Why I believe in moderation... because I am willing to not eat what I cannot moderate...

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 12:00 pm
Here is where you and I differ, and I say this with the utmost respect.  Most people do not follow any plan really long term.  Most of us stink at plans over time.  You will not fall into this category.  If I had to bet a lot of money, I would bet on your success.  You have a system, and your system will hold you up when you are weak.  Most other people, statistically speaking, would lose for six months or so doing this, and then fall off the wagon.  It is much easier later on, in maintenance to keep a looser eye on things in general, and have a much looser plan.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I love you Happy, and I think you are brilliant, and I would not want you to change a thing you are doing, because as I said before, you will succeed.  I am just not sure many others would be able to follow in your footsteps. 
on 6/14/12 1:09 pm

Hold on to your money, Elina!  That fat lady hasn't sung yet, so to speak.

What I saw after all my years in OA is that most people relapse (meaning, an extended period of uncontrolled eating and at least some regain).  Every wise sponsor I had relapsed at some point, and every long-timer with oodles of recovery did too.  Many came back, but it is always harder coming out of relapse than getting abstinent the first time.  I had surgery because I had relapsed 3 times and felt I was not going to be able to get back on track again without some serious intervention (surgery).

My pattern had been, go off plan, quit logging my food, despair, say WTF and go the Chinese buffett.  Try again the next day, get really, really hungry, feel even worse, say WTF and go somewhere else to eat even more.  And for most of this time, I was out of the sugar. 

I am at high risk of relapse in the future, and I pray that surgery will help with this cycle, limit the damage I can do at any one time, give me a chance to pull out before I nose-dive into the food again.  So far, it's been a great help, but like Frisco says, success means still at a more normal weight 5 years out. 

And I'm not saying I *am* eating 1500 cal/day right now - at least not very often.  I just mean, if that's what it's going to take to maintain, I'd better be able to do if for the long term!!  The very long term!!

Thank goodness for all you guys - doing this - talking to you all and really thinking about these things - that *is* my system.


:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

(deactivated member)
on 6/15/12 1:40 am - Greater Austin Area
VSG on 02/03/12
I have to agree with  you that I cannot eat what I cannot moderate. There are a few little snacks I've been able to eat and not had the urge to eat more. However, I've realized that there are some things I cannot moderate. I bought a small box of wheat thins, the smallest one they had. I said I was just going to have a few and that would be that. Well, I realized pretty quickly that I cannot moderate it! For the first time since being sleeved (this was about a month ago) I was totally out of control! I mean, I ate the dickens out of that tiny box! I went back for a few about six times that day! And then the next day! Before it got even worse, I threw away the box and grimaced while doing it. I actually had a physical reaction to throwing them away! So I learned from that one tiny box of wheat thins that I cannot eat what I cannot moderate. So I am 100% with you on this. Who knew Wheat Thins would be my worst temptation??
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