Increasing cardio - how to accommodate?

on 5/30/12 4:56 am, edited 5/30/12 5:14 am
So I've started bumping up my cardio. I have a couple question from you experts-

1. do you allow for some/all of the calories you have burned? I'm not into maintence yet (I'd like to lose another 10) so I do want to still lose but I'm wondering if I should increase calories or maybe carbs a bit to account for the calories?

For example, yesterday I had 80g protein, 48 carbs and 800 cals but burned 500 cals.

**I should have also said I'm currently 5'7", female, 36yo, 153 pounds, BMI 24, according to the chart you posted earlier body fat wise (using a scale so??) I'm normal and on the edge of fitness. **

I'm 3# away from my goal (doc's approval) but would like to take off another 10# after that for some wiggle room.


this leads to my second question

After my workouts I find that I'm physically exhausted. Not sleepy just NO energy. I was telling my husband I felt like those old battery commercials when the toys would just run down.

What can I do to help with this?

Thanks so much!
VSG on 6/22/11
on 5/30/12 5:05 am - FL
How much protein are you eating?  While you have substantial fat stores to burn, you should have ample energy to draw from.   You may not, however, have enough protein to rebuild your muscles and they are not recovering.  I would make sure you get a little of your carb before you exercise, and try to get in 30g of protein in the hour after you finish. .  Also, drink, drink, drink, and make sure you're getting enough sleep.

When you get close to 'normal' either in terms of BMI or 'fitness' in terms of body fat % you need to start worrying about calorie deficits.  Up to that point, your body should meet your energy needs burning fat. 

Carolyn  (32 lbs lost Pre-op) HW: 291, SW: 259, GW: 129.5, CW: 126.4 

Age: 45, Height: 5'2 1/4"  , Stretch Goal:  122   


on 5/30/12 5:11 am, edited 5/30/12 5:14 am
Sorry I didn't point out I had 80g protein yesterday.

I should have also said I'm currently 5'7", female, 36yo, 153 pounds, BMI 24, according to the chart you posted earlier body fat wise (using a scale so??) I'm normal and on the edge of fitness.

I'm 3# away from my goal (doc's approval) but would like to take off another 10# after that for some wiggle room.

I'm interested in getting my body fat more accurately measured because I think this will be the only true measure of where I'm at.

Thanks for the tips!
VSG on 6/22/11
on 5/30/12 5:32 am - FL
You're at the transition point where it's less about losing excess weight and more about body composition and conditioning.

I would follow the recommendations that are made for female college athletes who are in training which is 2/3g of protein for ever pound of body weight. 

You should be getting 100g of protein or more a day.

Its up to you, but I would start upping your calories to get to more of a 'maintenance' level.  Now that you're in the 'normal' range, you run the risk of dysmenorreha if you keep too great a calorie deficit while doing workouts that burn 500 calories.   It's the bariatric equivalent of the "Female Athlete triad".  I lost my period for 3 months when I went below 24 BMI eating 800 calories a day while working out.  I'm not saying add 500 calories a day, but start out slowly 100 calories a day for week.  It's not like those 3lbs aren't going to come off at 900 calories a day vs. 800, and they may well come off faster as you build lean mass.
on 5/30/12 6:25 am

Ok I'm the strange one, who has been having 2 periods a month while on the pill ever since my surgery...maybe this will end one?? I kid...

We want to start trying for a baby in the next year or so so I really don't want to jack with my cycle.

I'll will check out your recommendations!! I think maybe it might help to meet with the NUT (although I don't have a whole lot of faith in her) just to see what she recommends.

Thanks so very much!!
VSG on 6/22/11
on 5/30/12 5:07 am - TX
I don't eat back my exercise calories, but I do allow myself a bit more freedom with calories on those days.  So I eat a few more calories, add in a small snack.

If your energy is gone, then you need listen to your body and eat something.  Doesn't have to be a big meal - just a nice mix of protein/carbs/fat to refuel yourself.

And, just curious, do you use a heart rate monitor to get an idea of how many calories you've burned, or are you relying on the machines? The machines are notoriously wrong for me.  I never burn near as much as they say.
on 5/30/12 5:13 am
I had dinner and water (not together ;)  after working out)

Yes, I'm basing it on my heart rate monitor :)
VSG on 6/22/11
on 5/30/12 5:25 am - TX
I think you need to increase your daily calories.  You don't have the fat reserves that we all had when we first started out, so your body doesn't have anything to draw on but what you're feeding it.  Bump up to 1000 calories a day and see what happens.

I pushed my calories up to my resting metabolic rate - around 1300 calories - a few months ago and immediately dropped 10 pounds.  Although I'm not a big believer in "starvation mode," I do believe your body will hold onto whatever it can when it's not getting enough intake and doesn't have fat reserves to draw on.
on 5/30/12 6:20 am - FL
This is actually supported by the research. When your 'available' energy goes below 20-25 kCal /KG of lean mass, a whole bunch of metabolic and hormonal thngs happen in women.  Your metabolism slows markedly, Leutenizing hormones stop firing (i.e., no ovulation), etc.  Having fat to burn add's 'available' energy during weightloss, but not so much when you get your BMI/body fat down.

I have 105lbs of lean mass, or 48KG suggesting I need 960-1200 calories available energy, to maintain normal hormonal function.  If I burn 250 calories during a workout, I need to eat 1300-1450 calories at least.  That's precisely what happened with me.

December, I averaged 776 calories a day, 80g protein @ 24BMI - missed first period  1/5
January, 943, 89g protein  No cycle for Feb
February, 1265, 106g Protein, no cycle for March
March, 1370, 113g Protein @BMI 23.5,  Period 4/5.
April, 1355, 107g Protein, Period 5/3
May, 1522, 128g Protein, any day now.

Carolyn  (32 lbs lost Pre-op) HW: 291, SW: 259, GW: 129.5, CW: 126.4 

Age: 45, Height: 5'2 1/4"  , Stretch Goal:  122   


on 5/30/12 5:24 am - New Orleans, LA
I don't eat my calories back - I've got another 10 lbs myself and I want it to go as smoothly as possible.

(I'm 5'1" - female - 27 - 125lb - BMI is 23)

In terms of energy - increase your fluids and your protein. Depending on your intensity, etc this could be a number of variables. You may find cutting back on intesity helps, too. I love the feeling of exhaustion, though. :P

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