Makes me wonder if they are using steel staples or titanium? God help em all if the staples were steel and they have any future problems needing an MRI exam, especially if they don't know what was used......... Just wondering if that is one way they can do the surgery so cheaply.....................
I don't know, why don't you ask PeanutFreeMom since she is one of the people that chose to have her surgery done so "cheaply!" Hopefully we're not all going to die and have HIV and whatever else you guys have suggested since we are in all fact CHEAP people! I guess it will serve us right for not spending the whole extra $1,000 dollars that you did. Really.....Shut up if you have no idea what you are talking about!!!!
I would never try to talk someone into going to any surgeon they are not comfortable with, but
I will continue to let everyone know the fact that my surgery went wonderfully!!! The cleanliness, staff, etc. was all impeccable. You can post 150 different things about how horrible you say these people are and it will still not change my mind about my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!!!
I've been there - Done That - Doing Great!!!
I would never try to talk someone into going to any surgeon they are not comfortable with, but
I will continue to let everyone know the fact that my surgery went wonderfully!!! The cleanliness, staff, etc. was all impeccable. You can post 150 different things about how horrible you say these people are and it will still not change my mind about my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!!!
I've been there - Done That - Doing Great!!!
Hi LifeLover,
Just to clarify again - my thread is not intended to bash the clinic. I also had a great experience there for my sleeve. I am certainly not saying that there aren't people who are happy with their surgery there. Of course there are.
This is only about one thing - is Dr. Betancourt a doctor as he claims?
The answer is no. He is not. His license is counterfeit. He is not a physician.
In fact, he could be charged by the authorities in Mexico because it is a crime (as it is in the United States and Canada) to fraudulently pose as a doctor.
I posted this information so people can make an informed decision. I am well aware that this will not affect his business at the end of the day. People will still choose to go there for their surgery. And that is certainly their choice.
Just to clarify again - my thread is not intended to bash the clinic. I also had a great experience there for my sleeve. I am certainly not saying that there aren't people who are happy with their surgery there. Of course there are.
This is only about one thing - is Dr. Betancourt a doctor as he claims?
The answer is no. He is not. His license is counterfeit. He is not a physician.
In fact, he could be charged by the authorities in Mexico because it is a crime (as it is in the United States and Canada) to fraudulently pose as a doctor.
I posted this information so people can make an informed decision. I am well aware that this will not affect his business at the end of the day. People will still choose to go there for their surgery. And that is certainly their choice.
Okay, I totally understand the meaning of this thread. It is about Dr. / Mr. Bentacourt and whether or not he is actually a doctor.
Here is my issue...this has turned into soooooo much more.
Dr. Almanza, who is in fact the surgeon, is going down in flames for this? Why?!?! Almost EVERYONE that I have seen post, even negative posts have all thought Dr. Almanza was a great surgeon and most of them say there was no fault of his with anything that went wrong. BUT, then all of the sudden there are cases of leaks and feeding tubes and horrible things that are said to be happening...wouldn't that be the SURGEON'S fault??? You obviously cannot say that you are not bashing the clinic when that is exactly what you are doing!
I would like to know if everyone knows who owns the clinic or hospital that they went to? Do they know if that person is who they say they are, do they know them at all? Dr. Bentacourt never attempted to do anything medically to me, he was simply great entertainment and the owner of the clinic and recovery houses. I also believe if he is fraudulently posing as a doctor then he ABSOLUTELY should be punished and should not be tending to patients in any medical way. But, like I said he NEVER gave me a shot, looked at stitches, or anything in any medical way.
I see that a lot of people have a ton of respect for you Melanie and that does speak volumes about your character so in no way do I mis-trust what you are saying, but you can not say that you're intentions are NOT to bash this clinic. You are bashing it loud and clear!!! I have seen your beautiful pictures and your beautiful body that you seem to be very proud of (as you should be). Dr. Almanza is the one that gave you that beautiful body!!!! Should he not get some credit for that? You were SO HAPPY that you went back and had ANOTHER of Dr. Bentacourt's colleagues do your plastic surgery as well!!!!
