Heather D.
on 3/29/10 4:47 am - Austin, TX
I know you asked Mel for answers, but I think I can answer a couple of those questions myself - at least from my point of view as a patient who had complications. Of course she and anyone else is free to give their answers as well I would assume.

5. The license points to the ethics of anyone who would fabricate it as well as any illegality. But as far as Betancourt's post-op skills and knowledge go, has there been a case/cases with complications tied directly to those skills and knowledge?

7. Do you feel your own post-op care at the clinic was affected by the licensing issue?

To answer both of those questions, in my opinion, yes. If this man is willing to forge his own medical license, that (to me at least) is a slippery slope and brings into question the medical knowledge and training of those who work for him. (I'll address your question #6 regarding Almanza in a bit.)

After having my drain tube removed by Sylvia and Cesar (who I had never met before that point, who is Betancourt's boyfriend and who claimed to be a pediatrician), I started having a little bit of pain in one of my incisions. I didn't really know it was abnormal and chalked it up to having just had surgery. The next morning as I was being released one of the men who worked there (I'm sorry, I can't remember his name), was changing my bandages and said everything looked good. Hours later, however, I was in pretty terrible pain from this one incision site and ended up at the doctor the next day. The moral of the story is, I just had MAJOR surgery and the only "doctor" who looked at my incisions afterwards was Betancourt (and this was while they were covered). I TRUSTED that the man and his staff knew what they were doing in my aftercare. I feel like if they had known what they were doing there's a chance they might have caught the infection earlier. But to be fair, I guess, there's not really any way to know if they would have or not.

6. In the thread Anyone used Dr Almanza (or similar), I don't understand why the license information that only has to do with Betancourt, was posted there. The implication, if not full out statements, are that Dr Almanza's surgical skills and knowledge are somehow tied to that license. Indeed, that OP inferred that connection and stated she would tell her friend to go to another surgeon. These threads last forever and so will attached, forever, to Almanza. What were the reasons for blacklisting Almanza?

These threads will be forever attached to Almanza because he has attached himself to Betancourt. Simple as that. I have said that I thought Dr. Almanza did a good job with my surgery, but it was the AFTERCARE that was severely lacking. As long as Almanza is doing surgeries in Betancourt's clinic and leaving his patients in the hands of Betancourt and his staff, I would not recommend people have surgery with Almanza. See what I'm getting at? It's the aftercare. You buy into one, you get the other whether you want it or not. The main problem I had with Almanza was that he, as a surgeon, did not come by and 1) talk to me after surgery or 2) look at my incisions. I don't expect the surgeon to also be the caregiver, but I would expect that they might want to go back and make sure the work they did on you looks good.

(deactivated member)
on 3/29/10 6:08 am
 Hi Heather,

Thanks for your message that I've read with great interest.

I did ask Mel because she's the OP regarding the license, which ties into her experience as a patient and CEO of her referral agency (also I don't want to hijack Mel's thread).

For Question 5, for instance, as only a patient, I'm not fully qualified to answer the question because I only know of Dr B's work on me and those results.

For Question 6, it was Mel who posted in that thread as well -- you know what they say :) go straight to the source :)

For Question 7, again, it has to do with Dr B's care of Mel because it's his license in question and whether or not it had a direct impact on her care.

Take care,
Heather D.
on 3/29/10 7:33 am - Austin, TX
I can see where you would be particularly interested in Mel's opinions because, as one who formerly referred patients there, she has base of knowledge whi*****ludes other patients and their complications. However, I feel like you asked these questions then completely dismissed my answers because I wasn't the particular person you asked - when we are both qualified to answer. The issues at hand and their repercussions are bigger than just a few patients. I'd think you'd want as many open and honest opinions and answers as you could get. (Even if those opinions and answers differ from your own.)

(deactivated member)
on 3/29/10 9:27 am
 Hi Heather,

I'm sorry if it seemed like you or your answers were being dismissed. My intention was to keep Mel's  OP thread clear for questions and replies to her.

