April 2011 Sleevers Check-in

on 6/27/11 9:53 am - CA
Hey just wanted to see how ya'll are doing?? I was sleeved 4-25-11 and actually gained 2 pounds this week but could be because I had 2 glasses of wine over the weekend. I also have been probably eating too many carbs, not drinking enough protein shakes. Have not been a model vsg'er. I was down 34 pounds and because of the 2 lb gain am now at a 32 lb loss since surgery. Today I have rededicated myself to discipline and have had nothing not allowed. I am drinking plenty of water, taking vitamins B-12, iron and a multi-vitamin. Cant stomache the big ol calcium chewable tablets I bought from Bariatric Advantage. I noticed I was losing way better when I consumed alot of Isopure but have recently ran out and havent been able to afford to buy more yet. Anyone noticed that eating/drinking healthy is very expensive? Go**** sucks. I've been working 10-12 hr days since a week after surgery and my exercise is extremely limited. I did lift some weights this weekend because everyone knows muscle burns more calories and my arms are getting saggy from weight loss. No hair loss yet. Energy is great. Anyhow would sure like to hear from the rest of you April folks. Good luck to ya.
on 6/27/11 10:21 am
I'm down 32 lbs since surgery as well, but that's because I had my big initial loss pre-op. Down 67 lbs overall, which puts me halfway to my surgeon's goal and a little less than halfway to my initial goal (don't have any idea where I'll go from 175 - I'll just be happy to get there and see how I'm doing).

Try the calcium citrate chewy bites (they're like soft candy). Much, much easier to stomach than anything else.

I'm with you on the protein. Just found out my husband's employer is closing doors and I have no idea how I'll afford the protein. If I have to eat 6 small meals a day to get my protein from food, I will, I guess. I've come too far to let money get in the way. Thankfully I just got a 3 month supply of vitamins, so I'm set there.

As for this sentence, "anyone noticed that eating/drinking healthy is very expensive" is at the heart of one of this country's biggest problems - obesity among folks of lower income because they can best afford junk food not healthy food. A documented side effect of semi-poverty - enough money to eat, not enough money to eat healthy.

No hair loss yet, but don't think we're due for another month or so.

So the rest of my life has gotten scary with the job loss, but my VSG stuff is going very well.

Wishing everyone good luck!

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

on 6/27/11 10:38 am
It is very expensive to eat healthy. You guys are doing great can not wait to get to the other side. Maybe you should try the fage greek yogurt 0% plain with some sugar free cherry jello flavor. I hate greek yogurt but this 1 is yummy. 23 grams of protein per cup.
on 6/27/11 1:29 pm

I have very similar issues. I have lost 35lbs post op, and 60 since highest weight. Struggle to get "it all" in but work at it every day. Haven't taken much time for exercise but am hoping to purchase a treadmill soon. I have notice the more protein and water I get in the better my lose is. No hair loss here. Yet...

Down a couple of pant sizes, down 3-4 shirt sizes depending on style, and down 2 bra sizes! Super excited about all of that. I haven't had my labs yet; still have a few more weeks for that. However, I don't feel "bad" so I am hoping that checks out well.

It IS so Expensive to buy healthier food. I try to think of it as another investment in my future. (I am self pay.) The more I spend now the cheaper my health cost will be when I am old, retired, and on a smaller income.

Well good, to hear stories from other VSGer's from April!

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

              HW (1/1/2011): 382. SW (4/15/2011): 357. CW (03/29/2012): 275.
                                                Sleeved on 4-15-11                
on 6/27/11 2:20 pm - CA
Good way to look at it-financial investment for the future to reduce health care...thanx. I'll keep that in mind but no kiddin lately its like do I have money for Isopure, meat..protein foods-or do I put gas in my car to get to work? It's been rough-so I ended up buying a cheap bag of pretzels because theres no fat in them and they fill me up if I just eat a couple but ideally I'd rather be eating healthy!!
on 6/29/11 5:02 am
I am also April sleever APril 21 and I am down 48lbs but I cant stand the stall I am having I just got cleared to work out about 2 weeks ago and I have been at the gym almost everyday 45mins treadmill, bike ,eliptical and I am trying the weight training class I cant stand the stall but then again I do eat out alot but I try to go for chicken protein first and then I found the 100 calorie chips lawd why I am trying to get protein in from eating at least an egg or the slim fast high protein powder shake. praying for us all
on 6/29/11 1:41 pm - Canada

Hi Eeryone

I was sleeved on APril 15th and am down 61lbs post op. I am stuggling with exercising but need to get my head around it and my butt in the gym! I am noticing my arms are getting a bit saggy, well alot saggy and I am a bit hard on myself over it. I fell off the wagon this last week with my tracking and protein, but I will get back on it!!! I had a family get together this weekend was shocked with all the comments I received! It was really nice.
I found when my energy is low I bump up my b 12 vitamin to 2 a day and it makes a big difference!\

Take care everybody and happy lossing!!!!!

First 30 days 31lbs
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