You said that you are now working for other surgeons. How exactly do you refer someone to a doctor that you don't have a personal experience with? Do you say...Yes, I had surgery and I look wonderful, but this isn't my surgeon. Do you then tell them that you're original surgeon did a bad job on you? Because clearly he didn't!
You keep talking of other people that you referred to the clinic having problems. I absolutely hate that anything bad could happen to anyone!!! But, are none of them on this forum??? Can they not tell us their experiences themselves. Shouldn't they tell us of their experiences?!?!?! If I was on a feeding tube for months and had these complications I would do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that NO ONE ever went through what I went through. Can you ask them to come to this forum and publish their stories for themselves? I think it is much more important for issues like this to come directly from the person that it happened to.
Again, I am in no way trying to convince anyone to going to see Dr. Almanza because it looks like these recent threads will most likely diminish his business. :( I just want to be able to give my true account of my surgery experience and let people decide from patients that actually had surgery at this clinic. That is why it is so important to hear directly from unsatisfied patients.
Thanks for your time,
Here is my issue...this has turned into soooooo much more.
Dr. Almanza, who is in fact the surgeon, is going down in flames for this? Why?!?! Almost EVERYONE that I have seen post, even negative posts have all thought Dr. Almanza was a great surgeon and most of them say there was no fault of his with anything that went wrong. BUT, then all of the sudden there are cases of leaks and feeding tubes and horrible things that are said to be happening...wouldn't that be the SURGEON'S fault??? You obviously cannot say that you are not bashing the clinic when that is exactly what you are doing!
I would like to know if everyone knows who owns the clinic or hospital that they went to? Do they know if that person is who they say they are, do they know them at all? Dr. Bentacourt never attempted to do anything medically to me, he was simply great entertainment and the owner of the clinic and recovery houses. I also believe if he is fraudulently posing as a doctor then he ABSOLUTELY should be punished and should not be tending to patients in any medical way. But, like I said he NEVER gave me a shot, looked at stitches, or anything in any medical way.
I see that a lot of people have a ton of respect for you Melanie and that does speak volumes about your character so in no way do I mis-trust what you are saying, but you can not say that you're intentions are NOT to bash this clinic. You are bashing it loud and clear!!! I have seen your beautiful pictures and your beautiful body that you seem to be very proud of (as you should be). Dr. Almanza is the one that gave you that beautiful body!!!! Should he not get some credit for that? You were SO HAPPY that you went back and had ANOTHER of Dr. Bentacourt's colleagues do your plastic surgery as well!!!!
You said that you are now working for other surgeons. How exactly do you refer someone to a doctor that you don't have a personal experience with? Do you say...Yes, I had surgery and I look wonderful, but this isn't my surgeon. Do you then tell them that you're original surgeon did a bad job on you? Because clearly he didn't!
You keep talking of other people that you referred to the clinic having problems. I absolutely hate that anything bad could happen to anyone!!! But, are none of them on this forum??? Can they not tell us their experiences themselves. Shouldn't they tell us of their experiences?!?!?! If I was on a feeding tube for months and had these complications I would do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that NO ONE ever went through what I went through. Can you ask them to come to this forum and publish their stories for themselves? I think it is much more important for issues like this to come directly from the person that it happened to.
Again, I am in no way trying to convince anyone to going to see Dr. Almanza because it looks like these recent threads will most likely diminish his business. :( I just want to be able to give my true account of my surgery experience and let people decide from patients that actually had surgery at this clinic. That is why it is so important to hear directly from unsatisfied patients.
Thanks for your time,
I never said Melanie should build a shrine for Dr. Almanza. She herself stated how much she personally liked him and her experiences there. She built a freaking website dedicated to sending business to him!!!! I guess it kind of was like a shrine if that's what you prefer to call it!!!