But, you've spurred me on to post a new thread for Almanza or Betancourt patients asking the question of whether or not the license mattered given the care they received.

It would be great to discuss what we think there.

Thanks, Heather.

on 3/29/10 7:15 am - Canada
1. what is the other very long number that's on the license?

I'm not sure.

2. how long have you had the license you posted? from whom did you get it, please?

I've had it since I started coordinating for them.  I also have both of Dr. Almanza's.  I got them from the clinic.  By the way, Dr. Almanza's are both legitimate.  His general practise license and his general surgeon's license.  I looked them all up after I received an email from someone telling me that Dr. Betancourt wasn't really a doctor and that Dr. Almanza wasn't a board certified surgeon last week.

3. I contacted the clinic to get "their side". They implied that they could not speak publicly about this and other matters because of being involved in prosecuting people for slander and/or blackmail. What information do you have about these, please?

I have no information about any such thing.  Your comment is the first I have heard.  It sounds pretty silly to me.  Either he is a doctor or he isn't.  Either that copy is counterfeit or it isn't.  Either that license # belongs to a Dr. Cesar Lara or it doesn't.  It's pretty back and white.
4. I don't care about real names or other personal information -- but who is this donemytime person? I ask because s/he introduced her/himself to me in February as being a pre-op who wanted some information on my surgery. Yet, now s/he has e-mails sent to you from the Betancourt Organization? Was I too nice too soon and too smart too late?

I don't know the details about that.  You will have to contact donemytime and ask her directly.

5. The license points to the ethics of anyone who would fabricate it as well as any illegality. But as far as Betancourt's post-op skills and knowledge go, has there been a case/cases with complications tied directly to those skills and knowledge?

Yes.  See below.  There are others who have had infections who were assured by Andres Betancourt that everything was fine.  He is the point of contact for patients after their surgery, he routinely provides medical advice as a doctor.  Even if there were no problems at all, it is illegal to pose as a medical doctor in Mexico.

6. In the thread Anyone used Dr Almanza (or similar), I don't understand why the license information that only has to do with Betancourt, was posted there. The implication, if not full out statements, are that Dr Almanza's surgical skills and knowledge are somehow tied to that license. Indeed, that OP inferred that connection and stated she would tell her friend to go to another surgeon. These threads last forever and so will attached, forever, to Almanza. What were the reasons for blacklisting Almanza?

Andres Betancourt owns the clinic.  He and Dr. Almanza are business partners.  Andres Betancourt  poses as a doctor and he isn't one. 

7. Do you feel your own post-op care at the clinic was affected by the licensing issue?

Yes.  Andres Betancourt orders and purchases the supplies for the OR, and he often boasts about how he buys these supplies in bulk and that is why he can offer such cheap surgeries.  Those supplies are the reason why I had the wrong sutures.  Because of this, I had to have day surgery to have them taken out about a month after my abdominoplasty. 

Edited to add:

8. Every time (including yesterday), I looked at the Clinic's website and clicked on medical staff, Betancourt was not among those listed. Is it possible that he liked to be called doctor, and so the myth was perpetuated?

Isn't that what I am saying?  That he has been posing as a doctor and he isn't one. 

HW: 225  |  SW: 198  |  CW: 123 | Height: 5' 7.5"  I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!
13 lbs below goal :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/10 8:33 am
 Hi Mel,

Thanks very much for your message and clear, concise replies that helps me understand what you mean. I don't think many things are ever black and white, though. And I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on a few things.

A5: Your answer could be quite compelling providing Dr B could see that the incisions were infected and did nothing about it but send people home. I don't know how long every type of infection takes to manifest itself but for those going home in 2 days, would it be apparent? Also, I know of one person who posted that she did not take her antibiotics and had an infection. And, I know of another who didn't shower for days after the surgery and ended up with an infection. The case below points to a Cesar (and someone else) as being the cause of that issue. For me, cause and effect relating specifically to Dr B is not clear at all.

A6: For me, there is no positive correlation between the license and Dr Almanza's surgical skills. We could talk about ethics here, but not the skills. Additionally, Almanza is relatively new to the scene so it is possible that he knew nothing about the license. As you said, you've had it for months and didn't check it until now.

