So I posted about this maybe a week out from surgery. Did any of you experience sore/tenderness in your pelvic area after surgery ?( by pelvic area I mean like if you have skin that kinda hangs in the area where your pants zipper would sit)about 3 days post op I was numb in that intire area didnt have much feeling at all, there for there was no pain, once the numbeness went away I felt like almost like a pulled muscle or a constant tugging of muscles in that area. Now it is pretty tender and sore, feels fine when sitting and when standing but is like stretching a torn muscle when going from sitting to standing. I just didnt know if anyone else experienced any feelings in that area after surgery, kinda odd because the surgery was on your belly area....When I went to my two week appt. I mentioned the feeling to my surgeon and he said that because it is the left side and that is the side they take your stomach from that it could be from the moving of the instruments inside my abdomen. The area that was bothering me is also the area where they put some of the heperine (med for blood clots) shots in at so I thought maybe my muscles are sore from that. Please if you experienced this let me know and even if maybe simular feelings. Thanks you all! P.S I am three weeks out tomorrow.
I had the tenderness also. I had trouble getting from a sitting to a standing position. As I've moved through this week the tenderness has subsided. My doctor explained it as some if the stitches inside connected to the abdominal muscles. It should be fine but if it continues and doesn't resolve itself keep bringing it up to your surgeon.
Ok I haven't been sleeved yet but I am a frequent user of Heparin (genetic blood disorder) and I can tell you that the pain you describe could be partially from the heparin. Even though the injection itself goes into your fat, you could have deep bruises that aren't showing up on the skin. If you feel bruised, you may very well be! Chenoa - if you had a heparin injection where the lump is, it's likely just a reaction to the shot and will go away :D