any tips for vanquishing the sweettooth dragon???
I have a sweet tooth too so I get it.
What works best for me is high protein hot chocolate with alittle lite whip cream on top. But since you have not had surgery yet, I would do just diet hot chocolate. That satisfies my sweet tooth..or diet jello.
It will be much easier after having surgery!
What works best for me is high protein hot chocolate with alittle lite whip cream on top. But since you have not had surgery yet, I would do just diet hot chocolate. That satisfies my sweet tooth..or diet jello.
It will be much easier after having surgery!
I am pre-op as well and sometimes the craving for something sweet will rear its ugly head. Here are a few things I've tried that work for me. Crushed berries topped with greek yogurt with a little splenda, SF chocolate pudding made with skim milk, an Atkin's brand treat bar (I like the coconut one), or try frozen banana chunks in a protein shake because it gives it the consistency of a frozen milkshake. I know things will change for us when we are post-op, but for now, we can start making these changes to make it easier later. Just don't go for cake. I have been been cutting way back on sugar and starchy carbs for a while, but had a small slice of cake at a work potluck, oh bad move. I was so sick. Won't do that again.
I have really strong carb cravings - for sweet carbs specifically - if I am not following a low carb eating plan. It took a bit of time for the sweet craving to go away when I started the low carb plan (right after surgery) but it didn't come bac****il I let more refined carbs back into my diet (BAD idea!).
I drank the protein hot chocolate to fulfill my need for sweets. I got a pack at mybariatricpantry I think - it had several different flavors. I also had sugar free popsicles. But I would not recommend trying to squelch the craving with anything that has lots of carbs/no protein, because in my case it only led to me wanting more.
I drank the protein hot chocolate to fulfill my need for sweets. I got a pack at mybariatricpantry I think - it had several different flavors. I also had sugar free popsicles. But I would not recommend trying to squelch the craving with anything that has lots of carbs/no protein, because in my case it only led to me wanting more.