It was other people that she referred to them that had complications and that is when she no longer gave referrals. I'm sure Melanie understood what I meant about the above post because she seems to be intelligent. You (Donemytime) on the other hand are completely nuts!!! You have nothing to offer in any of this information , good, bad, ugly, whatever! You have no experience with this doctor or clinic! Does it make you feel important that someone may be reading one of your posts? Why do you continue talking about something you have NO experience with?!?! We all respect stories that come from the people that they happened to. Not from people who all of the sudden know this entire doctors childhood past, who he sleeps with, the name of his dog, his 3 fish and his pet dragon.
Seriously, where do you get this crazy info from??? How did you all of the sudden learn everything about this man so quickly? Claiming his real name is Joey? 7th grade education? Who gives you this info? And how the hell do they know that? Seems to me like someone used to be pretty good friends with "Dr. Evil" to know all this personal information. Or could it be in fact someone just talking s*^t???
It is probably time for you to move on to stalk another doctor or owner of clinic because I really don't see how it is possible for you to add anything else to Dr. Bentacourt's biography.
It was other people that she referred to them that had complications and that is when she no longer gave referrals. I'm sure Melanie understood what I meant about the above post because she seems to be intelligent. You (Donemytime) on the other hand are completely nuts!!! You have nothing to offer in any of this information , good, bad, ugly, whatever! You have no experience with this doctor or clinic! Does it make you feel important that someone may be reading one of your posts? Why do you continue talking about something you have NO experience with?!?! We all respect stories that come from the people that they happened to. Not from people who all of the sudden know this entire doctors childhood past, who he sleeps with, the name of his dog, his 3 fish and his pet dragon.
Seriously, where do you get this crazy info from??? How did you all of the sudden learn everything about this man so quickly? Claiming his real name is Joey? 7th grade education? Who gives you this info? And how the hell do they know that? Seems to me like someone used to be pretty good friends with "Dr. Evil" to know all this personal information. Or could it be in fact someone just talking s*^t???
It is probably time for you to move on to stalk another doctor or owner of clinic because I really don't see how it is possible for you to add anything else to Dr. Bentacourt's biography.
On March 28, 2010 at 9:43 PM Pacific Time, donemytime wrote:
Yes, Melanie you should build a shrine to Dr. Almanza, and kiss his picture daily because your complications after your surgery were very minor. Luckily you could call your brothers and sister in laws(all doctors btw) and tell them your symtoyms and get the medical attention you needed with the stricture excetera...) Dr. Almanza is obviuosly some peoples God around here...not sure why you have to be so were and amazing piece of flesh to begin with...Now as far as the patients who still remain in the hospitals in Canada and Dr. Evil does not answer their questions...This information you have given to EVERYONE who may or may not become a casuality of Dr. Evil(I do like this one)...Dr. B...Joey...Fred...Peter who ever this freak posing as a doctor is. I do think we will hear the end of this, and I really don't think there will be any winners. My fears of lesser than staples and sutures and supplies of all kinds are also starting to's creepy to say the very least. And just totally UNETHICAL to pose as a Doctor when you are not!!!
I found this on another site:
Jeez, Sandy just a few months ago you defended him on this matter....posting the exact same license.
So Sandy where is the copy of YOUR license for Betancourt gone???? Funny how it's no longer available for viewing!
Maybe you wanna produce the real one as you and Joey aka Andres are so tight!!
As far as you go will certainly reward you accordingly!!
I found this on another site:
Jeez, Sandy just a few months ago you defended him on this matter....posting the exact same license.~~
Hey Donemytime....
There is a bit of history behind this thread.
When Sandy posted this I think she must have thought people were too stupid to research the licensing. I can't come up with another reason to post fake licensing.
She links the links back to THAT thread was deleted. So the links no longer work on Wellllll, I have friends in low places and I was able to get a copy of the entire thread, links and all. I'm happy to send it to anyone who asks for it, it is currently on my hard drive, never to be deleted again.
Sandy has it in her wee head that if her deceit affects her business, it is litigious. It is not. Truth does win out in the law in these case. She posted fake and false information to get new business (and this CAN be proven that she knew she was posting false information, this one is easy) and when someone posts truth she has it in her head that she can sue over this.
