How to get in protein on the Clear Liquid Diet ???

on 8/5/11 6:32 am - Las Vegas, NV

Okay ... forgive me if I sound a bit slow but ... clear liquids are anything you can see through ... correct? Sooooo how are sugar free popsicles okay? I've read sooo many posts and watched so many youtube videos it's all a blur now! LOL 

After this Saturday I'm on Clear Liquids until surgery on the 17th. How do you get in protein if you can't drink protein shakes anymore???  I'm completely confused about this whole liquid diet thing.

I thought I'd ask the OH experts before I put call into the Dr.

Thanks in advance! All of your advice and help is GREATLY appreciated!! 

on 8/5/11 6:34 am - Davie, FL
You don't and don't worry about it..  Just focus on your surgery. And after surgery don't worry if you don't get it all in either..
on 8/5/11 6:40 am - LA
My doctor considered my protein shakes clear liquids since they were water based and not milk based.  You can also buy flavorless protein powder and add it to your broths or there is isopure protein drinks. Also, unjury makes a chicken soup flavor protein broth.  Pretty good!  Don't worry, never be afraid to ask questions!
If you fear nothing, then you love nothing. If you love nothing, what joy can there be in life?
                       VSG-3/3/2011 HW-308 SW-298 CW-152 GW-160
                                                156LBS. LOST

on 8/5/11 6:48 am

I believe clear liquids has to do with how it is processed in the body and not always that you can see through it, although that's usually the case.  Sugar-free popcicles are primarily ice with flavor.

Regarding protein, my doctor told me not to worry about that, although my clear liquid diet was only the day before surgery and full liquids 2 weeks prior.  I was also told not to worry so much about protein until 2 weeks after surgery just because of the amount of liquids that you can even get down.

HW- 357 | SW - 346.2 | CW - 244.0 | GW - 175

Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death!          
Cristina S.
on 8/5/11 7:06 am - New Britain, CT
 The only non clear fluids I had were the protein shakes, and I made those with skim milk. They probably just want you to have only clear broths, drinks and sf popsicles and sf jello
on 8/5/11 7:06 am
I had surgery on July 22 I was on a clear liquid diet for 2 weeks before the surgery, and as of today I am on a "thick soup" diet... Protein is not important right now. Focusing on surgery is! You will make it! I have been a complete month with no added source of protein and have had no side effects of it.
Marcia B.
on 8/5/11 7:09 am - CA
My doctor also included protein shakes made with water as a clear liquid I was just told not to mix with milk and no cream soups.  I was also allowed on clear liquids SF Jello and SF popsicles not SF creamsicles or SF fudgesicles but just the popsicles.  Good Luck
Philippians 4:13 -  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Sherry T.
on 8/5/11 7:22 am
My DR told me the same thing about clears, anything that you can see through. I only had to do clears for 24 hours before surgery but also again a week after surgery.  Isopure makes a "clear" liquid protein drink.  It was kind of strong for me but I jus****ered it down.  Also gatorade makes a product called Recover G3 which is a clear liquid.  I loved the Unjury chicken soup and also the unflavered protein powders which I just added to warm broth.  Also Wal-mart carries a product called a protein shot.  It is a plastic test tube but they are sour in flavor.  Hope this helps
on 8/5/11 7:27 am
It's funny how docs are so different... mine is all about protien.... says it helps with healing... has us on shakes ASAP and tells us to focus on them... they count as fluid as well...

ut at the end of the day we all get to the same good place... so I'll take it :-)
Marcia B.
on 8/5/11 7:44 am - CA
Yea Kanga my doc said the same thing about protein :) and I was to have it 3 or more a day pre-op but after reading all the different programs from the different doctors on OH we do all end up at the same place :)
Philippians 4:13 -  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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