Woke the monkey

on 10/26/11 6:02 am

Today I was out of town for a meeting.  I decided to order carryout Labb Thai from a really good restaurant near my meeting, since it went over time and we didn't brea****il after 1:00 p.m.  I was very hungry.  This is a sauteed ground chicken dish served over a little lettuce, kind of like a salad.  It is spicy, limey, not oily at all, but the "dressing" is on the sweet side.  One of my favorite dishes, and I thought pretty VSG-friendly. 

I ate about 2.5 ounces of the meat, plus the lettuce since it really wilts under the heat of the chicken.  I had to put the container in the back seat so I couldn't reach it after I ate my portion and here it is two hours later and the leftovers (easily 2 more meals) are in the fridge calling my name.  I am not hungry. 

This is an unpleasant and familiar feeling.  I think I woke the monkey. 

I am 8 weeks out and that monkey's been awfully quiet up until now - what a blessing!  This experience has been a good reminder that he's still on my back, and that sometimes even things that seem pretty healthy wake him up.  I think I'm going to push the fluids now (can't eat and drink at the same time!) and plan on something less exciting for dinner.  

What is really eye-opening is that I can see that my tiny tummy wouldn't be an impossible obstacle to overcome if I were to get serious about eating compulsively again.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

Paige V.
on 10/26/11 6:23 am - Gainesville, FL
Ive not been there yet, but I am sure I will. Much better to post here than to eat it huh? I do eat every 2 hours or so, because I was told to to get my protein in...... =) Hope you overcome the craving


  visit my blog at www.thenursemommy.com!
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on 10/26/11 6:51 am

Yes, I have a protein coffee in the morning, then usually have my first meal at 11:00 or so.  Waiting so late was a BAD idea.  I should have had a snack with me.

And yes, almost anything is better than eating compulsively.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/26/11 11:15 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
Yep...same for me.  Waiting too long ALWAYS gets the hunger sharks going.
on 10/26/11 11:21 pm

I definitely think that was a big part of it.  I don't tolerate hunger very well.  It's a little scary, even though I know I'm not going to starve to death.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/26/11 6:37 am - Poughkeepsie, NY
My little monkey likes to feed me pretzels! OHH how I love pretzels!!!

Darn monkey!
on 10/26/11 6:49 am

You're so much more diplomatic than I am!! 

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/26/11 6:50 am - NJ
 Maybe we need to take it a step further and drown the monkey instead of just the pretzels! 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 10/26/11 6:41 am - NJ
 Eff that monkey, you got this. Kick him right in his monkey nuts and tell him where to go. 

I have been there just recently so I know its hard, but you have come so far and you KNOW it's a compulsive thought and that taking action on it would be counter productive to all the progress you have made, YOU have the power now.

Good for you for seeing it for what it is, and posting about it rather then surrendering! 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 10/26/11 6:48 am

Thank you, Courtney!  I am not listening to a single word he says!  I am on my second liter of water for the day and hope to fini**** by Pilates time.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

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