A question for the VETS

on 10/5/11 11:23 am
I am only 3 weeks out and eyeing up the lavash breads and these shirkiku (spelling?) noodles on a website thinking of placing my order. I just thought these might be better then anything full of carbs if I get my proteins in. Ya know just incase the craving**** and I have all them proteins in for the day.

The question I have, should I be waiting on this stuff until I am further out near maintenance? I have a funny feeling inside of me that I shouldn't be worrying about them just yet. I was just planning on putting the lavash bread into the freezer for winter time like another 3 months (even though it is cold enough out there tonight to feel like winter) or so.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 10/5/11 11:39 am
At over 2 years out, I still eat bready type stuff in big time moderation because it's almost a slider for me. I get restriction with it, but it's just not worth eating most of the time.

As for the shirataki noodles, I find them utterly repulsive. I know others love them, and have zero issues with the texture, smell. I simply can not get over the texture thing with those things. I chose to eat spaghetti squash instead of pasta and enjoyed it.

Trust your gut feeling on these, and just wait. Chunk that money into good quality meats, cheeses, and tons of greek yogurt!
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 10/5/11 11:45 am
I'll tell you about my own experience.  During my losing phase I would post occasionally about being a slow loser, which I put down to my age - 60 at the time of surgery.  BUT, I belatedly realized something, and that is that refined carbs made from grains were causing slowdowns and stalls in my weight loss - EVEN IF TOTAL CALORIE COUNT FOR THE DAY WAS WITHIN MY LIMITS.  For my body, a calorie is NOT a calorie.  It's more like the book says, "Good Calories, Bad Calories."  I also tend to get cravings for more, more, more when I eat sugar and refined carbs.  (Carbs from vegetables, dairy, small amounts of berries, and beans I didn't worry too much about.)

So I put down the refined white carbs, especially those made with flour, and it was fairly smooth sailing from there.  I landed under goal at 11 months, about 106 lbs. lost all-in.  These days, in maintenance, I do occasionally eat something on lavash bread, or a half-sandwich on whole wheat bread.  Ocasionally I say....  So far I've maintained my weight for three months - longer than I was able to maintain after losing weight any other time in my life.

Your mileage may vary.  This is just what I discovered works for me.

Height 5' 7"   High Wt 268 / Consult Wt 246 / Surgery Wt 241 / Goal Wt 150 / Happy place 135-137 / Current Wt 143
Tracker starts at consult weight       
In maintenance since December 2011.

on 10/5/11 11:59 am - Metairie, LA
in my experience, 3 weeks out, bread or carbs scared the hell out of me and I can't say that I like them alot now.  Spaghetti hurts me and its a luxury if I can eat half a sandwich without feeling odd.  I run like hell from pancakes even though it makes me sad. 
on 10/5/11 12:24 pm, edited 10/5/11 1:29 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Hi Jackie!..

The carbs isn't what feared me that early out!...You're not going to have the space for it...Maybe one or two bites..It would be a waste of money for you...Unless I lived next door LOL...I'd wait till further out... I was over two years before doing noodles, and don't care for regular ones now. Love the shirataki noodles. Lavash bread is a must try!!...My next order...Just my two cents worth..



Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

on 10/5/11 12:52 pm - TX
The bread and noodles aren't on the endangered species list.  They'll still be around when you have room to have them!  But you really won't have space for anything but protein for awhile....then protein and some veggies....then protein, some veggies and some fiber (which are carbs).  Noodles, bread and the like should be way down on your list.
May D.
on 10/5/11 2:28 pm, edited 10/5/11 2:30 pm
If you have a nutritionist or surgeon you should ask what they would want you to do.  Everyone is different.  