What she doesn't get is this... you can't post fake info, false licensing, and counterfeit licenses and when someone comes along and tells the truth cry UNFAIR! I'M SUING YOU FOR CALLING ME OUT AS A FLAT OUT LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!" The law doesn't work that way.
From what I'm reading on the boards Joey (aka Betancourt) is telling future patients he can't prove his license isn't a fake because he too, is suing everyone who came clean with the truth. He's just dodging trying to explain he isn't a doctor. He's a USED CAR SALESMAN! Yeah, how's that for someone doing your post op care!?!? He used to be a dental assistant, used care salesman, turned MD overnight! No college, hell! Not even a high school education! He dropped out in 7th grade and this explains his inability to spell simple words.
Sandy and Joey... they are a match made in heaven!
Com'on Sandy, quit making threats. Sue me or don't but STFU once and for all you lying cow!
On March 28, 2010 at 9:21 AM Pacific Time, zsflower wrote:
Wow Melanie a little disgruntled are you? YOU contact ME and expect me to blindly follow you after what you did? You state, "Why do you think she is now trying to state that she only works for Dr. Almanza and not Dr. Betancourt?"
I sell surgeries performed by Dr. Almanza. Dr. Betancourt doesn't do surgeries for anyone I send there. That's why I made the statement. But you know better than I what my reasons are?
Then you state,
"None of these people want to lose their income. Would you?"
My guess is that you're not happy that YOU lost your income.
I don't think these fine folks here want to listen to the personal between you and I. Yes, I do get my attorney involved in these types of instances. I'm accused of "threatening to sue everyone". Anyone that runs a business understands that the right thing to do is to have an attorney handle the situation when libel is involved and an attempt to interfere with business practices is attempted. The wrong thing to do is to have a public battle via email or on a support group board. I probably shouldn't have posted it here. I won't take it down because you can't un-ring a bell, but I won't continue it here. Anyone that wishes to continue it can do so through my attorney because that's the correct thing to do.
Perhaps if you would hang with a better crowd you wouldn't have the need for lawyers as often as you do.
You posted (and I have a copy of the entire thread, btw) that Betencourt is a licensed doctor and the clinic he operates out of is a licensed "hospital". You also wrote (but later deleted) that Almanza is board certified in surgery.
Are you still standing behind all these claims of yours?
On March 28, 2010 at 7:42 AM Pacific Time, bigisbad wrote:
Thank you for posting the info in regards to CA doctors. I guess I have wrong information.To put this all to an end... why don't one of you take the bull by the horns and contact Melissa at the Jerusalem Clinic. Advise her whats going on and ask her straight forward... is he a registered doctor and where. And you would like to post proof. I know some of you have the time since you post up to 30 posts a day. Just 1 phone call....
Lets put an end to the witch hunt!
I will look forward to seeing the post with details.
Aren't YOU the one having surgery next month? Isn't this YOUR job?
To be honest, the way you have treated other Betancourt post ops that have issues and questions, you deserve Betancourt/Almanza.
Have a wonderful surgery.
Apparently, technology is not my friend this morning.
Third time is the lucky charm!
For the record - I did contact Melissa. I contacted all of the coordinators who work for Andres Betancourt, including Betancourt. I simply used the email list from the emails I received from his assistant, Louise.
