OK, I believe you now!

on 10/20/11 7:31 am

There have been many posts on this board about stalls, and how sometimes people lose inches even when they're not losing weight.  I have to confess that I did *not* believe this - I figured it was something people told themselves to feel better when they weren't losing weight.  I am also 7-1/2 weeks out and never had a stall. 

So now I might be in a mini-stall.  I have only lost 2 pounds in the past 11 days, which is a lot less than before, with no change in food plan.  And *more* "purposeful movement." 

But I am absolutely convinced that I am noticeably smaller than 11 days ago.  I mean, a pair of pants that felt a little snug are loose now, 3 shirts I couldn't wear before now fit, and one of my rings slid off on Tuesday.  AND people have started asking me if I was losing weight this week.  I wanted to say NO! I haven't seen the scale move at all in almost a week!!

So I am here, head hanging, saying "you were right, you can really lose inches without losing weight!" 

I am also at my "skinny-fat" setpoint weight.  I have gotten to 230-235 4 or 5 times in the past, but only briefly below 230 except for my big weight loss in the past.  I think my body is very comfortable at this size and it may take some time to pass through this stage.  And that's okay!!  I feel ten times better now than before, so it's not a bad spot to be. 

I also think there is a psychological component, even though I am very diligent about tracking everything I put in my mouth (except supplements) and am eating the same number of calories as before.  Right before I "stopped" losing, I had a kind of freak out and went into my gf's office, closed the door and said "I'm melting!"  And I didn't mean it in a good way.  Losing weight so fast can be a little disconcerting, at least to me.  Maybe this is just a way to let my head catch up.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/20/11 7:46 am
Hmmm.......prob the Zumba class you took the other day! Wait till you have taken 3 months of classes! LOL--but seriously, Zumba says you lose a whole size in clothes in 10 sessions. That may be a little optimistic, but I am finally, after 9 months since surgery, finally starting to lose belly fat. And I know Zumba is helping. I agree with you--stalls can help stabilize us--if we stay at a certain weight, it feels like we will not regain as easily. Gotta look on the bright side when talking about stalls. You are doing fantastic. Keep it up.
on 10/20/11 7:55 am

Ha!!  You probably wouldn't think it was the Zumba if you'd seen me tripping all over myself.  Yes, I am pretty happy all things considered!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/20/11 4:05 pm
Hey, tripping all over one's feet burns more calories than gliding like a swan across the floor!
on 10/20/11 8:00 am
Love the honesty in your post and valued information. 

I have been in the same kind of slow down or stall.  But I'm OK with it. (surpises me, and hopefully it is a short stall so I keep being OK with it..lol.)

Today, in fact, I pulled out a shirt that had been a tad bit snug the other day and actually buttoned it, sat down in it and it was fine, no pulling around the waist or on the buttons.  So yes, even if we are not losing pounds....our body is still re-shaping.  

You are right on another thing too....the getting our heads around this whole body change thing going on.  It's going to take time, but will be done.

Congratualtions on how you are doing and thank you for sharing!! 

on 10/20/11 8:05 am

You are doing fantastic, Kathy!  Isn't it a trip when formerly tight clothes fit?  It's one of my favorite parts about this!!

Most people think we should all be 100% thrilled to lose weight, but I find it more of a mixed bag for me.  I mean, it's definitely worth it on so many levels, but as someone who's been fat her whole life, it's also has some uncomfortable aspects. 

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/20/11 8:18 am

sounds like you're doing a great job....and it is going to feel so incredible when you breakthrough that old set weight and say goodbye to it forever!

personally, i've not worried about stalls or whatever.   my habit is to weigh naked each morning for my journal....which i still faithfully update daily.   i don't allow myself any freakout room for the daily fluctuations.  the first of every month i write down my weight on a list of monthly weights....and every month my weight has gone down.   the inches do seem to come off during stable weight times......must be my body adapting to itself. 

my tracker didn't update yet....but i'm down 91 pounds in a year...9 lbs from goal.  size 8 instead of 24. 

in the short run i can see how the daily/weekly scale weights matter.....but imagine one year out......it's going to be sooooo good for you!   

from my heart to yours.... 

on 10/20/11 11:14 am

Thanks!  I'm looking forward to the process, and stabilizing at a smaller size.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/20/11 9:05 am - Dana Point, CA
 If anyone isn't sure about the inches lost even with a weight loss stall - just get the tape measure and start keeping track of your measurements - I did neck, upper arms, bust, waist, lower abdom, hips, lower butt, thighs and even knees and calves .....it was so neat to see these various areas losing 1/4 inch and check the dates and see what happened after a few weeks....pounds and dress size aren't the only way to keep track of how you are shrinking!

Sorry you have psychological issues about getting back to a normal size - hopefully sessions with the counselors will help you.  My problem was I'd always been a normal size and then starting blowing up during menopause - so to get back to where I'd always been was wonderful for me - not sure how it must feel when you are going into something that doesn't seem like it's really you.....

Hope it works out for you though...

HW 255 SW 240 CW 158
-- & lookin good! next goal - no flabby skin?
on 10/20/11 11:15 am

Thanks, Donna!  I was smaller once before as an adult and I really loved it.  The transition is kind of weird, though. 

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

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