bleeding after surgery

on 4/25/11 6:36 pm - CA
I had my VSG done this afternoon. Well when I sit up on the edge of hospital bed earlier the entrance wound under belly button started leaking a lot of blood. Also the two times I walked the same wound seaped so much blood ran onto the floor. Dressing been changed twice. Nurse said its not good. Dr will be in to see me tomorrow. Anyone else have this issue??
on 4/25/11 6:57 pm - WI
Oh no,   Other than that, how are you feeling?  Do you have a drain in.   I would insist that the Dr. be let know of the situation NOW and let him make the call of if it can wait untill tomorrow.   It may not be anything to worry about but I would let the Dr. make that call. 

Again,   INSIST the Dr. be notified!  You are your BEST health advocate!

on 4/25/11 7:32 pm
What the hell kinda hospital you in???

Press the little Red Button and demand they fix you!

Wake some people up!

You were probably glued and it has opened....

You should walk every few of hours......

Hope you get this resolved soon....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 4/25/11 9:40 pm - Harbor City, CA
omgaaaawd i am so sorry to hear this.  I agree with frisco..  press that red button and get help now......   Hope your problem is resolved.  this sounds serious...  Keep us posted.

                      ✿ L♦O♦V♦E ✿ & ✿ P♦E♦A♦C♦E ✿ღ ✿ & F♦R♦I♦E♦N♦D♦S ✿ ღ
                         "Keeping The Faith!"   "Slim by Summer!"
                                    HW: 250 - SW: 241  - CW: 154.7GW: 140  

 1 month: 22 pounds (2162 months: 12.2 pounds (203.8)  3 months: 10.6  (193.2)
 4 months: 9.7  lbs  (183.5)  5 Months:   6  pounds  (177.5 ) 
6 Months: 12 lbs ( 165.5)
 7 Months 7.1 lbs (158.4) 8 Months +1.6 pounds(159.8) 9 Months 2.7 pounds (157.1)
10 Months 8.1 lbs (149) 11 months +2 pounds ( 151) 1 YEAR!!!  2.6 pounds (148.4)

                                  Hit "One-derland April 9th, 2011   (199.7)

                                  "Half-Way Goal" April 25th, 2011 (194.8)

                                  "Happyland 80`s" May 14, 2011  (189.6)

                                   "Groovyland 70`s"  June 20th 2011  (179.9)

                                    " HippyDippyland 60's"  July 16th  (169.8)

                                       " CQQL-land 50`s"  August 25th ( 159.8)

                        "Normal BMI"   24.8  October 21st, 2011 (154.5) I am 5`6

                                 "AWESOME-land 40's" Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                              "Century Club 100 Pounds"  Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                                        ' ONE YEAR SURGIVERSARY!!!"

                                           Two Year Surgiversary!!!"


on 4/25/11 10:38 pm
Wow sounds like something that need attention ASAP!
on 4/25/11 11:12 pm - Kensington, CT
I agree that you need to be attended to now and not tomorrow. If you have already demanded that he be called and have not had a good response I would get on the phone yourself and call his office. A tiny bit of bleeding may not be an issue but for it to be enough to leave drops on the floor is definitely not a good thing. Try not to stress over it but you do need to get that taken care of. Easy entrance for infection. Good luck!!
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
on 4/25/11 11:25 pm
I do agree that it should be looked at now... my concern would be increased risk of infection... hospitals are crawling with nastiness, no matter how great they are...

HOWEVER, the bleeding wouldn't worry me too much personally... they give you blood thinners to reduce the risk of clots to it makes sense that you would bleed pretty easily if it's open...

Still... I wouldn't be okay with an open incision site AT ALL!

on 4/26/11 1:28 am
I had this - ended up having to have a stitch put in. They numbed it, they stitched it, it was over. That incision hurts a little more than the others, but not a tremendous problem. I'm doing great post-op (day 8 and I can bend down & touch my toes).

The big problem is not seeing someone until tomorrow. I'd be a little insistent about that.

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

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