Limits to my positive attitude...

on 1/16/12 7:15 am

Yikes, kairk!!  I say that all the time!  Especially to the GF, when talking about the kids - I can just hear it - "Don't borrow trouble!"

You are right.  I need to stick to my knitting, live in the present and let the future take care of itself!!

I come from an OA background - not sure what FA is - but OA saved my life in many ways.  I am very grateful for all I learned and wouldn't be where I am now without it.  I forget that my thinking is broken, and that's why it's good to tell folks when I'm in a bad place.  They remind me I'm borrowing trouble!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

(deactivated member)
on 1/16/12 7:25 am
FA = Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous.

Apparently very similar to OA and based on AA's 12 step program. I think it may be a very good idea for me to go and check out a few meetings.
on 1/16/12 7:31 am

OA helped me learn everything I have about my relationship with food.  It is a wonderful program.  Just not so WLS-friendly out here in the boonies!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

(deactivated member)
on 1/16/12 7:39 am
It's my understanding FA welcomes WLS patients with open arms. I was invited by a friend that goes and knows about my WLS. She told me that there are many WLS people in her group.

Friends have told me OA isn't too WLS-friendly here in CA either.

on 1/16/12 2:33 am
I know how you feel....but like Fay, I took a little weight loss holiday in November-December. I didn't do it quite on purpose, but I did let myself "go" at a few of the MANY holdiay parties I attended. And I gained 4 pounds. My last party that I let myself eat a bit of this and bit of that....was December 26th. I lost the last of the 4 pounds today. Less than a month later.

See, BEFORE wls, I had no idea how to MANAGE my weight. I didn't know how those pounds crept on, even at 50 something years old, I didn't "get" it. NOW I DO.

I know how they got there. I know how to take them off. I know how to work my body so it works for me. I understand what "silly" things can make me gain weight at an amusement park; eating one hot dog will put literally 2 pounds on me in two days due to the salt and chemicals in it !! , but at the same amusement park I can eat a whole small box of popcorn (which seems much saltier) and takes longer to eat, and gain NOTHING !

The learning curve is huge. And I'm still, at a year out learning my body all over again.
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 1/16/12 7:17 am

You are right.  A lot has changed and I have to keep my good attitude and sunny disposition!  (

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 1/16/12 4:22 am - Sacramento, CA
Ugh, I think we must think alike.

The fact that you're thinking about this is a really good sign about future success.  I'm sure you've seen other patients on this board that think the weight-loss stage is "automatic", much less the maintenance stage.  By looking into yourself, you're trying to keep vigilant and I think that's terrific.  What's not terrific is when we .... 'manufacture' possible failures.  Like, there's no reason to suspect that you'll gain it all back, right?  Especially when you continue to look deep within yourself, looking at what you eat and why you eat it.

Honestly, I think you're going great, and will continue to do great.  I get that it's scary - if I gain back my weight I'm out of options as well!  That's one reason I find support groups so useful - I know it's possible to lie to myself, but I can't lie to them - they can see if I'm losing or gaining weight! 

And honestly, I've seen some people around here suggesting that losing weight was harder than maintainence - I think it just depends on your own mentality.  I think the main reason people say maintainence is hard is that in general, people look at losing weight as a temporary situation - when they get to maintainence, then they can just eat what they want to (with smaller portions).  And then they overeat, graze, snack, drink liquid calories, stop exercise blah blah blah - they stopped looking into themselves and stopped being vigilant.  I just don't see you in this path.  I think you might be surprised how well you'll deal with the transition. ;)


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

on 1/16/12 7:20 am

You and kairk!  "Don't borrow trouble."  OK, I really will go back to my cheerful self now.  I am letting work get me down.  I had a phone call I had been dreading all day and it went OK, and suddenly everything else looked a little better too.

My thinker is just broken about food, weight, those kinds of things.  It was so painful to gain the weight back before, but this time is different, I will have another tool.

I knew I just needed to hear the voices of sanity.  Thanks so much!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

Paige V.
on 1/18/12 11:39 pm - Gainesville, FL
I hear you, and I have no advice. I also just gave away all my 24s,22s,20s and now the 18s are getting waaay baggy which means I need to go shopping. I went to the mall yesterday and felt like a fish outta water, and refused to try anything on. I felt like the saleslady was looking at me shopping in the 16s and xls and thinking that I was too big for their store. I wanted to run back into lane bryant- my comfort zone.....but now I do not have to. Needless to say, I left empty handed and sad.

This is a big adjustment, and I too worry about regain.


  visit my blog at!
start weight-288 pre-op -5lbs month 1-23lbs month2-14lbs month 3-minus 13lbs month4-minus 12lbs month5-13lbs month 6-8lbs   GOAL-21months out after having a post-WLS baby!



on 1/18/12 11:50 pm

You know, Paige, I do feel better today.  I am still not an XL, but I will be soon, and kairk was right, I am borrowing trouble.  All we have to do is focus on today, right?  If I'm not ready to throw out my 18s, then I'll put them in the attic. 

Any kind of anxiety I'm having (mostly work) definitely spills over and gives my stupid eating thoughts a place to congregate. 

We'll do great!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

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