please tell me this will pass

on 10/12/11 7:54 am - VA
ok i need to mind is playing tricks on less than a month away from msurgery and i cant seem to put down the cheetos...(i mean im eating them as i type)...ive been doing much better with my eating no fast food no going out to eat salad for lunch boiled egg and toast for breakfast...but when i want to snack i do....i feel like crying....whats my guarantee when  have this surgery i can liquid diet starts on the 26th and its really starting to sit in i cant eat like this any longer .....uuuggghhh please just tell me soon do you stop eating or could change your eating habits
on 10/12/11 8:05 am - Granada Hills, CA
Honestly, it took me many many months of changing my eating habits before I felt confident enough that I would be successful after surgery.

My first thought is - good job on cutting out the fast food. That was my first step, and I went from there.

Second, if you don't keep the crap around, you can't eat it. I kind of believe that you have to change the behaviors before the mind will follow. So start with not buying and keeping the stuff in your house. I cannot even tell you how many things I bought when I was working on changing my habits that I brought home, and then realized it was a horrible mistake and threw it away. I hated wasting money, but the benefits of throwing it away was far more than eating the $3 baf of junk I just bought.

You honestly just need to get to a point where there is something in your life that is more important than food - and when you get to that point, you will be able to do it. You need to dig deep and figure out what you want - be it health, or vanity, whatever motivates you, and make a plan.

Once I had surgery, it was absolutely cemented in my head that I did this for my life, for my health, for my future and there was not one single piece of junk food that was worth eating to risk those things. From day one, it has never been an option for me to eat that crap that made me fat - because it is not an option, i am not tempted by it. I'm not saying its easy, but you have to make that decision. if you think "maybe just a little" - you go down the slippery slope and it's not worth it.

You will benefit from the immediate side effects of surgery that will help you NOT want to eat for a while - i know my appetite pretty much all but disappeared with surgery, so that is a huge benefit and makes my life a lot easier. You can do this, if you believe you can. If you tell yourself you WILL do it, then you will.

Good luck to you! - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 10/12/11 8:21 am - VA
thank you so much...i needed tgo hear that its me in control and not the food ...and since its me deciding to leave food alone....i will give the junk food alone...thanks for the support
on 10/12/11 8:17 am - Cleveland, OH
I'm going to be honest with you. This surgery isn't going to control your hand-to-mouth coordination. It's going to be a mental change and they aren't handing out lobotomy with the VSG. I've been on liquid diet for more than 3 weeks (2 weeks pre-op and 1 week post) with another week to go. I checked myself before I even went to another appointment to further the process. It's all mental and this can't be something you force on yourself. If you don't think you're ready to make the change without the pre-op requirement or the post-op diet plan hanging over your head... please don't waste your time. There are people on here who still go to fastfood restaurants after VSG. Are you sick? like mentally ill is what I say to myself when I see those type of posts. So at least you haven't risked your life yet. But risk your life and abuse the gift/ tool. It's a life change and to answer your question I changed my life a week after meeting with my surgeon. No carbs, small portions, all that processed and bagged food is a joke. I'm like a heath nut now and wish I saw the benefits of healthy living prior to becoming 350lbs. Get it together or stop pursuing surgery.
on 10/12/11 8:28 am - VA
thanks for the post..get it together or stop pursuing surgery.....thats what i like about this site you get the truth.....ive been doing better than before but not doing my i i know as of today the junk food is gone...thanks
on 10/12/11 8:29 am
I was on a 6 month plan my pcp put me on so I had long since changed my eating habits and adjusted my portions.  The one major thing I cut out was snacking.  They are just empty calories.  If you don't buy it for a while, you will get used to it.  I lost a lot prior to surgery but I had to change to prove something to myself.  I agree with the prior post.  I definitely wasn't going to take this drastic step unless I knew I was ready.  When I was able to sit around my family who was eating french fries and fried chicken and not endulge, I knew I was ready.
  I like calling North Carolina home!!!  Go Tarheels!  

on 10/12/11 8:33 am - VA
Lady put those chips down... get it together and call me lol... U have come too far to turn back now... u can do it remember u want to cross those legs again and play tennis lol...
on 10/12/11 8:41 am - VA
girl i know....i was good all day until the end of the day and the work got stupid looking..then i got stressed out working behind when i walked through this dooor and saw those cheetos i was like YES....but you know what in the tra**** goes....i refuse to still be snacking when i get gonna call it the prev post says...its too many people that want this and cant have it...
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/11 8:46 am
Dump water on them, destroy them.. then trash 'em. This can and will pass when you make it pass. You want more than those cheetos can ever give you!
on 10/12/11 8:47 am - VA
I dont know how im going to deal with those crazy folks when i get back to work... in the meantime i am enjoying my time at home doing nothing but sitting on my butt all day ...
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