Am I losing enough?

on 6/21/11 6:24 am - CA
I had my VSG on Apr 25, 2011 and I'm down 33lbs since surgery almost 2 mos ago. Seems like everyone is losing more than me and I'm getting discouraged. I'm afraid the optimum losing period is passing me by and when I read about people who lost just 30 lbs 2 yrs ago with their VSG and nothing since I am terrified I will be that person. I've been losing 3-4 lbs a week and this last week only lost 1 and a half. Scale hasnt moved in 3 days. Oh yeah, and I know its real common to suffer from constipation & its something we all struggle with but let me tell ya--I went to the lake with co-worker before work this morning to lay out in the sun and ate 2 slices of jalapeno pepper for the first time since surgery & 20 min later was running to the bathroom. Almost didnt make it! Will not do that again. Wow.
on 6/21/11 6:59 am
Your brave with the jalapeno peppers! LOL, and Congrats on your weight loss, i say your doing fine and i wouldnt get on the scale so much if i were you, i know it's hard but try and maintain once a week weigh in's. I wouldnt worry so much about your weight loss at some times it seems im losing fast then at other times it does slow down but i always notice it slows down when im not doing what im suppose to be doing like incresing my protein and water in take. Good luck to you!
 HW-267-SW-253-CW-167 I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

on 6/21/11 7:04 am - OR

I had surgery on the 23rd of May and I have only lost 14 lbs! I am not cheating at all, sometimes it really bugs me to be losing so slow but I am hoping it will pick up.  So you are doing a lot better than me:)

on 6/21/11 7:09 am
You're doing fine. Different folks lose at different weights. I did like another poster, got to about 14 lbs and stalled, then started losing again. I'm down 65 lbs, but only 30 of that is since surgery.

Stay on plan and you'll be fine.

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

on 6/21/11 7:29 am - PA

You're doing great!  I've read in the books that most folk**** a plateau 3-5 weeks after surgery. A friend of mine who was sleeved a week before you has been stalled for 3 weeks now.  You are eating so few calories that it will come off.  My one question would be are you eating enough? Sometimes if you aren't eating enough, you might not lose much. Talk with your nutritionist.

I'm a month out and this past week was the first week I forced myself to wait 1 week b/w weigh ins. It was really hard. That scale taunted me like the fridge used to!  I expected more of a drop on the scale, but that was me comparing myself to others. I am not a fast loser either.

Did you measure yourself? If you haven't, do it NOW!  I measured and took pics 2 days before surgery.  I measured this past weekend and it blew me away!  Way better than the 3lb drop on the scale. 

Don't be chained to the scale. Look at other ways you are progressing.


Sleeved 5/24/11
Highest Weight - 255
Day of Surgery - 237

on 6/21/11 7:43 am - CA
Thanks all of you so much. Appreciate the encouragement.
on 6/21/11 8:16 am - chesapeake, VA
I had my surgery on 4/11 and Im down 36 lbs...and we started about the same wieght.  so Im guessing your right on target!  I went to a follow up meeting with my NUT everyone at the meeting was sleeved in April and we all pretty much had the same weight loss, other that the one person who had a bypass lost more..
I feel the same way as you do with it being slow, but the reality is , I never would have gotten even this far without the surgery and I am very happy with the progress so far..I think you are doing just fine..
(deactivated member)
on 6/21/11 8:25 am
We went in at about the same weight.. I had lost 16 prior to surgery, and have lost 28 since my surgery 4/11. You are doing just fine. Like others said- everybody loses at a different speed, quit comparing and worrying over nothing.. just stay on plan! I don't know about you, but I've never lost weight like this without suffering from constant hunger. I'll take it at whatever speed it happens.
May D.
on 6/21/11 2:41 pm
Dont' let other's weight loss dictate the way you lose weight.  Everyone's body is different.  I'm hypothyroid, 4 months post op and have lost 42 lbs.  It's slow but it's consistent.

I'm not in a race with anyone here and I don't want to be obsessive compulsive with my weight loss.

Good luck!

on 6/21/11 11:45 pm - Ashburn, VA
I lose about a pound a week. According to my Dr I am in the optimal range for the sleeve, and results. My guess is that you either need to up your exercise or lower your caloric intake.

I am one of those weird people that was never a big overeater, I just ate too many carbs vs protein. For me the weight loss was disappointing in the beginning because I saw people at 100lbs after 6 mo. But if I stick to the diet, keep my calories low - it works! Especially now that I am several months out and dont have to worry about swelling, etc. Its easy to eat too much. Talk to your NUT. They can help too. And remember - 3 meals + protein. 

Oh, the other thing that helps me was tracking food on It automatically tally's your calories, protein, etc. So you REALLY know where your problems are. Hope this helps! =)

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