In response to acbbrown (Alison) - pre-op & newbies

Lisa S.
on 5/26/12 11:59 pm - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
First of all...thank you Alison and all the other "vets" that post here. You guys are awesome!!!

For months and months I was researching and preparing myself for RNY. (My insurance options were that and Lap Band). Well my insurance cancelled so now I will self-pay for the sleeve. Knowledge is power. So I try to research as much as possible. There is alot of conflicting info. And also I am trying to sort out all the differences between RNY & VSG guidelines. is my list of questions. Thanks all in advance.

1) Is it realistic to expect to be down about 80lbs after 8 months??

2) This is my vitamin regimen now. Any suggestions??
High Potency Chewable Multi (Trader Joe's Brand)
Calcium Citrate 1500 mg daily (2 pills 3x daily)
B12 sublingul 1000 mcg daily
B50 complex 1x daily
D3 5000 iu (gel capsule) 1x daily
Biotin 1000mg 1x daily
Folic Acid 800mcg (400mcg 2x daily)
Chelated Zinc 50mg (25mg 2x daily)

3) I should add Iron (not ferrous sulfate) and Vitamin C right???

4) I don't expect my back pain to disappear. But can I expect some relief once I have dropped excess weight??

5) How do each of you deal with head hunger??

6) What is the one thing you wish you had been prepared for or you totally did not expect???

7) How do you handle stalls???



on 5/27/12 12:11 am
1) Is it realistic to expect to be down about 80lbs after 8 months??  I dropped 115 in 6.5 months, 80lbs is doable, follow the guidelines, push fluids.

2) This is my vitamin regimen now. Any suggestions?? I don't even take all that many supplements in pregnancy with VSG, grant it, I'm nearly 3 years out, but early out, it was 100% recommended daily value for all the Letter vitamins, plus iron in a multi vitamin, 2500mcg of B12 sublingual, and 1200mg-1500mg calcium citrate

High Potency Chewable Multi (Trader Joe's Brand)
Calcium Citrate 1500 mg daily (2 pills 3x daily)
B12 sublingul 1000 mcg daily
B50 complex 1x daily
D3 5000 iu (gel capsule) 1x daily
Biotin 1000mg 1x daily
Folic Acid 800mcg (400mcg 2x daily)
Chelated Zinc 50mg (25mg 2x daily)

3) I should add Iron (not ferrous sulfate) and Vitamin C right??? Does your multi contain iron? You might not need to supplement with additional if you are not anemic and are getting iron from your multi, have labs pulled to watch trends, get copies and adjust your regimen accordingly.

4) I don't expect my back pain to disappear. But can I expect some relief once I have dropped excess weight?? I have arthritic knees and hips. My chronic, daily pain is gone. Long, extending walking, jogging, elliptical work is killer for knees, nothing an Aleve doesn't resolve. Can't do lunges or squats without pain and swelling in my knees so I do avoid those exercises.

5) How do each of you deal with head hunger?? I beat most of my head hunger with the band because I puked so much eating kind of sucked. But, now that I'm further out, simple distraction is my best remedy when I want to mindlessly munch. I get out of the house, go outside, play a game, clean something (cause lord knows in this house something always needs to be scrubbed down).

6) What is the one thing you wish you had been prepared for or you totally did not expect??? How flipping awesome being skinny feels! I'm into my 2nd pregnancy post-VSG and no one can ever explain how awesome being normal sized feels inside and out. Seriously, pregnancy brought weight gain, lost 3/4 of the weight, and BAM got pregnant again within just 2 months of delivering my daughter last October. That's really all I can think of, but I did pooploads of research, found a mentor that I clicked with personality wise, and was pretty well-informed on the "what ifs" the "ut ohs no one told me XX" and the unexpected stuff I see posted on the forum in the last year or so, I never experienced that at all. I knew about stalls, I knew about protein issues, I knew about foods not working, not much surprised me.