Here is the list:
Cc: Deepak Datta, Desiree Castillo , Gabriel Senior , Hazel Ramos , Heather Wicklow , Laure Wolf , Melissa Bracker , Nina Mehrabani , Patti Lissberger , Rita Coonrod , Sandy Johnston , Sheila Komito , Shirley Bergman , Wally Lim , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]>, Rita Coonrod , Sandy Johnston , Sheila Komito , Shirley Bergman , Wally Lim , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
I received two phone calls from two of his coordinators, and the following email from Sandy Johnston:
From: "[email protected]"
Date: March 26, 2010 9:56:47 AM CST
To: Melanie Wildman
Cc: David Zarka
Subject: Re: Jerusalem Hosptial/Emmanuel Medical Center
Dear Ms. Wildman:
Are you claiming to have the legal knowledge to advise me regarding my business? Please be advised that you are walking a very thin line here. I not only don't know who you are, but I don't believe a word of what you are saying. I do know that you either stopped working with Dr. Almanza or were terminated. For the record, I don't provide marketing and sales for services with Dr. Betancourt, I provide the services for Dr. Almanza. I will not tolerate anyone threatening me or telling me what I can and can't do in my business practices. Do NOT contact me directly any further. I only consider legal advice from my attorney. If you have anything further so say, please contact my attorney:
David Zarka
2377 Gold Meadow Way, Suite #210
Gold River, CA 95670
[email protected]
Tel 916-631-1522
Fax 916-631-1592
Sandy Johnston
General Manager
Patient Care Coordinator
1-877-765-THIN (8446)
1-916-914-2108 (fax)
[email protected]
This is not a witch hunt. This is simply the facts. Andres Betancout claims to be a doctor. He gives advice, provides medical services and poses as a doctor as the owner of that clinic. Sandy Johnston has the same copy of his 'license' that I have. Just like I also have copies of Dr. Almanza's licenses. I included the link to the Government of Mexico's website in my email to all those coordinators. All of them could look it up just like all of you can. Why do you think she is now trying to state that she only works for Dr. Almanza and not Dr. Betancourt?
None of these people want to lose their income. Would you?
But if Andres Betancourt was a legitimate doctor, the proof would have been provided to me after I sent that email, and it certainly would have been posted on this thread. It has not been provided, because it doesn't exist. He is not a doctor. Not in the United States, not in Canada and not in Mexico.
You cannot 'wish' a medical license into existence.
Third time is the lucky charm!
For the record - I did contact Melissa. I contacted all of the coordinators who work for Andres Betancourt, including Betancourt. I simply used the email list from the emails I received from his assistant, Louise.
Here is the list:
To: Louise Johnson
Cc: Deepak Datta
I received two phone calls from two of his coordinators, and the following email from Sandy Johnston:
From: "[email protected]"
Date: March 26, 2010 9:56:47 AM CST
To: Melanie Wildman
Cc: David Zarka
Subject: Re: Jerusalem Hosptial/Emmanuel Medical Center
Dear Ms. Wildman:
Are you claiming to have the legal knowledge to advise me regarding my business? Please be advised that you are walking a very thin line here. I not only don't know who you are, but I don't believe a word of what you are saying. I do know that you either stopped working with Dr. Almanza or were terminated. For the record, I don't provide marketing and sales for services with Dr. Betancourt, I provide the services for Dr. Almanza. I will not tolerate anyone threatening me or telling me what I can and can't do in my business practices. Do NOT contact me directly any further. I only consider legal advice from my attorney. If you have anything further so say, please contact my attorney:
David Zarka
2377 Gold Meadow Way, Suite #210
Gold River, CA 95670
[email protected]
Tel 916-631-1522
Fax 916-631-1592
Sandy Johnston
General Manager
Patient Care Coordinator
1-877-765-THIN (8446)
1-916-914-2108 (fax)
[email protected]
This is not a witch hunt. This is simply the facts. Andres Betancout claims to be a doctor. He gives advice, provides medical services and poses as a doctor as the owner of that clinic. Sandy Johnston has the same copy of his 'license' that I have. Just like I also have copies of Dr. Almanza's licenses. I included the link to the Government of Mexico's website in my email to all those coordinators. All of them could look it up just like all of you can. Why do you think she is now trying to state that she only works for Dr. Almanza and not Dr. Betancourt?
None of these people want to lose their income. Would you?
But if Andres Betancourt was a legitimate doctor, the proof would have been provided to me after I sent that email, and it certainly would have been posted on this thread. It has not been provided, because it doesn't exist. He is not a doctor. Not in the United States, not in Canada and not in Mexico.
You cannot 'wish' a medical license into existence.