
on 1/10/12 4:18 am - SC
VSG on 01/27/12
I'm getting a bit frustrated with all this insurance and surgeon's office and pcp office crap! I've been trying so hard to be patient. My journey to attempt to get VSG started in the summer of last year. June to be exact. And it's been nothing but a ton of mis-communication. I finished my requirements for my insurance on Jan. 3 and got a letter the same day from my pcp to give to the surgeons office. I told my pcp that the letter she typed isn't enough info. She said it was plenty and send it on. So i did. Same day.

Jan 4th I called my surgeon's office to see if they got my fax and they sent in everything on Jan 5.  I called insurance today and they said I called the wrong number. I called the precertification number and this lady told me I needed to call the precertification number. Seriously?! I told her that's the number I called....she literally tried to fight me on this....unbelievable. She finally looked up my info and said the claim was pending and I just had to wait. Fine. A litte relief. So i call my surgeon's office just to see how everything was goin on that end. They told me that my pcp needs to fax over all my records explaining the letter and that's what they're waiting on to get approval. UGHH. So i call my pcp to tell her that the letter was too vague and they want all records. Well my pcp was at lunch and the girl at the front desk said it would take two weeks to get approval to fax records to my surgeon. Really?!?

I am getting so frustrated. It's like no one wants to communicate and get things done. I understand that it's my responsibility to make sure it's all going as planned but COME ON!

Going to get on the eliptical to get this frustration out! GAH!

 We are, all of us, stars and we all deserve to twinkle. ~Marilyn Monroe

on 1/10/12 4:23 am - Albany, NY
DS on 07/05/16
You'll get there I started my process in march of 2010! good luck!
on 1/10/12 4:30 am, edited 1/10/12 4:30 am
VSG on 01/05/12
Is there any way to sign a medical release and get a copy of the records yourself and then hand deliver them to the surgeon? I know it is extra work but things may move faster that way. Good luck!

**edited for typo**
on 1/10/12 4:44 am
 I am so glad I didn't have to deal with that sort of thing.  I did everything I was supposed to do then turned everything over to the surgeon's office and they prepared and submitted it.  It was approved right away.  Don't give up.  Maybe you are being tested to see if you really want to do this.
on 1/10/12 4:53 am
They're your medical records and if you haven't signed a release for your pcp I would. 2 wks seems a bit much. Must be a pat answer for their office. Not trying to sound negative about it. I know somethings take time. Ask them if you can come by to get your records if they won't fax per your request...see what they'll do for you. Just a thought.

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." William Duran

on 1/10/12 6:22 am
VSG on 04/23/12
 Try and see if your PCP office will let you pick up a copy of your records?? You have the right to get your own records and then YOU give them to the Surgeons Office. That might speed up things.  Good Luck.  I have 2 more months then I hope to send in my paperwork! 


(VSG)  HW, 346 SW, 341 CW 176.2 GW, 165  kiss

on 1/10/12 7:59 am - SC
VSG on 01/27/12
Thanks for the info guys! Apparently the records have to come straight from my pcp office. Like i'm really gonna try and mess with them...

I scheduled an appt with my pcp to see if we could put a rush on things.

Here's hoping!
on 1/10/12 12:47 pm - Maywodd, NJ
I or my very dedicated wife started showing up at doctors' offices with copies for everyone.  We also called like it was Election Day, so that they knew we were serious.  Easier just to get our **** done than to keep dealin with us, I guess.  Good luck and kill them with kindness and perseverance!
on 1/10/12 9:37 pm - Gainesville, FL
It's too easy to blow you off on the phone
It's your PCP an your medical records  Make an appointment with the PCP so you have his/her attention for a bit and then do not leave the office till you get what you want.  It is the only way to really get this stuff done if you have been ignored up till now.
it worked for me.
on 1/10/12 10:13 pm - IL
 I had a similar situation.  I started my processin April 2011.  My ins. required 6 month supervised diet.  My surgeon required a bunch of other stuff.  So I had my last nut visit in October hoping for a surgery date beginning of December as I needed to get it done in 2011 as I had already met all of my out of pocket expense for medical.  

Well the Bariatric clinic never could seem to get the documents to the surgeon for final signoff.  I was starting to panic as time was running out and if I had to wait until January there was no way I could afford it.  So I called the surgeon's office, spoke to his nurse who confirmed that they'd never received the paperwork.  I explained that I was in a rush to get it done in December.  She said "the doctor's schedule is full - you will never get it done in 2011."

I do not back down.  I did everything right and I was not going to let the administrative nightmare screw me over.  So I faxed a letter that night to my surgeon and to the Bariatrice Clinic telling them that this surgery was needed to save my life and that if I didn't have it in 2011 I wouldn't be able to have it at all.  Amazing, the next day my surgeon had the paperwork, was signing and sending to Blue Cross and his nurse called to schedule my surgery for December 19th!

Luckily the insurance turned it around in a matter of days.  And from there the rest is history.

Good Luck to You.

I am worthy of being healthy.
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