goal and I was always *very* happy to see those days when I really shot past 10,000.  It gave me a great sense of satisfaction and made a few hours in front of the TV seem not-so-decadent.

But every morning, I had to hit the reset button on the damn thing and start all over.  It didn't make any difference what I did the day before, every day started out at zero.

I have come to see my eating like that.  It doesn't matter how good yesterday was, or last week, or last month, I still have to get up every morning and reset the pedometer.  Nothing I did before changes what I have to do today.

I think of this is as the paradox of the pedometer.  Thank goodness every day is a new beginning.  Then again, I hate that it's just one damn day at a time.  Today I am feeling grateful for the new beginning part.  Not that I've had a bad week - it's been good, eating-wise.  But I don't get to rest on my laurels or my failures, and today that feels comforting.  Everything seems possible.  Here's to a good weekend for all!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 6/21/12 11:25 pm - TN
 Amazing, Wonderful Analogy Happy!  I love that "The Paradox of the Pedometer"  Pure poeetry and awesome advice.

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

Kevin H.
on 6/21/12 11:32 pm - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
 Nice post .. thanks for sharing!


on 6/21/12 11:44 pm
Absolutley! I wear a bodybugg, so I spend a lot of time thinking about calorie deficits and whether or not I've made my protein goal or had too many carbs...

Anyway, I have a sign hanging above my computer that says "To make goal by Christmas you must have a deficit of 1693 EVERY day". As I lose weight this will get harder and harder to do, and just because I did ok yesterday doesn't mean I can slack off today or that will put goal one day further away. So when I make my daily deficit goal (which has been every day so far) I give myself a star sticker on the calendar like I would if I was a potty training toddler, so that I can celebrate that day. But I know that the next day is something I still have to work for.

Thanks for the post :)

Revised from band to sleeve on June 6th, 2012. Lost 48 pounds on my own in the 4 months prior to revision. 

on 6/22/12 12:45 am - GA
VSG on 07/19/12
Great Post....I have a body bugg was not sure if I was going to renew subscription I have not used in in a year..... is it working for you?
   ROMANS 12:1 
   I beseech you therefore brethern, by the mercies of God,that you present your bodies a  living sacrifice,holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.
on 6/22/12 1:53 am
For me it always works if I put in my food correctly. I lost 132 when I had the lapband and I give more credit to the bodybugg than I do the band. I've had my bodybugg for about 4 1/2 years, and when I really watch my calorie intake vs expediture I always lose. I love it because I don't have to question whether or not it's something I'm doing if I have a stall for a few days. If I've made my deficit, I know the weightloss will show up.

You should try it again for a month or two and see if it helps!

Revised from band to sleeve on June 6th, 2012. Lost 48 pounds on my own in the 4 months prior to revision. 

on 6/21/12 11:49 pm - Mansfield, TX
Nice post Happy!  I like the way you think!


Goal Reached in 12.5 Months
HW: 274   Pre-OpW: 266   SW: 254   CW: 125  GW: 145

You must permanently change your lifestyle if you want your weight loss to be permanent. You can do it!

on 6/22/12 12:15 am - Rio Rancho, NM
VSG on 04/03/12
I definitely love this thought!!  It seems to put things in the proper perspective for me, thank you!!

  LapBand Surgery 01/10/08, Revison to Sleeve 04/03/12

on 6/22/12 12:22 am - Advance, NC
Revision on 03/28/12
What a great analogy!! Thanks Happy!! Have a great weekend!!
on 6/22/12 1:03 am - MA
I love this post, and the analogy. Thanks, Happy!!


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