on 10/20/11 12:23 am - VA
Why is my paper work sititng on my Drs nurses desk. She has not been to work in three days and she has no back up...My surgery is set for 11/09/11 (i guess i can kiss that date behind) I can only see my MD when the isurance approves me and let her tell it UHC takes forever to approve...(a month she says)....uuuggghhhh so close i can taste but why are my starts not lined up.....please please come back to work lady
on 10/20/11 12:26 am - NC
I understand your frustration.... My paper work is sitting on the desk in the Appeals office. I had a date for 8/1 still fighting. Do not give up it will happen...
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change and the courage to change the things I can. Above all the wisdom to know the difference    
on 10/20/11 10:20 am - Mayville, MI
VSG on 02/06/12
I hear ya! My dr has had paperwork on his desk since August 3rd, I have contacted his office, the insurance company and even the bariactri surgen.. Had the bariactri dr contact my dr and still nothing!  
