Long time since I've been here I'm 3 1/2 years out
Don't be scared Vicky it was the best decision I ever made!
Kris, the scale will catch up to the loose clothes. One morning soon you will probably be down 4 lbs. This happened to me a lot once I got near 175. Don't despair.
Kris, the scale will catch up to the loose clothes. One morning soon you will probably be down 4 lbs. This happened to me a lot once I got near 175. Don't despair.
Height: 5'6
Original weight: 225
Day of surgery 3/19/08: 206
Current weight: 148

Height: 5'6
Original weight: 225
Day of surgery 3/19/08: 206
Current weight: 148

I'll be getting my sleeve in a week! I'm definitely excited and ready for my journey!
Any tips for the first few days of post-op?
Is your life different now vs. pre-WLS? Specifically, social life (and eating habits)?
And I guess anything else you want to share...things that you found to be sucessful and things that didn't work for you.
OH! My goal is to lose about 85lbs...wondering if you experienced any excess skin and/or hairloss.
Thank you...and CONGRATS!!!
OH! Final question...how's the maintenance period??? :)
I'm sorry...that's a lot of questions! :p
Any tips for the first few days of post-op?
Is your life different now vs. pre-WLS? Specifically, social life (and eating habits)?
And I guess anything else you want to share...things that you found to be sucessful and things that didn't work for you.
OH! My goal is to lose about 85lbs...wondering if you experienced any excess skin and/or hairloss.
Thank you...and CONGRATS!!!
OH! Final question...how's the maintenance period??? :)
I'm sorry...that's a lot of questions! :p
If you had diarrhea afterwards - how long did it last? What did you do to stop it, if anything?
How long did it take for you to NOT hav to think before every bite of food -is it a small enough bite, did I chew it enough, did I wait long enough before the next one, etc. etc? When did it just get to be automatic?
I would really appreciate hearing what you have to say.
Thanks for offering to help.
How long did it take for you to NOT hav to think before every bite of food -is it a small enough bite, did I chew it enough, did I wait long enough before the next one, etc. etc? When did it just get to be automatic?
I would really appreciate hearing what you have to say.
Thanks for offering to help.
I did experience hair loss even though I took all the vitamins and ate my protein. The only other person that noticed it was my hairdresser. It grows back.
Even though I excercised a lot I did have excess skin especially in my belly and I had a sharpei like fanny. I had a total lower body lift a year ago. Healing from that was quite painful but I still would do it again. Funny enough, I didn't really go down in weight, perhaps I have lite skin? BUT, no more gut overhang, as a matter of fact its the first time in my life I had to wear a belt because there isn't any tummy holding up my pants.
Upper arms still bother me but I just practice doing the "Queen's Wave", you know elbow close to the body while waving, lol.
My weight has gone from 147 to 157 but just in the last 6 months. I whacked out my back this Spring with sciatica and everything. I'm not getting the same amount of exercise and I also find that when I have to take Vicodin for the pain they make me hungrier. Not my imagination I know another gal who feels the same way. Also, I haven't made the best food choices either, you know, waaaah pain, oh let me have some chocolate. The sleeve is only a tool it didn't magically transform the way I think about food totally. However, I am much better.
Always, always, eat protein first. Not drinking with your meals will become second nature it just took me about 6 months. Also, use the first 6 months to really stay on track, its the tiniest your tummy will be. Take advantage of your Dr. or Hospitals monthly weight loss meetings, they do help.
Drink your water. Stay away from the soda, I know its hard.
Be very careful of potato chips and the like. These will go down easily after awhile and do not fill you up. Get your exercise, something you like and can stick with.
Enjoy. My social life has become amazing mostly because I'm putting myself out there more. If someone doesn't like me, its not because of my weight, its my personality....LOL!!!!
Even though I excercised a lot I did have excess skin especially in my belly and I had a sharpei like fanny. I had a total lower body lift a year ago. Healing from that was quite painful but I still would do it again. Funny enough, I didn't really go down in weight, perhaps I have lite skin? BUT, no more gut overhang, as a matter of fact its the first time in my life I had to wear a belt because there isn't any tummy holding up my pants.
Upper arms still bother me but I just practice doing the "Queen's Wave", you know elbow close to the body while waving, lol.
My weight has gone from 147 to 157 but just in the last 6 months. I whacked out my back this Spring with sciatica and everything. I'm not getting the same amount of exercise and I also find that when I have to take Vicodin for the pain they make me hungrier. Not my imagination I know another gal who feels the same way. Also, I haven't made the best food choices either, you know, waaaah pain, oh let me have some chocolate. The sleeve is only a tool it didn't magically transform the way I think about food totally. However, I am much better.
Always, always, eat protein first. Not drinking with your meals will become second nature it just took me about 6 months. Also, use the first 6 months to really stay on track, its the tiniest your tummy will be. Take advantage of your Dr. or Hospitals monthly weight loss meetings, they do help.
Drink your water. Stay away from the soda, I know its hard.
Be very careful of potato chips and the like. These will go down easily after awhile and do not fill you up. Get your exercise, something you like and can stick with.
Enjoy. My social life has become amazing mostly because I'm putting myself out there more. If someone doesn't like me, its not because of my weight, its my personality....LOL!!!!
Height: 5'6
Original weight: 225
Day of surgery 3/19/08: 206
Current weight: 148

Height: 5'6
Original weight: 225
Day of surgery 3/19/08: 206
Current weight: 148

I didn't experience the runs afterwards.
When you first are allowed to drink after surgery make sure its something warm, broth or even warm water. I had an idiot nurse who tried to give me ginger ale, god.
First three months aren't that fun if you have to go out to eat because the waitresses think there is something wrong with the food because you can only take a few bites and then you are full. Also, some friends can be jealous and claim that "you aren't fun anymore, here try some french fries", just say thanks but no thanks. After six months you will be able to finish lets say a shrimp ****tail and a bit of salad.
When you first are allowed to drink after surgery make sure its something warm, broth or even warm water. I had an idiot nurse who tried to give me ginger ale, god.
First three months aren't that fun if you have to go out to eat because the waitresses think there is something wrong with the food because you can only take a few bites and then you are full. Also, some friends can be jealous and claim that "you aren't fun anymore, here try some french fries", just say thanks but no thanks. After six months you will be able to finish lets say a shrimp ****tail and a bit of salad.
Height: 5'6
Original weight: 225
Day of surgery 3/19/08: 206
Current weight: 148

Height: 5'6
Original weight: 225
Day of surgery 3/19/08: 206
Current weight: 148