Wayyyy TMI (constipation, blood) but Please Help!

on 7/5/11 1:44 am
I'm almost 3 months out now and I had a recent bout with constipation. It had been 2-3 days and two large doses of milk of magnesia over the next two days finally made something happen. The only bad thing was that it was a very large, painful something. For the last day or so when I do go #2, there is bright red blood in the toilet. My guess, since it's not in the actual stool, is that I tore something when I was finally able to go.

After a bit of reading up on fissures/tears, it seems like most of these resolve themselves, but I also saw a lot of articles saying that they are much easier to treat earlier on. Should I contact my surgeon now or wait a few days to see if it resolves itself?
on 7/5/11 1:58 am - Owosso, MI
 Bright red blood usually means that it is blood from right around or near  the anus area. You may have hemorrhoids caused by the constipation or even a tear or a fissure.  

It's always best to call your surgeon early on and let them advise you on what to do.  They may even recommend seeing your PCP but let your surgeon be your guide first.

So my advice:  call them now so they have time to respond, possibly recommend a treatment or advise you to wait it out.  You don't want to wait it out and then wish you had called 3 days ago!!

So ...off OH  ....CALL YOUR DOC!!!


"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity and fear but a spirit of power and love and self discipline."  2 Tim. 1:7     So with HIS power, love and self-discipline - I WILL DO THIS!
HW:250 SW: 232 CW: 164  GW: 150 
on 7/5/11 2:11 am
Thank you. I just shot off an email to my surgeon's medical assistant, so hopefully she can give me some guidance!
on 7/5/11 2:07 am - Austin, TX
Call your doc. I had a fissure for about 6 months, ended up being repaired by surgery. It sucked, but I'm glad I did it. I can sit comfortably again This was 2 years ago.

Look for something called Miralax. I use it daily, per my general surgeron. Not right now because there's not much going on in that department, but I love the stuff. It's gentle, not really a laxative effect, but keeps stuff going and soft.

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 7/5/11 2:12 am
I take colace every day, which up until now had worked wonders! Maybe I need to change it up a bit.
on 7/5/11 2:27 am - Lincoln, NE
Sounds like something not to mess around with. I'd check with the doc  ASAP.
Rich Sonderegger
George B.
on 7/5/11 3:10 am - Miami, FL
I went through the same thing and it did end up fixing itself.

When the constipation was severe I used a Glycerine suppository. It worked a miracle 15 minutes after I used it. Now I take 2 Fiber Gummies every other day and this has kept me regular. 
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/11 3:26 am, edited 7/5/11 3:27 am - CA
I am with you! It seems like everything only works temporarily until your body gets used to it. I was constipated for almost 5 days and though I'm not bleeding, it was not fun getting it out. :( I've been taking stool softeners every day lately. Before was MOM, tried Miralax, tried Magnesium (which worked for a week)...pooping issues suck! Lately, I've gone back to my old standby--a cup of strong coffee. Works within 30 minutes. Happy Pooping!!
on 7/5/11 3:49 am
Most likely, it's a hemorrhoid but always a good idea to be safe.

Constipation issues are horrible. and for me, I had to be creative to resolve mine. Miralax and fiber weren't enough.

Here's what I do:

At lunch, 500mg Magnesium Oxide
At bedtime, 500mg Magnesium Oxide, 4 colace, and 1 probiotic (primal defense ultra).

This combo allows me to poop every couple of days and it no longer hurts like the dickens to go.

HW: 280; SW: 255; GW1: 150; CW: 155.

(deactivated member)
on 7/5/11 4:04 am
Having IBS I've had this off and on for my life.. As long as once everything passes you are not in pain, it generally is a small tear or internal 'roid and it fixes itself IF you don't keep passing bricks..

If you have pain sitting, or throbbing pain with your pulse or bleeding that does not stop, or constant searing pain every time- you need to get checked out..

What has worked for me (finally) is that I'm taking Vitalady's Cal-Mg-D3, and there's enough Mg in there to keep me regular with the 6-9 caps I take a day of it, plus I take one or two potassium=Mg pills a day too.. that with Benefiber and a cup of protein coffee in the am does the trick so far.
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