Be honest, the sleeve doesn't create surgically induced bullemia - right?

on 5/27/11 5:52 am - MD
Twice since surgery - that's 6 mos. - I would have paid money to be able to throw up - I overdid the dense protein and sleevie kicked my ass - serious pain, agony for 2 hrs pain - my fault, my consequenses and I'm one of those people who has thrown up about a half-dozen time in my whole life.  'Nuff said?   Good luck!
on 5/27/11 6:10 am - MI
 I just had my sleeve on Monday, so I don't have the experience that a lot of people here have.  But I did puke just once.  That wasn't anything to do with the surgery, though.  It's because I am allergic to peppermint and one of the elixirs they gave me was flavored with peppermint.

Christian Fiction Author        
Kristy R.
on 5/27/11 6:01 am - Santa Clara, CA
 I was sleeved on 3/29.  I have not thrown up once.  I was nauseated immediately post op and took medication for that.  That was the last time.  
~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/11 6:07 am - GA
VSG on 06/08/09 with
 I've thrown up one time in 2 years (when I ate whipped cream -- high fat nauseates me).  Other than that, not once. 
Still Fawn
on 5/27/11 6:10 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
You would have to purposefully waaay overeat in order to puke because of your sleeve. I have overeaten to the point of a tummy ache a few times, but haven't puked. The VSG is neither self induced bulimia nor anorexia. You will be fine.

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 5/27/11 6:13 am
I did hurl once - about 3 weeks out - on eggs.  I knew they went down a little hard for me in the beginning, but I really wanted them so I ate a little too fast and a little too much.

I learned my lesson.  Frisco mentioned that he never ate quite to his sleeve capacity.  A light bulb went on and I began to follow that rule and adhere to it strictly.  No problems since. 

I love my sleeve.  Most of us seem to.  You can look back over the posts, but you won't find many unhappy people.  Right after surgery, many of us are grumpy and unhappy for awhile, but that usually changes.

Good luck!
on 5/27/11 6:17 am
I was just sleeved on Monday... so far, so good!  They were giving me anti-nausea meds while I was in the hospital as a pre-emptive measure, but even after I came home and the meds had worn off, there was no sign of nausea at all.  I haven't even picked up the anti-nausea prescription my surgeon gave me, no need.

I think the reason there's so little vomiting with the sleeve is because your stomach is doing exactly what it's always done, it's just operating with a smaller capacity.  That's why the only time you run into issues is with over eating or eating too fast... the functioning is exactly the same, you just have to be mindful of the volume.

Based on what I've seen of bandster-turned-sleevers on here, you'll LOVE your sleeve :-).

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(deactivated member)
on 5/27/11 6:19 am
VSG on 03/14/11 with
Never thrown up and thank God, cuz I abhore the act!  I did have dry heaves one time but that was because I tried beef too early.  There have been a couple of instances where I may eat one bite too many and you just kinda feel it sitting there waiting to go down but that's all a part of knowing your limits and it takes time to get to know your new tummy.  Also, I've never even been nauseous except with the dry heave spell.  That's pretty much it!   
on 5/27/11 6:20 am
I dry heaved constantly on my 2nd day and puked once 3 weeks out from eating eggs.  Never again since.
HW/Starting: 327  SW: 302 (lost 25 lbs pre-op), GW: 158

on 5/27/11 6:31 am
No, nope, never.  Have overeaten too darn much a couple of times and felt TOTALLY MISERABLE but no vomiting ever.

Leila, you will look back at this anxiety in a couple of months and have a good laugh.  I wish only the best for you.  Hugs....Jennifer
   hi there.  pleased to meet you.  ~jennifer                        
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