I just want to say I think it's great you have posted all this even though it can't have been easy. good on you!

hugs from Jackie
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
To put this all to an end... why don't one of you take the bull by the horns and contact Melissa at the Jerusalem Clinic. Advise her whats going on and ask her straight forward... is he a registered doctor and where. And you would like to post proof. I know some of you have the time since you post up to 30 posts a day. Just 1 phone call....
Lets put an end to the witch hunt!
I will look forward to seeing the post with details.
I've rewritten it - Again!!
For the record - I did contact Melissa. I contacted all of the coordinators who work for Andres Betancourt, including Betancourt. I simply used the email list from the emails I received from his assistant, Louise.
Here is the list:
To: Louise Johnson
Cc: Deepak Datta
"Why do you think she is now trying to state that she only works for Dr. Almanza and not Dr. Betancourt?"
I sell surgeries performed by Dr. Almanza. Dr. Betancourt doesn't do surgeries for anyone I send there. That's why I made the statement. But you know better than I what my reasons are?
Then you state,
"None of these people want to lose their income. Would you?"
My guess is that you're not happy that YOU lost your income.
I don't think these fine folks here want to listen to the personal between you and I. Yes, I do get my attorney involved in these types of instances. I'm accused of "threatening to sue everyone". Anyone that runs a business understands that the right thing to do is to have an attorney handle the situation when libel is involved and an attempt to interfere with business practices is attempted. The wrong thing to do is to have a public battle via email or on a support group board. I probably shouldn't have posted it here. I won't take it down because you can't un-ring a bell, but I won't continue it here. Anyone that wishes to continue it can do so through my attorney because that's the correct thing to do.
Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator
1. Yes, I did contact you. I gave you, and every other coordinator and business who works with him the opportunity to see the evidence that Andres Betancourt is not a doctor before I said anything publically.
So thank you for verifying that.
2. You are now stating publically that you only work for Dr. Almanza, even though Dr. Betancourt owns the clinic and is clearly a business partner with him. You have not attempted to argue that I am incorrect and that Andres Betancourt is really a doctor. This speaks volumes.
3. You are guessing that I am "not happy" that I lost my income and that is why I am posting the fact that he is not a doctor and has a counterfeit medical license. Thank you for pointing out on OH that I have put other's safety above my own financial gain.
All in all, I think your post has been very helpful for anyone wondering if the clinic is safe and legitimate. Now people can make an informed decision regarding your company, and the clinic.
Just in case you decide to delete your post. I will include it below:
Elk Grove, CA
Revision (02/05/08)
Member Since: 06/20/02
[Latest Posts]
Post Date: 3/28/10 9:21 am
Wow Melanie a little disgruntled are you? YOU contact ME and expect me to blindly follow you after what you did? You state,
"Why do you think she is now trying to state that she only works for Dr. Almanza and not Dr. Betancourt?"
I sell surgeries performed by Dr. Almanza. Dr. Betancourt doesn't do surgeries for anyone I send there. That's why I made the statement. But you know better than I what my reasons are?
Then you state,
"None of these people want to lose their income. Would you?"
My guess is that you're not happy that YOU lost your income.
I don't think these fine folks here want to listen to the personal between you and I. Yes, I do get my attorney involved in these types of instances. I'm accused of "threatening to sue everyone". Anyone that runs a business understands that the right thing to do is to have an attorney handle the situation when libel is involved and an attempt to interfere with business practices is attempted. The wrong thing to do is to have a public battle via email or on a support group board. I probably shouldn't have posted it here. I won't take it down because you can't un-ring a bell, but I won't continue it here. Anyone that wishes to continue it can do so through my attorney because that's the correct thing to do.
Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator
[email protected]
877-765-THIN (8446)
You STILL want to keep this up publically? Don't worry, I don't plan to delete my post. I have no reason to.
First of all, you provided me NO EVIDENCE of a fake license. You sent me a copy of a license that YOU said is fake. That doesn't make it so. For the record, I did state that I don't believe you. The evidence you did however provide was emails back and forth between yourself and the Center over a dispute regarding money owed.
