Ugghhhh MEN!!! Somewhat OT...
RNY on 11/10/14
RNY on 11/10/14
I agree with what everyone else has said... a quality man would never be so shallow and insensitive to even think about making a comment like that. You don't want either of those, you want the guy who overhears them and cuts them down to size for being ********
I know because I'm married to that guy and there are plenty more like him out there. Just have faith that he'll find you when the timing is right and go on with your life until that day arrives.
I know because I'm married to that guy and there are plenty more like him out there. Just have faith that he'll find you when the timing is right and go on with your life until that day arrives.
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These BOYS you are encountering are mentally.....emotionally....and socially "stunted" This type of behavior is NOT exclusive to MEN! ( some women act like this too!) It is usually a sign of immaturity....and lack of self-esteem. Hopefully they will grow out of it. Plenty of people (myself included) might have been "categorized" as such....when we were younger. ...... It is just a part of the "social maturity" cycle. Hmmm? come to think of it....I may still be in the "juvenile" stages myself!! Some of us ....never "grow up!" ya know?
Who knows you might end up being with a " former" asshole! Happens all the time. Many people I know could.....not STAND their future spouses....when they first met! You will find someone who WILL accept you "as is" no matter what size the "packaging" is! Don't let a few ******** discourage you!
Who knows you might end up being with a " former" asshole! Happens all the time. Many people I know could.....not STAND their future spouses....when they first met! You will find someone who WILL accept you "as is" no matter what size the "packaging" is! Don't let a few ******** discourage you!
I got that sick feeling in my stomach reading your post because I've been there too. I'd guess many of us here have. I agree with the other posters who said these are obviously not the kind of guys you want to be with anyway, but that doesn't take away the sting much. ((hugs)) I also agree that the RIGHT guy will find his way to you- when you least expect it!

On April 2, 2011 at 6:04 PM Pacific Time, Melanie B. wrote:
Can I just say that sometimes I hate men!I have always been self-conscious about my body and too afraid of what people think of I've gotten heavier over the years it only got worse and worse, and I rarely date! The inner dialogue in my head is always running with "I look fat in this..." or "Her friend(s) are so much hotter..." ETC. In the past I just avoided going out where I felt I'd be in situations that would make me feel bad about myself. I didn't go to parties unless I knew the majority of people going, I never went OUT to clubs or bars with friends...basically I was miserable and a 25/26 year old hermit! So nowwwww I have lost so much weight and feel SO much better about myself I WANT to go out and do things AND I am getting tons more invitations! That inner dialogue is still there, but it's a ton easier to shove into a box and so much less than it used to be. I am getting tons of compliments from co-workers, friends, and family and that only pumps up my what's the problem right?
I've started going out alot more...friends’ houses for parties, bars, etc. I've overheard conversations from guys commenting on how "fat" I am - "You take the fat one - no you take the fat one....c'mon take one for the Team." ETC and it just brings that inner dialogue right back in the open, making me want to be a hermit all over again. Since my surgery I've lost 94lbs which is amazing, BUT to normal standards I STILL have 100lbs more to go and I just HATE the judgment! THEN I will have to worry about all the loose skin...UGH! It is so depressing!
Please I need some words of wisdom!
The majority of men are not like this. Just the ignorant ones. Stop hanging out with ignorant people and your feelings will not get hurt.
It really amazes me how some men and women seem to gravitate towards the ignorant ones time after time and cant figure out why. Probably because of where you are meeting them.