I thought this might happen...

on 2/14/12 8:01 am

Oh, Elina!  I think I will give her a big hug and thank her for all she did to help me cope with the world, and tell her me and the skinny chick can take it from here!  Big hugs!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 2/14/12 1:31 am - Olathe, KS
VSG on 02/20/12
Keep workin it girl. You WILL get past it!

Try staying off the scale for a week. I know its hard to not be obsessive over the scale but its just trying to play games with your mind 

There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.

on 2/14/12 8:01 am

You're right!  I might need to take a scale break.  I'm not usually so concerned!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 2/14/12 2:26 am

Ah.... Happy, very inspiring attitude!  In all my diet history, I can never remember eating 600 calories a day and not losing weight, yet I just came off a 2.5 week period where that was the case, unbelievable to me and very discouraging to go through, I am thankful I am here to have the reality of knowing it was not uncommon and that I am not alone...still just the same, I'd rather not see that again,LOL, yet you appear to be a 3 time veteran, Oh boy!    I can remember having a few days stalling on one long term diet I was on but I was eating 1,100 calories then but this thing I just went through was, like nothing I have known or expected!  

I have not had a scale for over 20 years and my instructor in my 6 month pre surgery class convinced me, I needed that tool for feedback, so after surgery I picked up a cheap Weigh****chers one from Costco.   We weighed once a week in that class but now every morning it seams like Christmas, what did I get this morning (in terms of weight loss).   I am going to have discipline my self to once a week, to mitigate those negative feelings at times when there is only coal under the tree.   (and your post reminds me I am not following thru with that commitment, so thanks for that)   

I have a hard time believing its ALL in my head, (plenty to be healed in there) but no explanation has resonated well enough yet for me however, no matter what, at least I know, I got thru one, they do pass, if I keep doing my part!    Meanwhile, here's hoping you bust through your third one and come out stronger, smarter and more successful then ever.  I like how your using it to reflect on "what it was like", "what its like now" and "what I want, going forward" kind of thinking, and making positive tweaks to your plan to get there, sounds healthy!   Happy Valentines!

HW: 425    SW: 337   CW: 262 GW: 217 (surgeon)  
Pre-surgery loss; 88 lbs (mostly in my required 6 month insurance class)
on 2/14/12 8:05 am

Hey Pooch, Happy Valentines Day to you too!

I am usually pretty sanguine about my weight, because I bounce around a lot, but in a downward way, so it all good, right?  Well, you are so right.  All I have to do is keep doing my part. 

Listen, I am so happy overall with how my relationship with food it right now.  I want to be smaller, sure, but I am really pleased with how I have been feeling about food, and that's priceless.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 2/14/12 2:55 am - VA
Well, you know the problem and you have clearly identified how to solve = SUCCESS! You're going to do just great & it's awesome that you are conquering the battle!

You look great by the way! Big difference in such little time. Keep up the good work!

HW: 550+     SW: 502      CW: 342.4  SDt: 9/20/11

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."--
Philippians 4:13, KJV


on 2/14/12 8:08 am

You're too kind!  It is weird - this is the weight where clueless people started noticing when I lost in my 20s.  I mean, there's always somebody who notices when I lose 5 pounds (to which I think, weirdo!) but then most folks don't notice at all until this point.  My face must really change.  I don't think this picture looks a lot different from the one in the blue sweater, but I know I'm about 15 pounds smaller. 

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 2/14/12 3:16 pm - VA
Yes, your face has REALLY CHANGED! It is just weird to me how everyone else notices our losses so much sooner than us! You know the lbs down on the scale but you will never see the true reality of it.

Now I know why people suffer from body dysmorphia!

HW: 550+     SW: 502      CW: 342.4  SDt: 9/20/11

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."--
Philippians 4:13, KJV


on 2/14/12 3:54 am
Oh Happy,
I am sorry to hear about this stall.  I know you have been very good about keeping to your doctor's plan, too.
I've seen people on this forum say to actually eat off plan for a meal or two and that does the trick.  Good luck whatever path you choose.  It's hard and it still is hard - more a mental game I think.
We all have to look at the big picture, the path down the road we must follow, the lifestyle changes that we know are successful and lasting and ones we can live with.
We all ahve been and will be where you are at.  You have done so well.
Good luck!
on 2/14/12 8:11 am

Oh, I know there's just some lesson here I need to learn, even if it's to quit worrying about it!!  Thank you for all your support.  I actually think I stall because I do subconsciously want to slow my loss down - I think my head is catching up.  I know I'll be fine with all you guys' support.  We're really luck to have each other!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

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