I didn't start adding carbs into my diet until 2 months ago and I'm 7 months post op.  I was told by my nutritionist 4 weeks after surgery that I could eat whatever I wanted as long as kept my carbs to a minimum and I was allowed bread, pasta and rice.  I chose not to eat carbs except for what was included in fruit and in my protein shakes, and I was doing okay until about 2 months ago when I realized I was eating too many calories in proteins and not losing weight.  I wasn't gaining, but the scale was stuck for 6 weeks.  I decided to join Weigh****chers 2 months ago and now eat a fairly normal diet.   I still eat 60-70 grams of protein first before I eat anything else and I eat whole grains, and sometimes I will eat some potato and rice but not very often. I still do not consume sugar.   Surprisingly I'm doing fantastic!!  The only difference is I am able to keep track much better than before.  

Before you start going onto solid foods, take little bites and a wait and see approach.  I've never had any problems with food, but some people do.   Good luck!

on 10/5/11 4:39 pm
Thanks everyone, I guess I should know better and just stick with my protein at first and make the best of my honeymoon stage. I just thought if I had bad carb cravings it might be better but I will just have to slap myself back into reality. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN, time to brainwash myself again, the liquids are getting to me and only one day left of them.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 10/5/11 10:11 pm - Harbor City, CA
WAIT....   Talk to people that just had surgery and what they are eating. They know more where your at.  Wait to eat stuff like this once you are closer to goal.  Some are triggered more by foods like this and some arent.  You will be able to eat these foods later on.  Just dont romance the food like you are right now.  Find a new high through what you need to do, exercise, water, getting out and doing things rather than staying at home in bed in satiety, depressions, gorge etc etc etc.
Stick to the plan for now.   You will be able to do this later.
good luck and huuugs to you

                      ✿ L♦O♦V♦E ✿ & ✿ P♦E♦A♦C♦E ✿ღ ✿ & F♦R♦I♦E♦N♦D♦S ✿ ღ
                         "Keeping The Faith!"   "Slim by Summer!"
                                    HW: 250 - SW: 241  - CW: 154.7GW: 140  

 1 month: 22 pounds (2162 months: 12.2 pounds (203.8)  3 months: 10.6  (193.2)
 4 months: 9.7  lbs  (183.5)  5 Months:   6  pounds  (177.5 ) 
6 Months: 12 lbs ( 165.5)
 7 Months 7.1 lbs (158.4) 8 Months +1.6 pounds(159.8) 9 Months 2.7 pounds (157.1)
10 Months 8.1 lbs (149) 11 months +2 pounds ( 151) 1 YEAR!!!  2.6 pounds (148.4)

                                  Hit "One-derland April 9th, 2011   (199.7)

                                  "Half-Way Goal" April 25th, 2011 (194.8)

                                  "Happyland 80`s" May 14, 2011  (189.6)

                                   "Groovyland 70`s"  June 20th 2011  (179.9)

                                    " HippyDippyland 60's"  July 16th  (169.8)

                                       " CQQL-land 50`s"  August 25th ( 159.8)

                        "Normal BMI"   24.8  October 21st, 2011 (154.5) I am 5`6

                                 "AWESOME-land 40's" Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                              "Century Club 100 Pounds"  Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                                        ' ONE YEAR SURGIVERSARY!!!"

                                           Two Year Surgiversary!!!"


on 10/6/11 1:14 am
 Here's my thoughts. I wouldn't eat that stuff out now but if you are ordering it for later like a month down the road go ahead. Right now you should be filling your tummy with mostly protiens just so you get enough nutrition but if you are going to freeze the bread I think it's good to have stuff like that on hand so you don't feel like you have to eat what everyone else is eating. Having some lavash bread made into a pizza when everyone else is having pizza is a good choice (imo). One key to losing my weight is keeping the bad stuff out of the house (candy, chips, icecream) and keeping better alteritives in so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself and I get into that whole woe is me mindset. Once I feel like I "can't" have something, it's all I want and think about. 


5'6" Start-276 Goal-150  Weight loss   Preop=5  Month 1=25  Month 2=10  Month 3=14  Month 4=3 Month 5=7  Month 6=9 Month 7=7 Month 8=Month 9=9 Month 10=7 Month 11=5 Month 12=5 Month 13=3 Month 14=4    


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