It seems there are 2 trains of thought about life with VSG- Deep Thoughts?
I look at this as a choice, not deprivation. I choose not to have a bite of cake or a cookie or rice or pasta or bread or chips. Does this mean that I will never have a bite of any of these things, probably not, but for today and tomorrow, it is my choice and how I choose to live.
WLS is a tool, to help us to get to a healthier weight and along the way, to develop a healthier lifestyle. To maintain our weight loss, we must always use the strategies and behavioral changes that helped us to lose the weight. It never ends.
I am not a carb "Nazi" but get my carbs from yogurt, fat-free milk, cheese, veggies, and small amounts of fruit. I use a small amount of high fiber cereal in my morning yogurt and fruit, and occasionally, will have 1/4-1/2 cup of a sweet potato or yam. These are complex carbs and I have been staying away from sweets and other white carbs. I don't eat fast food at all.
It isn't the small portions that made us morbidly obese, but eating the entire bag, cake, pie, etc., is what led to the morbid obesity. Everyone has to find out what works for them. As long as one maintains, then whatever they are doing, is working for them.
This is the mindset that I am going into surgery with. What I've been doing hasn't worked. In fact, it's resulted in my morbid obesity. I don't know what I'm going to do a long way down the road, but I'm going to toe the mar****il I hit my goal.
Thanks, vets!
Almost as much as I hated diets. I am so new though and quite frankly really never thought about all of this because I was focused first on just getting to Mexico in one piece and coming home safely. Then it was a matter or pain and recovery (which fortunately was VERY short lived, thanks to Dr. A). Now, I am focused on just being able to chew slow and pulverize the food enough just to slide down my gullet without choking or .
I am exhausted and there is still alot of work to be done.
One thing, however, that I do have is a prescription from my Doctor who I love and respect:
600-800 Calories
60-80 g protein
64+oz of water
I can manage that and with this very simple strategy nothing will pass my lips that doesn't fit the prescription until I see 125lbs because that is what he promised if I do. After that, who knows?
Pre-op I was a MAJOR fast food junkie!! I NEVER cooked, I ate out 3 meals a day (sometimes 4) every single day. Now, I very rarily eat out anywhere. I'm not low carb but I am consious (most of the time) of what I eat. Almost all my carbs come from dairy, veggies, fruits and whole grains and so far I do not have any issues eating a healthy well balance diet.
Now that said I am still a binge eater, always will be. Anything that I know I will binge on is not allowed in my house (unless snuck in and hidden-ask my son about my binges on his pringles!!). I do allow myself to have some "crap" food occasionally just because I want it. It seems my binges are triggered by depravation. So occasionally I will purposely "binge" but I really try to not have much available to binge on. It seems to work so far.
I've been maintaining for 8 months now so I am hopeful I have found the "what works" for me. I do still weigh daily and so far I have not had to go "back to the basics". If I see a couple lb gain, I know it's water weight (usually due to high sodium intake) and I do not panick. I up my fluid intake and I'm usually back to my normal 131 lbs within a couple of days.
Great discussion topic!!
I guess, I stay away from my trigger foods which is the carbs but I do tend to have some sweets like chocolate or a little ice cream once in a while.
I was a huge bread, baked chips eater and I have realized that to stay on the right path I am better to stay clear. My concern is not for the short term but the long term. I have lost and regained too many times in my life. I am determined to do this the correct way for the first time. This not only pertains to foods but other unhealthy habits.
This is the first time that I have lived such a healthy and clean lifestyle. It is the best i have felt in years.
This was a good question that has no wrong answer. But one that is good to ask ourselves.
Nah, I just joshin ya- I totally do.. Good thing for my hubby to! Ha ha
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
Nah, I just joshin ya- I totally do.. Good thing for my hubby to! Ha ha
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson