1 Mont Post Op - Attitude of Gratitude from an almost anti-sleever

Dawn Nash
on 6/6/12 2:34 pm - HI
Those who have read my comments & posts know that, as of now, I strongly dislike life after surgery. I'm one month out tomorrow and I'm trying to make the best of what I have done not only to my body, but my life, my family, my finances and business.

That being said, I choose to have an attitude of gratitude.

I am thankful for:

The doc not taking a chance, no matter how small, and making me wait on surgery day to do the surgery because I drank water at 6AM on surgery day.

The doc had equipment trouble & was tired during my surgery. It was under for about 41/2 hours. I'm thankful the doc changed up my procedure instead of going in the belly-button & did it the quicker way when realized there was a slight chance I could be at risk. I'll take the scars on the belly than complications from the belly button any day.

For my friends not telling what 50 Shades of Grey was & putting it on my Ipod so I could listen to the audio book while in recovery. What a surprise!

For my husband & kids being completely supportive & loving even though this surgery has almost ruined our lives.

This board for educating me during my journey.

My sleeve being extra-large with a mini-pouch. Even though I am only 5'3 with a small frame & weight in 217 on the day of surgery, doc gave me a freaking huge sleeve which means I can eat the heck out of stuff if I choose. However, I choose not to. But nice to know that unlike others that if I ever choose to have a "day off" I kinda/sorta can. Nothing close to what I could eat before but not nearly as restrictive as what people say on this forum. It's nice to know I have a say in the matter & a bit of control instead of being forced. Unlike Anna from 50 Shades of Grey I'm not a submissive! LOL! :)

For food tasting like crap making it easier to not want to eat. Yep. Food blows now which is so dissappointing but the positive is it helps with the not wanting to eat.

For the 22lbs I've lost over the last month.

For being alive & not dead - Do I love my sleeve - Hell NO!  As I've said the easiest thing about this surgery is the food. It's everything else that's hard. But It's only been a month, so I'm grateful I have a lifetime to learn to love it or at least appreciate it, instead of being dead in 10 years like the doc said I would be if I didn't.

And I am thankful that you took the time to read this.


on 6/6/12 3:01 pm - CA
VSG on 08/14/12
Just want to say thanks for sharing your experience so far. I am still waiting for my date for surgery. I am happy to be able to learn from the vets on here and even the newbies. Gotta say I kinda laughed when you talked about 50 shades of grey because I have been reading it on my kindle and OMG!!! So high five to your friends because its gotta help get your mind off your surgery stuff if even for a minute!! LOL Well I wish you all the best on your journey and look forward to following your progress!!

Dawn Nash
on 6/6/12 3:10 pm - HI
Christian Grey has been the best thing to happen to my surgery! LOL!

on 6/6/12 11:27 pm - CA
VSG on 08/14/12
Too funny!!! LOL he is pretty amazing if I do say so myself!
on 6/6/12 3:43 pm - PA
VSG on 05/10/12
Thank you for sharing your experience!
on 6/7/12 2:07 am

It is good to read all perspectives.  I really, really think things will improve for you with time, and focussing on the good is the fastest way to have that happen.  I can't tell you how much has changed between surgery and now (9 months later), and I am sure you will have some very positive changes coming your way.

I went back and reread your older posts, and it sounds like you are having a lot of regret, upset, anger - all that stuff.  So good for you for focusing on the positive.  There's no going back, right?


:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 6/7/12 5:16 am
VSG on 04/27/12
I'm glad you're finding some things to be positive about, and hope more things become positives as you move forward.

I'm another one that doesn't feel restriction when I eat, so I understand how startling it is when that happens, even though it doesn't bother me so much.

Do you mind if I ask about your mini-pouch and your surgeon leaving you a larger sleeve?  What did he say about that?  Was it because of your concerns going in?  I intend to ask my surgeon about my sleeve so am just curious.

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


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