Epiphany moment re:"I did this for my health"

Kristy R.
on 4/12/11 2:03 pm - Santa Clara, CA
 I was typing a message to one of my friends, giving them my standard: The looks are a part of it. Society is not a friend of obese people. But the reason I did this is for my health. But it just occurred to me that it's also my mental health. And that is worth a heck of a lot too, because mental effects physical. Looking better makes you feel better. People responding to you as a non-obese person makes you feel better. Is it right that they do? NO. But I'll take it. People are already telling me I act differently, that it seems like a dark cloud has lifted. I didn't even know that cloud was there. WLS...the gift that keeps on giving. Just 2 weeks out and I am already so grateful.


~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
sleeve genie
on 4/12/11 2:11 pm - Alhambra, CA
I just loved reading your post.  Its so true.   The sleeve is such a miracle.   There are so many other things happening in our lives besides losing weight,  that is only one small part of it.   There have been so many gifts along the way and  Ah Ha moments   I'm right there with you   so grateful  :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

Suzanne B.
on 4/12/11 2:15 pm - OR
It is amazing how our lives change with this weight loss.  I know without a doubt that I will never gain this back again.  It is so easy to live with the sleeve.  I am 2 1/2 years out and have maintained my weight loss.  I am always willing to tell people about my surgery.  I think the more people we educate the more people that might be willing to have this same surgery.

Congratulations to you.
on 4/13/11 9:38 am - NH
I love when veterans give us support by letting us know that we can do this for the long-term and for life!!!  
on 4/12/11 2:15 pm - CA
 I feel the same way.  I can't wait to be on the losers' bench with nothing but blue skies over head! -Well... I'll take some pretty, puffy, pink clouds now and then-  Just coming to the conclusion that this is what I need/want and taking the steps to get is has brought more light into my life.
Congratulations to you on your great success thus far.  I'm happy that you are able to live life a little fuller and can't wait to hear more!!

on 4/12/11 2:36 pm - CA
The miracle continues to grow the further out that you get!  This was a great post!  People told me early out that I seemed calmer and happier.  Now I am much happier and definitely healthier than I was a year ago.  The sleeve is amazing!
on 4/12/11 2:38 pm
 I have lost weight and regained it back in the past multiple times. I finally hit a patch a few years were a couldn't loose any weight no matter how much I exercised and dieted. I knew I would regain it back anyway. But when I started my pre-op diet something was different. I finally had hope. And guess what...I lost more weight then I ever thought I could. After the surgery I have been in a great mood and so grateful to have this chance. I wasn't depressed or anything before, but I feel like a new me. I do feel like I came out of a cloud or something. And I'm loving it. 

Ht 5'6 
Surgery Date: April 6, 2011
Wt at surgery was 232
on 4/12/11 3:14 pm - Sullivan, MO
So very true! Imagine all that is to come over the next few months! 
5'5 HW 238 / SW 198 / GW 130 / CW 119....Goal Reached in 8 short months..
on 4/12/11 9:07 pm - MD
Your post about mental health is exactly why I am such an advocate for sharing this experience with all those around us.  Keeping WLS "in the closet" is like wearing bigger clothes to hide our obesity - it's a cloak that masks our real feelings about ourselves.  I have an army of supporters- family, friends, neighbors (who honk when they see me walking every day) and even casual acquaintences. They are all sharing in my success.
Another reason to share:  Pay it forward - b/c a friend in my wife's church was open about his WLS, I learned from him, first hand, about the experience.  It helped convince me that I was on the right course.  My openess prompted a fishing-buddy neighbor wih raging diabetes to check it out - he's now scheduled for VSG in May.

Sometimes it seems like people on OH forums are looking for miracle cures or silver-bullet solutions.  Not me.  I signed on to a program that requires commitment and consistency for 18-24 mos.; a surgical procedure and medically supervised program of daily exercise and carefully considered nutrition.

At one-week shy of 5 mos. post-op, I've lost diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, "general grouchiness,"  and, oh yeah, as of this a.m. 115 lbs.  Not bad for a 65-year-old. 
Life is good.
on 4/12/11 10:02 pm - Kenner, LA
Thank you for sharing, it is great to know how this surgery will help us with our selves.  I have been thin and I have been fat, I have been lucky enough to not have many people say anything mean to me as I was fat.  I will be on the loser's bench in two weeks, and I can't wait for the blue skies.

I can't wait to fly in an airplane and not need that extra strap to wear on the plane, or to go on rides at Disney, or wherever that I could not go on before.  People do react differnetly to you when you are losing weight.  Telling you how great you look, ETC..  You are right though, it is not right, but I will take it too.

Again thanks for sharing

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