Pills Pills Pills

on 8/2/11 8:17 pm - MD
I am getting ready for my surgery date on Monday and I am trying to get an idea on how everyone is taking their vitamins. I am stressing (sort of) on all these vitamins that I have to take once home. From the multi vitamin to the PPI, what type of time schedule is everyone on? Are you taking all of these pills at once or like 3 times a day?

Thanks in advance.

on 8/2/11 8:39 pm - VA

Hey friend...I am glad to see a post from you!!!!

I take my b-12 MWF.  I take my b-complex, multivitamin, and part of my calcium in the morning.  I use the calcium citrate petites, so I take to smaller pills a few times a day.  I have heard some peole say that taking all the vitamins at once has made them sick.  So you may want to ease into it.

However, when you first get home, you may want to do a chewable multivitamin.  Liquids maybe hard to get down and thus make pills hard to swallow.  I didn't worry about vitamins other than the chewable too much for the first couple weeks

Your surgery is close...keep in touch
on 8/2/11 9:16 pm
Def one at a time!! Good luck!!

HW 310, SW 307, CW 259, LW 7.5, Goal 150

Shalom aleichem! Join us...  Keeping Kosher After WLS    
on 8/2/11 9:52 pm
PPI is taken first thing when my feet hit the floor. Most have a 30-60 minute wait time on eating after taking them so I drink my coffee during that time.

Breakfast is eaten, then I take a multi.

Then lunch, another multi

I pop a sublingual b12 a few times a week just whenever I remember it.

As for calcium, I take 2 per day. Those are taken separately one in the late afternoon and  one in the evening.

Make sure you DO NOT take the multi with iron (or any iron) within 2 hours of taking your calcium as they counteract each other and the calcium prevents the iron from being absorbed properly.

At over 2 years out, I still use chewables, and I use Celebrate multi complete and their Calcium Citrate 500. Not that I have any issues with swallowing pills, I just like my chewables.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 8/2/11 10:32 pm
Will I be able to swallow pills when i get home from the hospital? I found chewable D and sublinqual b-12, but I have my normal Centrum multi and caltrate calcium...will i need to buy chewable forms of these for the first weeks?

P.S. LOVE seeing little Tatum's picutre change with your pregnancy progression, so cool! :)
 Inspiration move me brightly...Grateful Dead Terapin Station
  HW 286 SW 279 CW 231 40y/o 5'10  Month 1-17, 2-7#, 3- 7#, 4-3#,5-3#      
on 8/2/11 10:39 pm
That will depend on your surgeon's recommendation. Some allow immediate use of pills, others require chewables or crushing pills for a few weeks.

Thanks so much ! ! ! (that's not really Tatum, it's just part of the pregnancy ticker so that's some random baby LOL) At my appointment last week, she would not cooperate for picture time, she kept moving, the u/s tech had issues getting proper measurements because she was being so stinking stubborn. I didn't even get a decent profile shot, every time the tech would try to freeze a frame she'd move and the pictures are all blurry and out of focus.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 8/2/11 10:55 pm
Yeah I knew it wasn't Tatum, nobody would allow that many 3D ultrasounds... I paid for one with my last pregnancy becuase we wanted a boy with every fiber of our being (we have 3 girls) and mine didn't look anything like the one on your ticker, but still it gives you a great perspective of what little Tatum is looking like from week to week and it is very cool! 
 Inspiration move me brightly...Grateful Dead Terapin Station
  HW 286 SW 279 CW 231 40y/o 5'10  Month 1-17, 2-7#, 3- 7#, 4-3#,5-3#      
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/11 12:52 am
 I take everything except my calcium in the AM, all at once.  Six pills total (vitamins and one prescription).  Calcium is PM (fights for absorption with something else, don't remember what).
