Why I believe in moderation...

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 1:35 am
Great post and fantastic discussion, Happy! As you know, I'm in the "limited camp" as you call it. I was just talking about that with Ron yesterday when he said to me, "...but, you can't eat that!" My response was, "Oh, yes I can. I just choose not to." So, I believe that I am choosing to limit my food choices for the time being. No one is forcing me. I am trying to use this post op period to relearn to eat. Not always easy and yes, I have had a couple of slipped days. Those slip up days have ended up being fantastic learning experiences, so I have decided not to have regrets about them!

So yes, there are foods I am saving for maintenance - mainly carbs. Both my NUT and doc yesterday advised me that it was time to add some more carbs back into my diet, albeit gradually. My doc, of course, stressed that I should still be thinking low carb in maintenance and that bulk of my carbs come first from veggies, then the lower carb fruits and finally whole grains. Sugar, white flour, and other highly refined carbs are still on my doc's to avoid list and may be used as only as occasional treats.

There are foods I know I cannot moderate, so I choose not to have them in the house. I have said here many times that cookies are a trigger food. I can graze/them all friggin' day long. I choose to stay away from them for now. Maybe someday I will be able to have one and eat it with enjoyment. But today, if there is more than one to be had, I best not even start because I do not have the skill to manage just one.

Like Mom4Jazz said, we all have our personal lists of trigger foods. I tend to stay away from foods that trigger me. It's not worth the emotional upheaval to me to try those foods at this point. I can easily moderate other foods that might trigger others, say chips or fries. I can eat one and be done or skip it all together. Doesn't bother me at all.

For me it boils down to choice. I have to choose what goes in my mouth. I must choose to keep my food intake in "reasonable and proper limits", e.g. moderate. It's all a matter of choice.

on 6/14/12 4:22 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
 I am in the can't category. I am addicted to carbs and sugar and have to work an abstinence program just like a recovering alcoholic has to. There is no moderation for an addict.




on 6/14/12 5:52 am

We're on the same page, sister!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

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