Wearing the smallest jeans in the attic!

on 12/28/11 10:18 pm, edited 12/28/11 10:19 pm

As someone who has gained and lost a lot of weight over most of my adult life, AND who has a nice big attic with stairway access, I have saved a lot of clothes over the years.  I didn't save clothes from my smallest (late 20s), but otherwise I had everything from regular size 18 jeans from 1993 to 26/28 shirts from 2004.  Today I am wearing those size 18 jeans, Eddie Bauer, the 100% cotton kind before everything had spandex in it, and they feel GREAT.

I did find a jeans skirt, size 16, but it was too small when I bought it (waaay back when) and I've never actually worn it, so it doesn't count.

Today is my 4-month mark.  Like everyone, I wish I had lost more weight.  I know I make choices that slow the loss a little bit - but I am working very hard on doing the right thing every day, imperfectly.  I struggle so much with the "what the hell" attitude about food, and every less-than-perfect choice triggers that deeply grooved way of thinking.  "I'm a failure - might as well eat whatever, I've ruined the day already - who cares, I'm going to eat what I want."

This pattern has been my downfall after any period of extended abstinence from compulsive overeating.  When I make a less-than-perfect choice, my disease jumps up and tries to convince me I've blown it all and I might as well fall face down into the peanut butter fudge.

A very perceptive OH friend saw this pattern in me early on, and intervened.  She made me see how my lesson on *this* leg of my journey is learning how to make peace with imperfect abstinence, and not to let perfectionism to be an excuse for practicing my disease.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

Samantha H.
on 12/28/11 10:22 pm - Kuwait City, Kuwait
Woohoo! Congrats!

I just got a pair of Victoria's Secret size 14's in the mail today. Can't wait until I can wear them!
on 12/29/11 10:13 am

I can't even imagine 14's right now!  How exciting that will be for you!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 12/28/11 10:35 pm - AZ
 I am scheduled for surgery 1/24/12, and have been reading the posts, hoping to get myself into the right frame of mind.  

What you said confirms my fear that convincing ourselves to cheat becomes a habit, so deeply engrained in our thinking that just fixing the size of the stomach or removing the hormone that makes us hungry is far from enough.  

I have started an exercise program (trying not to ***** about that because I know my attitude will drive my success); I quit drinking alcohol (my daily 2 glasses of wine are finally not consuming my thoughts); but chocolate, chips, etc. are there like a warm blanket in winter.  

I am married to an active man that has zero body fat (seriously not one dimple on him) and you would think that would help me, but he is a huge snacker.   I know I need to work on myself to be okay with his indulgences without giving in myself.

It sounds like you are doing very well (congrats on fitting into your smallest jeans).  I hope my family and friends will support me and help  me to see weaknesses I may want to ignore.
on 12/29/11 10:38 am

I wish you lots of success.  I was going to write a longer reply about the concepts of "cheating" and "giving in" because I don't find them very useful.  But nothing was coming out right and I am sure you will find life with food much simpler after surgery.  Not perfect, but easier.  Keep posting, and good luck!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 12/28/11 10:36 pm - PA
That's awesome Happy! Pretty soon you will have to buy stuff. Could be worse, you could be buying cause you are bigger. You are doing terrific!
on 12/29/11 10:39 am

I am giving away the clothes that are too big - OMG I hope I don't have to buy bigger clothes again!!  Thanks!!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 12/28/11 11:18 pm - NJ
 Congrats! I also have multiple sizes in my closet, attic etc so I am looking forward to fitting into them soon. You have done awesome. 60 lbs in 4 months??? That is amazing!!!!!!!

The one thing I love about this surgery is that is forces you to stay on track. In the past if I would have stopped losing or only lost 1 lb/wk as I did for several weeks, I would have said "what the hell" an headed for the cookies and ice cream. But I cant, and since I have been forced to stay on track I am continuing to lose. It is hard to look long term and not feel like a failure when you eat something you shouldn't, but that is a dangerous road to go down. 

So happy for you!
on 12/29/11 10:43 am

I lost 10 pounds of that before surgery - so it's been more like 5 months.  Surgery makes it easier not to go for the cookies and ice cream, but it's still a choice we make ourselves.  I'm sure I could eat lots of both if I tried. 

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 12/28/11 11:38 pm
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