Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia POST OP
So I went to my internist for a check up and found that I have dangerously low vitamin B12 deficiency and I am anemic. Did some research this morning and here is what I found. Just a heads up for folks that have had VSG. I am taking a B12 injection every day for three weeks, three times per week for 2 weeks and then once a week for three more weeks. That is a lot of injections....
What is vitamin B12 deficiency anemia?
You have had surgery to remove part of the stomach or the last part of your small intestine, called the ileum . This includes some types of surgery used to help very overweight people lose weight.
Hugs, Karen R. (Mom to TWELVE incredible kids)
VSG on 04/24/12
I too have been taking it since surgery. Your stomach separates the B-12 from the protein you eat (Thanks Dr. Oz). So it makes sense that with a tiny stomach you wouldn't be able to do that as effectively anymore. I would be really mad at my Dr. B-12 deficiencies are dangerous. You know like long term neurological effects? That's some BS.