A7: Sorry, I don't understand how his being licensed has anything to do with his purchasing behaviors. Again, this might have to do with ethics. But, I think there must be hundreds of doctors who purchase in bulk to save money. And, not all of them or their suppliers are necessarily ISO certified (International Standards for quality).

A8: Sorry, I should have made the question clearer. By perpetuating the myth, I meant to query whether or not you and I did that because we (and anyone else for that matter) could have checked on that license long ago but did not. Instead, we went along with the Dr bit.

I don't know about the legalities of posing as a doctor vs. buyer beware (caveat emptor). Nor do I know about the legalities of posing as a doctor vs. advertising oneself as an MD. In the case of the latter, I've not seen any Clinic ads that have done this, including his e-mail signature.

It just seems so unreal that coordinators would receive a license from well, Dr B's organization, knowing full well that it could be easily traced. Something doesn't fit at all.

A2: You're much more forgiving than I. If someone was broadcasting my private business communications over the internet -- and especially that which states you and Dr B are in some sort of business conflict -- without my permission, I'd be livid, to say the least.

I want to thank you again for your message. Whether we agree or not, it has helped me determine that for me, the Dr B licensing issue had no bearing on the surgery or the care I received while I was at the clinic. And, with all of the information you've provided, I'm pretty sure I would have concluded the same thing if I would have known all of this before my surgery.

Thank you, Mel.

Stay well,

on 3/29/10 5:17 am - Harrisburg, PA
VSG on 11/11/09 with
I just want to thank you so much for posting this information.  If I were considering this surgeon, I would want to know this and take it into consideration.  Did the fact that Betancourt doesn't have a medical license affect the outcome/recovery of any patients?  Maybe; we may never know for sure.  However, to me, it certainly certainly seems fishy, and it would certainly cause me to not trust him and the procedures that are followed there.  When I was making my decision on my surgeon, I (personally) did not feel comfortable with recovering in a "recovery house;" as I felt more comfortable (and was willing to pay for) recovery in a hospital.  But again, that's just me personally - there are many who feel comfortable with that and that's great.  I had surgery in Mexico with Dr. Joya (and NO I am not a paid poster or trying to start any 'surgeon wars'  or anything).  My sister and I both had VSG with him on the same day, and we were his only two surgeries scheduled for that day.  Our experience was wonderful; and believe me if it was anything less than wonderful; or if I later became aware of any of his patients who had problems I would have posted them as well, regardless of who my surgeon was.  When pre-ops are researching surgeons, the most information they can get, the better IMO.   I applaud you, peanutfreemom, and other posters for posting the facts so that OH members can decide themselves what/who they are comfortable with.  It seems that maybe some surgeons start to get a little too money-hungry (not just in Mexico, but happens in the U.S., etc. as well); and when this happens, the level of patient care can suffer.  I'm wondering if this has happened in this situation?  They probably didn't mean for the level of patient care to suffer; but utiimately this seems to have been the (unintentional?) result.  It's very unfortunate for those who had complications or low-quality care, and I really hope that they are all recovering well now.  The stories are honestly quite scary to me.  I'm glad that many of Dr. Almanza's patients did have a positive experience, and are doing well.  All of this makes me even more grateful and happy; that I had a positive experience, recovery, and outcome so far.  And thanks to EVERYONE posting their views on this situation.  It seems to be a very difficult situation for everyone involved; but I do wish everyone happiness and peace (and no more threats or lawsuits).


(deactivated member)
on 4/29/10 11:50 am - AZ
All references to Betancourt not being a doctor as he claims are being deleted by OH. I wanted to refresh everyone's minds before OH finds tham all.
(deactivated member)
on 6/2/10 9:44 am - AZ

Great post. Might I suggest you xpost it to its very own thread? Lots of people skip over longer threads thinking they don't want to play catch up.
(deactivated member)
on 11/15/10 4:46 am
Dr Betancourt should have a buy a car and get a gastric sleeve half off promo  
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