7) How do you handle stalls??? I never had a true stall. I lost every week be it either in pounds on the scale or inches so I honestly never had to deal with those emotions. I was prepared, but luckily I never experienced a true stall. When I close to goal, I had a few pounds to lose, it took about 10 days and then I hit goal unexpectedly.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 5/27/12 12:15 am
VSG on 05/24/12
I'll let the vets handle most of your questions.  I just had surgery on Thurs and can tell you a bit from my recent experience.  If you have back issues, ask for back support during surgery.  They can put pillows under your legs to support your lower back.  They don't automatically do this, but they will if you ask.  This saved me.  The unexpected thing for me was the dry mouth.  Not sure if it was due to the scopalamine patch I had for nausea.  But I brought along some Biotene mouthwash.  Works beautifully.

         HW 266  SW 243  CW 161  

on 5/27/12 12:26 am - Houston, TX
Wow look, a good newbie post. Im all behind you my dear. Here is my 2 cents...

Is it realistic to expect to be down about 80lbs after 8 months??

Don't gauge your weight loss by time. You are setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead do what you know is right with your food, it will come off. For what it is worth i lost 80 lbs in like 4-5 mo. But everyone is different.

2) This is my vitamin regimen now. Any suggestions?? High Potency Chewable Multi (Trader Joe's Brand) Calcium Citrate 1500 mg daily (2 pills 3x daily) B12 sublingul 1000 mcg daily B50 complex 1x daily D3 5000 iu (gel capsule) 1x daily Biotin 1000mg 1x daily Folic Acid 800mcg (400mcg 2x daily) Chelated Zinc 50mg (25mg 2x daily)

Thats more then i take so i am sure you will be fine.

B complex
Vit C
Fish oil

3) I should add Iron (not ferrous sulfate) and Vitamin C right???

4) I don't expect my back pain to disappear. But can I expect some relief once I have dropped excess weight??

Again everyone is different but all my joint and back pain is gone. If it is medically based on other then your weight however, it will not be effected.

5) How do each of you deal with head hunger??

One day, one hour, and sometimes one minute at a time. Don't let a slip up bring you down because you will slip and you will throw up when you do.

6) What is the one thing you wish you had been prepared for or you totally did not expect???

I had major complications. I wish i had listened to my wallet less and my head/heart more. I was stupid in my selection and paid dearly for it.

7) How do you handle stalls???

Grab a surf board and ride it out. Your body needs time to adjust and it will adjust regardless of if you are emotionally ready or not. Do what you know is right with your food regardless of what your body is doing. I went literally a month or more without loss, it was frustrating, i learned to concentrate on how i felt as well as how my cloths were fitting. It is hard no way around it, just have to hold on. Your body cannot go 600-800 calories forever without losing. That doesn't mean it cannot try and fight you on it!

It is a wild ride, no doubt about it. Hold on and be prepared for a different experience from anyone else you read about here. It is individual and personal.
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/12 1:28 am
Usually what USAF wife posts is so right on that I have very little to add.  Basically, you got everything you really need right there.  I just wanted to confirm it to you and to tell you that I lost 97 lbs. in 6.5 months and that was to my goal weight at the time of 110 lbs.  I then continued to lose to 101 and bounce back up to 105 which is where I like maintaining.  This is very doable, but you have to choose a strict eating program and follow that program with all determination. 

It is reasonable to think that your back issues will improve, but there are no guarantees here.  It must be easier on your back and joints to not carry an extra 80 lbs. around.

In the beginning, I lost my hunger completely.  After a while, some of it came back.  I dealt with it by drinking large quantities of tea anytime I felt hungry, 80% of the time, the hunger went away.  I also have other strategies that help me.  I eat my Green Chicken soup when I have a great deal of hunger.  It has only 56 calories per cup and 8 grams of protein and 2 carbs.  I can fill up on it very easily.  Later, in the weight loss phase, I also added veggies as snacks.  So anytime I was hungry, I could reach for cut up vegetables.   There are other strategies, just ask when you get there. 

In the end, this is all about two things.  1) following a great eating program as perfectly as possible, and 2) learning and devising strategies to help you deal with your mental issues around food. 
on 5/27/12 1:37 am - Granada Hills, CA
I hate my ipad....3 responses...all deleted.

1) please dont go into surgery with any kind of thinking along the lines of losing "x lbs by x days" - I think that is the basis of diet mentality and doesnt tend to lead to changing your lifestyle habits. Set non scale related goals and work at those. Focus on building habits to watch both the quantity and quality of food and the scale will go down. Just as an example - my long term goal was track my food every day for a year - i'm almost there.