Yes, Dr. Betancourt runs the business end of the Center. I am correct in stating that I sell surgeries performed by Dr. Almanza. Dr. Betancourt runs the business. He doesn't do the surgeries. I don't understand what you are trying to get me to say!
As I stated previously, if you really all of a sudden grew a conscience and were, as you put it, "putting other's safety above your own financial gain", instead of sending an email telling everyone that does business with this center that they had better stop...or else, you would have contacted everyone and asked questions regarding the well being of the clients we have sent. You would have called and asked, "Have your clients had any complications out of the ordinary? Or, have you seen too many infections? Have you had any leaks lately?" You would have said, "Gee, I have seen so many problems that I feel uncomfortable". This is what a responsible, ethical person that is worried about the well being of the patients would have done. You would have wanted to find out just how many complications were out there. But you didn't do that. You didn't even ask a single question about any of our clients!
Instead, AFTER you received an email (which you included in the email you sent to me dated just before your post) telling you to remove Dr. Almanza from your website, you immediately went on a witch hunt!
It sure looks to me like your agenda is to try to get everyone to stop sending patients to Dr. Almanza for a reason other than "the safety of others".
Thanks but I don't need your legal advice. I have an attorney. I suggest if you have anything further to say to me, you say it to him. I don't want to do this with you any longer. That's what I pay him for. Good luck to you!
Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator
You STILL want to keep this up publically? Don't worry, I don't plan to delete my post. I have no reason to.
First of all, you provided me NO EVIDENCE of a fake license. You sent me a copy of a license that YOU said is fake. That doesn't make it so. For the record, I did state that I don't believe you. The evidence you did however provide was emails back and forth between yourself and the Center over a dispute regarding money owed.
Yes, Dr. Betancourt runs the business end of the Center. I am correct in stating that I sell surgeries performed by Dr. Almanza. Dr. Betancourt runs the business. He doesn't do the surgeries. I don't understand what you are trying to get me to say!
As I stated previously, if you really all of a sudden grew a conscience and were, as you put it, "putting other's safety above your own financial gain", instead of sending an email telling everyone that does business with this center that they had better stop...or else, you would have contacted everyone and asked questions regarding the well being of the clients we have sent. You would have called and asked, "Have your clients had any complications out of the ordinary? Or, have you seen too many infections? Have you had any leaks lately?" You would have said, "Gee, I have seen so many problems that I feel uncomfortable". This is what a responsible, ethical person that is worried about the well being of the patients would have done. You would have wanted to find out just how many complications were out there. But you didn't do that. You didn't even ask a single question about any of our clients!
Instead, AFTER you received an email (which you included in the email you sent to me dated just before your post) telling you to remove Dr. Almanza from your website, you immediately went on a witch hunt!
It sure looks to me like your agenda is to try to get everyone to stop sending patients to Dr. Almanza for a reason other than "the safety of others".
Thanks but I don't need your legal advice. I have an attorney. I suggest if you have anything further to say to me, you say it to him. I don't want to do this with you any longer. That's what I pay him for. Good luck to you!
For the THIRD time, several months ago you posted Andres Betancourt's medical license and claimed it was legit.
You posted the "clinic" license and claimed it was legit and a hospital license.
You claimed Almanza is board certified.
For the THIRD time, do you still stand behind each of these claims?
You seem to be under the impression that if anything affects your business, it is litigious. What you don't understand is this, when you flat out lie to patients and future patients and you are caught doing so.. sure, it might affect your business but that doesn't mean you will win a lawsuit. Your knee jerk reaction to everything is you run around spinning in circles screaming, 'I"m gonna SUE you and you and you!" Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Seriously, any idea?
You just aren't a bright person in my book. You got caught and today, it would appear you are paying the price for flat out lying to folks. Didn't your idiot lawyer explain the basics to you? The best defense to libel and slander is ... truth?
I have truth. Do you?
Go ahead, have your weird lawyer send me another email. Seriously, can't he afford a stamp? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Now, do I need to post this question to you in a new thread daily before you respond? Or are you hoping all your patients are nothing short of stupid?
Answer the hard questions, Sandy Johnston. We are all waiting to hear your response.