2) for Vites - i think it depends on your specific labs and docs orders
I take
- multi w/iron
- calcium/vit D combo and extra D3
- b1 and b12

For back pain, my back pain from being super morbidly obese is pretty much gone, ive strengthened more core a little which has helped (still could use some more work there though) BUT my tail bone pain from losing all my padding is sometimes just as bad. The solution is to get up off my butt and move more which is kind of a win/win situation but it does suck when I do have to sit for long periods, so just be aware that some back pain may still be there. (however, tail bone pain beats lower back pain ANYDAY).

When it comes to head hunger - my issues are a little different. I am a compulsive binge eater - have been and always will have those tendencies. So, being aware of my triggers is the biggest step to avoiding situations that might lead to binging. There are a few foods that I cannot have one bite of - I have to understand that and not even go there. It's easier for me to resist if I dont take that first bite- once I take that first bite though, all bets are off. Because of that, i do not keep trigger foods in my house, in my desk or in my car, and I refuse to buy them - period. I have had a few episoides where things are brough to to work and I lose my self control - but overall, ive been sucessful by avoiding them. I drink tons of water (propel and powerade zero kill any cravings bc i like sweet stuff) and I tend to chew a lot of gum. When I know I'm going to have a rough day/week where all I want to do is eat, I will pack lots of little low cal snacks rather than somewhat larger meals so I can eat's all about planning though. I feel like as long as I have a plan, I can control my head hunger. If I dont have a plan, and im left in a position to have to make any decisions about food, and my head is going crazy with thoughts...I'm in trouble.

I wish I had been prepared for the constipation that would develop post op. I wish I had started taking stool softeners from day one!!! I was also not prepared for the powerful emotions that the scale can trigger, but that's just something I have to deal with from day to day. I let myself feel whatever it is that I feel when the scale goes up or down or doesnt change, but the one thing I have promised myself from the beginning is that I will not allow the scale to control my behavior. Regardless of the scale, I have to keep doing what I need to do. And I have with a couple of exceptions, but nothing major.

I have stalled frequently - every month I have at least 1-2 weeks with no changes. I had a month long stall. I usually push myself physically to meet some new goals when the scale is stuck - iI usually set some personal records for myselef during stalls which are much more rewarding than the scale. I keep a written log of my progress fitness wise so I can flip back and see how far I have come. Screw the scale - if I can further or faster, but the scale doesnt move, I am going to be happy. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 5/27/12 4:12 am - Rio Rancho, NM
VSG on 04/03/12
 You have received very good tips, so far!  I can chime in on the vitamins, as my nut has me taking pretty much the same regimen.  It seems a bit overboard, but I stick with it, trying to follow all of my WLS team's orders.  I don't think it can hurt.

I had the LapBand for 4 years prior to my revision to the sleeve.  I wasn't totally prepared for how I was going to change inside.  My self-confidence really shot up, while my already shaky marriage dissolved.  If you are married, or in a serious relationship, have the tough talks with your SO.  be prepared for a lot of changes.  Some people have a stronger relationship, as a result, but others, like myself, end up seeing all areas of their life change.  For me, although painful, it was a very good thing.  

Good luck to you on your journey!  We are rooting for you!

  LapBand Surgery 01/10/08, Revison to Sleeve 04/03/12

on 5/27/12 2:24 am
VSG on 08/16/12
Thanks for posting these question!  I'm also pre-op and this was very helpful!

Does anyone take a liquid multi-vitamin?  I have a hard time with pills now, so I know after surgery this will be a struggle for me.  I will also speak to the nutrionist about this to see if she has any suggestions.
  Tracker starting weight = surgery weight    
on 5/27/12 2:35 am - Granada Hills, CA
 I did take a liquid multi for maybe a week after surgery, but i never found one that was totally complete - there was always something important missing. Ironically, I can take pills better now than I did pre-op - I can even take more than one at a time! - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 5/27/12 2:35 am
 You might try the chewables, liquid is NAAAAAAAASTY! 
VSG on 6/22/11
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